Thursday, August 24, 2017

Why So Few Bay Area Black Women TV News Anchors? Because Racism is Rampant

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Where are all the Black Female Anchors in the SF Bay Area? I can count on one hand the number of Black anchors --female or male --anyway. It's a paltry amount and it's so ridiculous in an area that is supposedly as "liberal" and "progressive" as the Bay Area. What a crock!

Image result for Sexy Black TV Women anchorsI'll be more frank: The Bay Area is a racist heartland. I'll be more specific: San Francisco is one of the most racist cities in America. A veritable South Boston only South Boston is less racist than SF. Funny, how ironic, the land of tolerance is alive and well...except for Black women anchors on local TV News.

For all the Carolyn Tyler and Christian Ayers, there's way too many blonds --and it's appalling and disgusting. Pathetic too.

Related imageWhere's all this progressive action? Where's the diversity and culture? Have we turned into bland melba toast and velveeta? I for one am DISGUSTED and the ONLY ONE who will call out the bastards that run local TV News most of whom are closet racists and wouldn't know anything non-white if it hit 'em in the head!

Sons of bitches.

It's a SAD STATE of AFFAIRS when in 2017 we see such few Black Women anchors in the 415/510 and 408.

San Francisco Bay Area, SHAME ON YOU!


  1. What's your proof it's racism, besides your rant?

    Do you have numbers for how many blacks apply for positions?

    Do you have stats for how many are turned down, vs. other races?

    Why isn't there racism against Asians, Latinos, etc?

    In short, do you have any data at all, or just your big mouth?

    You are disgusting, fanning the flames of hate to get clicks.

    1. Dr Lieberman speaks the truth with years of knowledge and facts, whereas you speak from your aenus. We are not stopping you, sir/ma'am, from going to another blog, such as the one written by the LGBT former KGO'er out of Long Beach, for your brand of oral diarrhea. For it is Dr's Lieberman and Savage who shall set us free. Oe Amazing Grace....

    2. Just his big mouth looking for reaction to keep his blog active. Nothing to see here, folks, move along...

    3. Did Stan write this blog posting or Rich? I can't tell the difference anymore.

    4. Correction there Rich.
      South Boston was more open and honest with their racism.
      In hip San Francisco, they use African-Americans and Mexican Americans to advance their cause.

  2. If you look at the demographics of San Francisco from its Wikipedia page, you will find that African-Americans are fourth in order at 6.1%, behind Asians (33.3%), Hispanics (41.9%), and White (48.5%).

    With that information, do you now think that African-American anchors reflect the demographics of the city, or are you calling for an over-representation of one group over another? Which demographic should they displace, and why?

    1. I think Rich may be calling for a Family Feud-ization of blacks on the screen versus viewers... Gotta agree with u there;)

  3. As an example...Harris Faulkner this morning on Fox news, exceedingly fine! Who is it at Fox who hires all these brilliant, beautiful and may I say sexy women, that person gets an A+.

    Fox (cable) knows how to display their beautiful women, and the women certainly know how to display themselves, a winning combination!!

    Does Harris Faulkner and the others have the all important "it factor," well yea!! Would she accept the mandatory "grandma" dress code that is in place here in the Bay area...hell no!!

    What does exceedingly fine women get you, exceedingly high ratings, just ask Fox!!

  4. No self respecting black woman want to work in the bay area when the stations only pay enough to live in Tracy or Stockton....because even Oakland is too expensive.

    In SF you ARE the token black. The area is full of trash and just angry people. Nobody wants to be around that.

    Let me work in Las Vegas Omaha or Atlanta where there are true welcoming black communities, and stations where we are not tokens for oppressed bay area(multi-racial) guilt. guilt

  5. There may be 'few' local black anchors, but that doesn't mean the area is racist. If you simply look at the local airwaves, you will see that it is VERY diverse. Most anchors and reporters are either Asian, Hispanic, or Black. I would argue that the opposite of your theorem is true, that the SF Bay area could be called racist against whites. I personally LIKE the Asian anchors and reporters, and I really think that Eric Thomas of KGO is one of, if not the best, Anchor locally, despite being "old", gray, somewhat chubby, black, and having only one eye. On paper, he should not be where he is, but man, the guy exudes credibility and does a great job delivering the news with believability...

