Friday, January 18, 2019

Ask Rich Lieberman

Image result for ask rich lieberman ANSWERING YOUR RADIO/TV/INTERNET Questions

*Name and city please; please stick to media-related questions.


  1. Any ideas/news about where Ray Ratto's next gig will be, if he gets one?

    1. Probably a writing one and not a TV gig unless someone likes curmudgeon negative nellies.

  2. Matier and Ross are one of the few reasons that I read the Chronicle. Do you know what happened to them? It appears that they are not together in print.

    1. Yeah, after 30 years, Andy Ross retired. It happens.

  3. I know that KNBR is the flagship station for the Giants. Gary and Larry talk way too much about the Giants while its still football season. It's the same old talk on who they should sign. I then switch over to the Game. What is your talk on the Giant Talk.

  4. I'm not a Giants' fan, I'm an Athletic supporter.

    1. If the Warriors do dump Fitzgerald for Papa, do you think he'll finally be off KNBR as well seeing as tho you've stated the Warriors pay his salary over there?

    2. I always pictured you in boxers.

    3. I'm a briefs guy myself.

  5. It's mid January, what is the A's radio situation looking like? And does Chris Townsend have a non compete because of 95.7 The Game that prevents him from staying as the pre/post host?

    1. I still think they're looking at KSFO; I would seriously doubt that Chris Townsend is back in that position.

  6. Have you noticed that a huge number of commercials now have a boom-boom-boom-boom rhythm playing that sounds like a fast heartbeat even when there's no music? They must think that we're going to have a Pavlovian response to it and pay attention. I pay attention -- and turn the channel.

    1. Funny, I thought the same thing and you're dead on. All it is is noise.

  7. What is the status of Paul Deanno doing news?

  8. Is Natasha Zouves ever going to come back to KGO-TV again or is she on a very long disability?

    1. Thanks for asking and the response. I've been wondering the same. I see the ABC7 website has, so far, maintained listing her as a news team member, and updated her photo with her bio/write-up. At one time, there was speculation or an estimate of her return last December '18, but that came & went with no word of her status on any social media doing a quick search. All I can say is best wishes to her and her career in the future, and get well soon.

      More speculation. If she indeed has plans with another employer/station, a prospective employer can't keep an opening forever awaiting the future employee to beat an injury/health issue. I'm just talking out of rumors I've read on this blog and I've no personal knowledge on the matter.

    2. Isn't she on maturity leave? She has at least 6 months the general labor leave to come back or else, gone for good. This is the law at any workplace unless KGO treat her like a princess giving her one year. Jessica and Alexis is much better than her.

    3. There's been nothing said about Zouves being on "maternity" leave. What has been previously posted is Zouves suffered a concussion. See here:

    4. As stated before, the biggest Circle7 issue isn't the reporters, but the ND & GM. The latter two are lucky the ratings are decent with all the newscasts combined. Otherwise, their mistreatment of hard working staff - no matter how common it is in an industry where most executives have no clue how to manage a TV station - would have been grounds for any punishment. The Ashley re-signing is so way past overdue, especially if ABC-Disney HQ have demanded this for months and middle management still drag on. A shame.

  9. Hi Rich,

    I'm not sure why this bugs me... Can you find out if you can change the color of your "Radio, Internet...dishing dirt since 2001" to white or a lighter coloring so you can see it? I may already know the answer...find a bigger problem. Anyway, I enjoy your daily blog. Keep up the stellar work.

    1. Can you do it? I have no clue, ain't that sad? OK, I said it.

    2. Rich,

      I'm not sure either... Maybe there is a tech person that can help give a simple solution. I know how to change colors on Microsoft Word and other formats but not on a website. Maybe the person or company that made the site has a simple answer. I just like your tag line and think it should be seen.

      HELP! Tech Person?

  10. Rich, in the past, you have wrote about the bad ratings on kpix morning news. Why is Michelle still around? I never hear anything good about her.

