Thursday, July 5, 2018

Thursday Quick Shots from the 415 Media Happy Hour; KCBS Mess; KGO PD Mystery; Did Ronn Try to Hit on London Breed? Ba Da Bing


Post 4th of July scene at one of SF's most established saloons; a virtually empty bar with bored staff and ridiculously bad adult beverages; I was invited out by a sales guy from one of the Cumulus radio stations near the Broadway/Battery gulch (he paid) and won't mention the place because I go there when I have a few bucks and talk to women who actually like to engage with me; no, not World Cup-- more industry chatter and my latest bout with boredom. It's a good combo until I have to escape to BART near closing time and witness the end of the world. God, it smells. And I'm being real kind.

Pass the Smirnoff.

*At KCBS, the hot topic in the break room: just what do senior staffers have to do to rage their rage against the policies of much-detested Jennifer Seelig, the still grating News Director who seems to be the poster child of a further-growing abyss. She's getting shit because favoritism is rampant; one relatively new, young, female reporter gets all the gigs (I'm deliberately vague) and choice assignments; a feeling amongst staff that the all-news station is losing its news acumen and turning into a virtual playhouse. Pissed off people everywhere. Something's gotta break, stay tuned. (I'll be writing more in detail)

*Still no official word on KGO Radio's new PD --probably because this is a weird week with the holiday in the middle and everyone seemingly off on vacation or to Grumpy's for a tuna melt and a beer. Jack Swanson is playing coy (again) and not saying a word so maybe he prefers Maui to reading survey data.

Image result for Ronn Owens
Dog day afternoon for Ronn Owens
A shot of 1800 and a beer back.

*A few things; yes I was gone. I'm hurting physically; mentally exhausted. There's a lack of moving around and doing my workout regime; nothing against you guys and girls but if you care about me and my welfare (slightly kidding) then read the last post and contribute to the 415 Media blog then I promise you I'll feel better and write more. It's amazing what can happen when one is able to live and relax after hard work as opposed to consuming fritos and a PBR.

Image result for London Breed Twitter
Mayor-elect London Breed
*Two new reporters at KPIX; Fresno Greyhound parties galore.

By the way, I didn't know Christian Ayers is now "Chris" Ayers or was Liz Cook trying to be hip?

*Seriously now, did Ronn Owens try to hit on mayor-elect, London Breed?

That's what a spy inside the cloud told me.



  1. we have organic blue corn chips and craft brew instead of PBR and ''corn chips''. and after listening to ''NPR'' you might drink a few PBR's. notice Shulmann's writing style has gone from sports report factual semi philosophical to '' Brush a few French Bread crumbs away after reading ''The Green'' , and back to my business meeting'' kind of style. .Reflecting the more business and Gentrification City rather than Diverse culture of Yore?.

  2. There is nothing more embarrassing or uncomfortable that you will ever witness in your entire life than when Ronn Owens is hitting on a KGO guest after her appearance ends. If the woman is mildly attractive or better there's no question he will start hitting on her and he's been doing it for as long as anyone can remember. I'm sure now it reaches the point of just disgusting considering how old and demeneted he seems. Barf!

    1. Please elaborate.

    2. to add to this, Lisa Bloom's people once called the station to tell us "she will never come back" because of Ronn's post-show behavior. i dont' even think he realizes he's doing it.

  3. Jack Swanson? The guy who left KGO with what again? Who was on air when he left? Who was in the bullpen when he left? If they're bringing back Jack Swanson they may as well give Ronn Owens his whole show back and every other has been!

  4. Why do you have to tell us Ronn is hitting on London, or anybody? I realize you’re just being a good journalist, but that’s a picture I won’t be able to get out of my head for a long time. I’ve got to puke now!

  5. I don't know about London Breed, but that rescue pup that Ronn is cuddling is cuter than cat shit.

  6. Positioned to knowJuly 6, 2018 at 9:12 AM

    Ronn's a decent guy and Breed is going to be da mayor (sorry, Willie). Any local talk show host and reporter would do well to ingratiate herself/himself with her. Besides, a little light flirting can be fun for both parties (if neither party objects, of course).

  7. What did he do?
    Pat his thigh and say "Come sit on my lap whilst I read you the News of The Day!"