  6. I disagreed racism or discrimination is a issue among Black aka: African American reporters in the Bay Area. Not just there a fewer Black reporters on TV, the old time anchors on every station when it comes to working over 10-20+ years are even becoming the biggest target taken over by new, younger anchors as seen on KGO 7 and KTVU 2. KTVU 2 in the old days with Dennis Richmond and Faith (who passed away with breast cancer) are the two well respected African American long time anchors on TV. Since they worked for KTVU in Oakland and Oakland has a large African American population, it seems Black reporters get the biggest chances working for KTVU in the good old days. But, Dave Clark is kind of like the African American symbol for KTVU, the replacement of Dennis Richmond, a long time anchor who worked until his retirement. I doubt racism is a main issue targeting Black reporters, maybe in San Francisco, it is. We do see a lot of Asian reporters on all 3 stations during evening newscast. Janelle (KNTV), Veronica (KPIX), Kristen (KGO), Claduine (KTVU weekends). Everybody has to work hard, show it to the big company representing each station and maybe, please their bosses maintaining good work relationships and friendship with them to get a higher chance.

  7. Great bottom photo there Rich. Its a regular Ansel Adams of peaks.

  8. The Bay Area is about 7% Black. So just based on demographics 1-2 anchors out of 20 should be black. I bet the actual count isn't too far off from that but I'm too lazy to check. And black women are even more scarce so you shouldn't see many of them...again just based on demographics.

  9. Yes, it's possible SF media, or TV media in general, is biased against African Americans. We do see many Asians represented. SF as a city, though unfriendly at times, can seem to be sort of segregated. But one of the most racist in America? Well, it could be a good starting point for discussion.

    1. Okay, here's a good starting point for discussion: get me the statistics for how many African Americans *apply.* I've been to news conventions and if you're black and you *show up,* you will get a job. I have been sent to them with instructions "bring us back someone black." They'll hire someone white to write for them and assist them, but the face in front of the camera must be black. And still they don't come.

  10. I miss Dana King. She had the credibility. Anchors in her seat now are just readers. They read the news and that is it. I doubt they even know what the stories they are reading are about. Atleast that is how it comes across.
    I watch Judge Judy on PIX and then turn off the TV when the news readers come on.

    1. I worked with Dana. She was just a reader too, trust me. Check out her art. Much better than her broadcasting.

    2. Dana is not a deep thinker, just a reader like most of the news reader at the Pix. She, Ken and Liz Cook know how to fake sincerity.

    3. One more note on Dana, when she ran for Councilperson on Oakland and began to think that she was going to win many weeks before election and got whipped. Her opponent Abe is still laughing about it. All that corporate money from downtown interests and volunteer effort from friends at KPIX was lost. Because of her connections w/ the Mayor Office, Dana got a commission job.
      # When she worked at KPIX, she was freaking mis-focused, did not want to do the local or regional stories. She wanted to do the Bigger Picture stories.

      Credibility? LoL!

  11. "For all the Carolyn Tyler and Christian Ayers, there's way too many blonds --and it's appalling and disgusting. Pathetic too."

    For every blond there are 3 latinas or asians. Lets be real Vinny.

  12. Seriously?! There is an abundance of black female anchors in SF. Pam Moore, Ama Daetz, Alyana Gomez, Carolyn Tyler (she used to anchor) and a good amount of male anchors. I think it is a good proportion considering the ethnic breakdown of the bay area. There are several reporters as well. I think the bay area television on air staff is rather diverse. It is just because you have 'a thing' for black female air talent.

  13. We'll see an Indian woman news anchor before we see an African-American. The pinheads will come up an excuse about the Indian community having more disposable income than the African-American population or some nonsense like that. Your anchors should reflect the rich diversity of the community they serve. This isn't the Midwest where neopolitan isn't served.

  14. Belva Davis and Carolyn Tyler are the two that come to my old mind...

    1. I can think of Valerie Coleman, who was great too!

  15. The elites from southern Marin are a bunch of hipocrites.

  16. Standards of beauty and competence change based on the majority demographic and free will. It sounds as though you would favor affirmative action dictates of the news studios. Not a good idea. There will always be some group that is over represented. Most times, because that is the image most viewers want to see.
    Don't forget what Title Nine rules have done to boys sports in American schools over the past twenty years.
    We don't need to be like Sweden or Denmark in that way.