    1. I haven't the slightest other then they still think she's got it but she doesn't. In fact, the ratings continue to TANK and then some. Maybe she has pictures.

  11. Is knbr 68 lookingb to make changes now that they brought in Bonnie Jean? Murph and Mac must be pissed having her there.

    1. In actuality she's pissed off b/c they won't let her talk. And that's the dumbest thing too --the questions she is able to ask are mostly dumb and inane --plus her voice is terrible; it's all just a waste of time.

    2. More Tanika - could listen to her read the phone book.

    3. Bert is a douche. Pink sweater around the neck. He is scared of whats coming. That's why he shuts her down. The Hoover dam is breaking - Bert get a boat. Bye bye Mr. Potato.

  12. Richie why are you afraid of Pam Cook? Tell me more about HH and JH mmmm.

    1. I'm not afraid of Pam Cook at all but maybe she's afraid of me. HH? Meh. (As a news anchor) JH? Pass the wonder bread.

  13. What is the future of of each SF Giants broadcaster beyond 2019? Also, is Ted Robinson to Warriors TV really a thing?

    1. Last question first: As I reported, Joe Lacoub is a big fan of TedRob; the Warriors are moving into their new SF arena and I know they wanna make a splash; enter Ted. It is being discussed, that much I know. Giants' broadcasts beyond '19 I expect at least one change --rumors of John Miller retiring and Mike Krkow's ongoing health situation is a potential issue.

    2. They announced yesterday that Shawn Estes is replacing Jeremy Affeldt as the fill in when Krukow is off. Krukow apparently is going to limit himself to even less trips this season.

    3. Ol' Lockstep is lucky that Kruk still enjoys analyzing Giants games when his health allows him to. As for the rest of the Giants broadcasters, how much longer the remaining ones continue depend on how often they mail it in during the games (as in Jon Miller & Duane Kuip). And of course, even super Warrior sideliner Kerith probably can't save the inane Amy G. I, for one, won't attend another Oracle Park game until she stops chasing away Giants fans who just want to watch the ballgame with their families and pals, and is no longer the insufferably dull dugout reporter (can't see Bay-rooted NBC News reporters - national and local down in San Jose - putting up with her poor skills; Lester Holt is a Marin native, so when he takes a week off from his Nightly News anchor seat to catch up with Bay family & friends, love to hear his take on NBC Sports Bay Area's Giants reporting).

  14. You mention Stan alot lately, what happened?

    1. I've actually lauded Stan--thought he was/is funny but he just goes on and on and takes advantage of his act here, plus he rips me which is OK but I kinda had enough. When he mellows I'll let him back in.

    2. Please don't let Stan back in. It's better without the long soliloquies.

  15. Are there over 1000 of the exact same AAA commercials per day or does it just seem like it?

    1. Very accurate and concise words, annoying seems to be a virtue.

  16. Any thoughts on the strategy behind KGO-TV putting their most annoying personalities (Aqui/Sze) on a new Midday show that exploits and highlights their worst qualities? Do you think management could be lining up reasons (documenting evidence/bad ratings) just to let them both go? They have to be watching this trainwreck, right?

    1. Based on early ratings, no, you have to fill time and KGO thinks this is nirvana so go figure.

    2. Does KGO management put cotton balls in their ears? Some kind of crazy ass denial has to be going on there! I don't get it - those all too frequent granny cackles launching from Sze's big old gummy smile will drive anyone totally insane. I am beginning to think they encourage not only the cackles but her socialist opinions and commentary.

  17. Rich said he's 'an Athletic supporter' and I couldn't agree more.

  18. Replies
    1. It's bigger then life with a lot of strict codes and mystery but it is very, very important, that's for sure.

  19. On CBS, who decided to move the Network news from 5:30pm to 6:30pm? I would sometimes watch parts of the 6pm local news based on previews during the network news.

