LAST TUESDAY NIGHT was Debate Night in
San Jose --the
race for Governor of California and star power wasn't just the participants on the lecterns ...
NBC Bay Area sponsored the event and
Meet The Press host,
Chuck Todd moderated the debate;
KNTV's own
Raj Mathai was one of four journalists on the panel who added questions for the pols seeking the position.
It was
quite a show. (Video)
Raj Mathai, Jessica Aguirre and Chuck Todd |
Mathai was effective with his concise questions and got congratulatory reaction from participants back stage after the debate.
Todd was his usual effective self and added quite a bit of jolt to the proceedings.
Immigration of course took center stage but
infidelity questions directed at Lt. Governor
Gavin Newsom provided quite a bit of entertaining moments to Thursday night's showdown.
Who are 5 people that will continue to run the state into the ground ala the Democrat handbook, Alex?
ReplyDelete$8B surplus, asshole.
Delete$8B surplus yet we still have the worst roads in the USA. $8B surplus and they still want more money to spend on foolish programs. $8B surplus means we should be getting a refund on the money we have overpaid in taxes.
DeleteSurplus? A balanced budget through borrowed money.
DeleteCalifornia’s actual “Wall of Debt” is an estimated $443 billion, much larger than the $26.2 billion frequently cited by officials and the media, asshole.
National media hilariously pointed out the most telling moment in the California gubernatorial debate came in response to a question that had nothing to do with politics. It had to do with sacrifice. From the Chronicle, "The best thing about this question is that it required that the candidates not regurgitate the talking points they’ve recited for six months. It asked that they be introspective and self-aware, maybe a bit humble, and that they articulate what they gave up to become a finalist to lead the nation’s largest state. And most of all, it required them to know what sacrifice is. From their answers, it appears most don’t."
California's future looks sooooo bright.
The best way for Jessica Aguirre to relax about her future is if Chuck Todd puts in the same good word that Rich has posted on his blogs frequently. Despite CBS' Face The Nation continuing to lead MTP, Todd still has street cred among the national political anchors.
ReplyDeleteBTW, yes ol' Gavin & Antonio did mess up and kudos to them for both admitting this. But kudos to Newsom for knowing that while he & Villaraigosa didn't treat women right, their public papers clearly show that they didn't abuse these same women, unlike a certain someone at the Orange Stain known as the White House. Karma continues to bite all California leaders because of the ongoing residential exodus caused by housing expenses and taxes (and deservingly so), but karma needs to bite the worst people who continue to get away with physical and verbal abuse plus conning millions of people for 30 years since he lost his football league due to a bigger league swallowing them up (From a grudge against to the NFL to a Handmaid's Tale-like entourage to letting aides insult American Heroes; we've come a long way, haven't we? NOT!). Disagree with the California gubernatorial contenders and the media that covered them all you want; at least their administrations will likely never steal money and resources the way this current Federal Administration continues to.
The media needs to start covering immigration stories where speeding up the paperwork and determining who can afford to pay the fee it takes to become citizens are emphasized and stop encouraging recklessness on both sides, be it coming in illegally in droves on one side and belittling plus splitting up (as well as spitting at) families trying to escape murderous native countries on the other side.
Keep up the fine work, Rich. And whether you approve and add my post or not, never be surprised if most rebuttals come less from legitimate readers (cool people who deserve to be heard) and more from clueless trolls outside our region (fool people who could use a Moe-Three Stooges-Why-You-Knucklehead!-Ow!Ooo!Ow!-Quiet-Numskulls-I'm-posting! eyepoke job).
In the 1980s, a woman here from Iraq told me they weren't being persecuted, they just had to say so to get into the country. She also said everyone knew that, not just immigrants from Iraq. They are all laughing at the U.S. behind our backs for buying their persecution stories. Some of them, she was clearly from a well-to-do family, have made millions in the oil industry and have stashed their fortune in numbered accounts offshore. They come here and get free everything. You might have noticed they are the first ones on the steps of City Hall protesting any limitations on their freedoms.
DeleteLiberals who think they are saving the world have created something in the State of California that is not viable. As a taxpaying citizen of this state that I was born in, I say "enough," and I will start voting to end this charade. That eliminates both Newsom and Villawhatever as candidates, in my opinion.
The media is not covering the huge number of people who are completely against California as a sanctuary state, nor those against legislation by idiots like Weiner making it only a misdemeanor to infect another with HIV/AIDs. Really??? Sexually transmitted diseases are up in California, and why is that? Media sticks to it's Fantasyland liberal assumptions and have lost their audiences. They need to start interviewing the angry people who are paying for Brown's surplus. You know, when politicians collect too much, they should give it back like the crooks that they are.
There are plenty of infidelity stories about both Newsom and Villaraigosa.
ReplyDeleteHey Rich, I know Mother's Day is probably tough for you! The first one without her always is, trust me. Do whatever makes you feel better! We are all here for you!
ReplyDeleteThe decision by NBC to have F. Chuck Todd parachute in is an admission that they’ve got nobody locally who has the gravitas to moderate a gubernatorial debate. It’s a slam on the crew in San Jose. It’s sad to see Raj relegated to the panel with the print journalists, kind of a peanut gallery.
ReplyDeleteAnd think about poor F. Chuck.
Somebody calls him and says, “Hey F. Chuck, you going to that embassy party tonight. There’s going to be some hot guys there.”
F. Chuck groans and says, “Nah, I’ve got to go to California and so some stupid local election debate.”
Caller: “F. Chuck, what? You have to do local news now?”
F. Chuck: “It’s a corporate directive. They don’t have anybody in San Jose who can do this.”
Caller: “I’m embarrassed for you. Where’s San Jose anyway? Near LA, right?”
F. Chuck: “I’ve got to check my map app. Hold on. ... 60 miles from San Francisco. I guess we have a station there. Who knew?”
Find me a politician that passed an economy class.