    1. Standards of beauty...Why do white men think their collective ass is a piece of candy.

  17. Will putting black women in front of the camera reading news increase ratings therefore revenue?

  18. Just the other day Brian Copeland (whom you don't like, and I do)had Rosie Allen on (along with Rita Williams) they were take about the charity the started for Faith Fancher (think that is correct spelling), Rosie and Ed Baxter was great as a news team. Also remember Belva Davis as one of the best, don't know if she it still active, heard her being interviewed once on Barbara Simpson's show, which tells you a little bit about the respect she commanded, seeing politically they were opposites.

  19. As of the 2010 census, the ethnic makeup and population of San Francisco included: 390,387 Whites (48.1%), 267,915 Asians (33.3%), 48,870 African Americans (6.1%), 4,024 Native Americans (0.5%), 3,359 Pacific Islanders (0.4%), 53,021 from other races (6.6%), and 37,659 from two or more races (4.7%). There were 121,744 Hispanics or Latinos of any race (15.1%).

    1. The census also revealed 65% of us walking around in America were born here. The saying, and everyone say's it, "We are a Nation of immigrants," no longer rings true!

      2017...215 million of us did not emigrate to America, we were born here! We are called the "American Race."

      Who are the American Race...Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders and others...we are not immigrants!!

  20. Here is the proof...Rainstorm, hailstorm, natural disaster, middle of the night happenings, riots...who gets put in the field on the worst assignements???...the black reporters that's who...NOT whitey. PROOF!

  21. Don't let a good Democrat talking point to stir up the uneducated knuckleheads get in the way of good hard facts.

  22. Where's EDWINA MOORE when u need her??!!
    WHERE I ASK????

  23. This is funny to me...and I'll tell you why...

    In the 90's (whilst living in San Diego) I was a frequent listener to a sports talk station on the MIGHTY 690 (burp).
    Anyway, On one suCH occasion, this happened to be a rant that 2 hosts ("Loose Cannons" : Steve Hartman & Bill Werndl) were on.. They were "outraged" at the the lack of African-American presence within the talk sports radio format (both of them were white, btw)...

    So... Not lost in the irony that their own station had ZERO black talkers, I call up and agreed with them... Asking which of the 2 of them was going to give up his seat to open it up to a man of color... *CLICK*... I was hung up on. LOL

  24. Rich, if you find the Bay Area so pathetic, disgusting and intolerable, you should move. Birmingham, Waco, Shreveport, Yuma, Fargo all beckon.

  25. Your obsession with black women is showing, you have more in common with Gary Radnich than you think.

  26. At one time, this site was a must read. Several weeks during one of Rich's pay me or I will go away rants, the site changed. Mean-spirited posts with the only evidence being his opinion. It is his site and he can spew hate all he wants, but this change means that I only drop by at most once a week. Between baseless attacks on people, or regurgitating crap from malcontents who work in the number five market in the country, the only regular comments are that KGO isn't what it used to be, Cumulus sucks on a daily basis, and ranting about the Giants announcers because they take some time off now and then. If you want to read a blog about radio and television, there is one in Chicago, locally dedicated, without the vitriol, Rich produces on a daily basis.

    Wonder if he'll post this? He usually won't post comments that challenge him. The only time I've seen him do that was during one of his recent begging posts.

    1. Who attacks people more...The Donald or Rich? The same rants over and over do get old.

  27. Uh...Alyana Gomez is not Black @2:41 (poster probably meant African-American rather than refer to race). She is of Puerto Rican descent.

    1. By definition, Puerto Ricans ARE black. Oh, they have a mix, consisting of Spanish, native islanders, white, and black, but because of the court ruling way back that is known as the "one-drop rule", they are black. Hey, I didn't make this up. Google ""one drop rule", and it will come up.

  28. *USE THIS ONE & Rich I hope you allow this Comment!
    I am an African American, & a proud SF Native, born and raised. My Family moved to Bernal Heights in the 1970's, & lived there up until about Six Years ago. In the 70's & throughout the early 90's Bernal Heights was a very Diverse Working Class Neighborhood, but not anymore...