  20. That's a network call, CBS needs all the help it can; I'm not sure doing this is going to better their numbers.

  21. Why is Steve Paulson the only one airing his irrelevant, stinky tweets? Are the stinky tweets by order of management or solely Steve's idea? Can you imagine how it would be if other weather people or other anchors were airing their irrelevant tweets every 60 seconds? What a nightmare.

  22. Any news on a possible sale of the East Bay Express? They laid off 4 or 5 of the editorial staff and hired a few back as freelancers but lost a big lawsuit over back wages to a marketing employee. They've won a bunch of awards on their Oakland coverage.

  23. I meant to write about the Express but had too much on my plate last week...It's going to be hard to find a new owner that would buy the weekly; print is dead and alt weekly is even harder (recently the Village Voice ceased operations)Fact is, it's hard to make money in the print biz --even with its website, EBE is simply unsustainable. Sign of the times.

  24. Hi Rich, what do you think will happen with Greg Papa and 95.7 now that he's the 49ers new radio play-by-play guy?

    Will he stay on 95.7, or will he have to eventually make the move to KNBR? Right now it sounds like he will stay on 95.7 which is good for them, but you can't help but think about this dynamic now that Greg Papa will be calling 49er games on the KNBR.

    San Francisco

  25. Also Rich, in a somewhat related question to my last question, do you think the 49ers will eventually move to 95.7 once the Raiders move to Vegas?

    Now that Greg Papa is part of the 49ers radio broadcast team, it almost makes sense for the 49ers to do so, even though the 49ers have had a great thing on KNBR/KGO (the Cumulus family) over the years. It just seems like it would make sense especially because of the Greg Papa situation (he wouldn't have to leave 95.7 for KNBR or leave radio completely), and also because 95.7 is talking way more 49ers than the Raiders. The Raiders are pretty much as good as gone as far as 95.7 is concerned. Damon Bruce doesn't really talk Raiders anymore.

    If 95.7 gets the 49ers, that would definitely give them even more of an edge over KNBR with them airing Warriors and 49ers games, 2 of the most popular teams in the Bay Area right now. KNBR would still have the Giants which is huge, but KNBR is clearly not what they used to be. Losing the 49ers would be a huge blow to them, like losing the Warriors was.

    San Francisco

  26. Rich, you may have mentioned this before, but I'm bugged by Mary Lee and Mike Nicco referring to themselves as "meter-ologists" instead of "meteorologists"- hope they have it correct on their resumes... Andrew from Oakland

  27. KRON 4 : Is this actually a real TV Station or is this like watching Groove Tube or Kentucky Fried TV?
    JR Stone is such a maroon. What a rookie station.
    Is this real or just a hoax on the Bay Area?

    1. Re: Jest In Thyme
      I bet that at least JR Stone can spell correctly.

    2. "Rookie station". I spend a lot of time in the Reno, NV area. There is a noticeable difference/feel in the local-news broadcasts between the SFBay Area and Reno. I'm guessing money, budgets, personnel, and anything else I-can't-think-of-right-now all come into play.

      Whether any station, anchor, or reporter is better or worse, I'll let the viewers decide.
      But overall or in-general, the SFBay Area demands & expects a high-quality news presentation and that's what we're used to seeing.

      KRON's news is like a "rookie station" and, I suspect, a lot probably has to do with it losing its NBC affiliation years ago. I don't quite understand how that all equates to money; but I'm thinking KRON just can't command as high of an income compared to other stations.

      Meanwhile, KTVU doesn't have ABC, NBC, or CBS, it did score and got bought by FOX which is its own major network.

    3. Re: Anonymous January 20, 2019 at 10:43 AM

      I bet that you never watched Bugs Bunny cartoons.

  28. Reggie Aqui, and his 'I Know Sports' bullshit...make it thtop...

  29. Where is Natasha Zouves? What happened to her? There is absolutely no information on her whereabouts. Thanks!