    Until 1988 my Family lived quietly, & peacefully in BH, never being a problem, or having issues with anyone. But in 1988 a Woman moved across the street from us, and the moment she laid eyes on me I knew there would be problems. If anyone knows anything about BH, you know that PARKING is a MAJOR ISSUE in that Hood. One day I came home from work to find an Vehicle Parked half in my Driveway, with the other half in the Parking Space in front of my house?! I thought I will wait, & maybe the owner of the car would eventually move the car. Days went by, so I knocked on other neighbors doors asking "who owns the car parked in front of my house, because they were depriving me of parking in my Driveway/Garage! Finally I Knocked on the New Neighbor's door, I got No answer...So I knocked on her Tenants Door, & the Young Woman told me, that her Land lady had gone on Vacation with her BF, and that was his car Parked in front of my house. She went on to tell me that Land Lady's BF was basically an Asshole, & so was her Land Lady!

    I called SFMTA, Not to Tow the Car mind you, but to Issue a Parking Ticket, because the Vehicle was half in my Driveway, preventing access to my Garage. When my New Neighbor came back from Vacation, her BF rang my Doorbell, and asked us, "Why was he issued a Parking Ticket, I said that you're parked in my driveway, preventing Access to my Garage. I also told him that SFMTA wanted to Tow the car, but I said No because your GF is new to the neighborhood" The New Neighbors BF then asked us to go to Court with him to EXCUSE THE TICKET, after he had prevented me access to my Garage for Over a WEEK, with small Children! We just said, "we can't do that"...

    As I said, the Street we lived on was Wildly Diverse in the 70's, 80's, & early 90's, but as the years went by the Street we lived on turned very White...That is when this Woman, started her Personal War against my Family. Especially when another New Neighbor moved in, who become her Henchman against us. My Tires were Slashed, the Reg. Tags on Our Car was ripped off, her little Minion went under the Storage Under our House, Came into our backyard at night. Then She Recruited other people to Park in front of our house, & other neighbors to enact her hatred on us. This woman Tenants Hit our Cars Parked in front of our house at least 2 times also!!! Finally the 1st Henchman Moved, then she recruited a new Henchman, who Made a Cutting Throat Motion to my Child, who was now older. We went to Court over this Harassment in SF, I also went to SFPD to File a report on the Neighbor Woman as a Hate Crime, because these things were not happening to no one else in the Neighborhood, but to the Black Family! I also informed the NAACP...We then just decided to just leave the City that I still do love.

    Lastly, I like to add that this Woman who did all the harassment, & recruited a WHOLE Neighborhood against my Family is not from SF, & is not even a Native Californian, She is a Transplant. So I really want to believe that "Real" San Franciscans are not as Racist, & very Open to Diversity.

  29. The searing, peering, scrutinizing evil-thrashing service you provide the Bay Area and America is without peer! They snicker and plan in the dark, their phony faces smiling out of knowledge that they are going to screw people, but your website exposes these curs. I was hoping to win the 9ers tickets, but that certainly pales in my regard for your outstanding service. Keep the light shining!

  30. If you're wondering where all the Black
    woman are? They're taking care of their babies, because 74% of Black Babies born in this country,are born to single parents. So now you know.

  31. Ah, the market includes a LOT more than just the City of San Francisco. Those demos are irrelevant.

  32. This has less to do with racism and more to do with your attraction to black women. Not that there is anything wrong with that!

  33. Ignorant, uninformed and completely unsupported claims of racism. Its just like listening to the Dopie Copie show on KGO.

  34. I say bring back Roqui Theus to KPIX and make her an anchor.
    She could no worse than Michelle Griego or Ann Makovec

  35. Why are you always obsessing about black women ? I think you and Gary Radnich might be twins separated at birth.

  36. TV is not the only place where racism is rampant.
    Take a look at the local newspapers such as the San Jose Monkey News and the Chronicle.
    Need an example?
    Why are new hire minorities assigned to cover the crime beat or the sports section.
    It is no coincidence that when you read the story of a crime, the author has a Spanish surname.

  37. Rich, you are WAY off base here. So much in fact, you are full of shit.

  38. They are afraid of Radnich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
