Twitter was all over it; so too Drudge; so to the NY Times; the SF Chronicle --plus Buzzfeed and The Daily Beast.
On KGO Radio, Brian Copeland devoted the bulk of his chat show to ...anorexia! --because, you know, KGO barely believes in news and instead prefers holistic health and Facebook, Fashion, --the "7F".station where PD's are hired on the cheap and news events; MAJOR news events be damned! If Watergate were being played out today, KGO would do a three-hour show on the history of doughnuts and how a gluten-free diet is good for your colon. This guy would be the host.
What's even more laughable is that the very demo that KGO is going after, (who don't own an AM Radio) were those on Buzzfeed and The Daily Beast reacting to the Trump charade hours earlier.
For the record, Copeland talked about the Trump presser but only marginally; Dopey Copie is under orders to follow the 7F handbook because he wants a pension and has two of his kids working at KGO so he's not about to mess with management's orders --"YES SIR, MR. ANTHONY!"
Nice to see the prez call out the other agitators. Not by name, but good enough for now.
ReplyDeleteRich, you do and have seen the flailing of these folks you obsess over, don't you? I mean, the big picture; from the power of full narrative control when it was just 13 channels to now with citizen journalist leading the way to facts, not the paid gatekeeping shills.
It allows a President to call 'em out on their b.s., like he pretty much did today.
Dr. Savage had a very good take on it today, definitely worth a listen.
DeleteI loved his behind the scenes story on how when he first started at KGO he was harassed daily by a certain ex-priest that went away for doing stuff involving minors. How the guy would needle Savage all the time with nasty comments and how karma caught up with him down the road. Dr. Bill gave him sound advice on what they're looking for and how to respond to them. Overall, compelling radio.
The left, so "tolerant".
@Shark...and David Duke was doing back flips when Chump double downed on his rambling rant. What a horrible little man...it was a tantrum by someone who can't admit when wrong...that was an embarrassment to our country...still in campaign mode and rhetoric...SMH.
DeleteI too heard the story about the guy at KGO. These are the people that Rich and the Summer of Love leftovers (How many std's were passed around? I mean really?) like to wax poetic about. Terrible. No offense Big Vinny.
DeleteI think you are being unfair to Brian Copeland. I heard a portion of his show in the car today and there was nothing marginal about his comments. Rarely have I heard him so passionate. Make no mistake, we are in very troubled waters as a country. Any radio station worth its salt would see that and run with it.
ReplyDeleteTrue..the other day I had tried KCBS and KGO to see about the whole Charlottesville event.
ReplyDeleteOnly FM and KPFA,NPR were talking about it.
Shark Alchemy? It's pure alchemy to call Trumps lecture as anything logical. Washington and Lee? Nutty. Pre Civil War and post Civil war. Defining differences.
You would know a thing or two about nuts.
DeleteStan, I don't know when you had KCBS on the other day but I had it on for quite a while and other than their normal traffic and weather reports just about all of their news content was about Charlottesville.
DeleteIn his mind he had it on. He was hearing the jingle and everything. And then later on in the day he shared a late lunch with Dennis Richmond and played some pick up basketball with Wayne Brady. But he had to rush home to catch his idol, Gary Radnich, on television. Can't miss Gary, ya know?
DeleteI listened to Copeland's whole show today. Most of it was about Trump's press conference except one or two segments.
ReplyDeleteJust got done watching All the Presidents Men. Great movie. Amd very applicable to current times.
ReplyDeleteI switched between MSNBC and Fox for divergent coverage. Local radio is a joke.
ReplyDeleteBULL SHIT!!! This was an anti protest against the White Supremacist anti black, anti jew anti catholic scum!! There is no moral equivalent. Apparently you did not watch these clowns. They killed a young woman. They are terrorists! Trump is just as slimey!
ReplyDeleteI listened to Copeland today and all I heard him discuss was the president defending Nazis and the white Supremists in that very telling press conference.
ReplyDeleteOur last U.S. civil war was 1861 to 1865, number of dead anywhere from 620k to 750k. The war was between the North and South. The number of dead represented 2% of the population.
ReplyDeleteWill the next U.S. civil war be between the Left and the Right? What is 2% of our total population...in the millions!
Didn't the Taliban/ISIS start by tearing down statues and monuments?
Yes, when you start tearing down antiquities because they don't represent your beliefs, you've missed the point of the first amendment. The genius of the first amendment is that it protects speech you most dislike. The remedy for speech you hate, is more speech. Erect a statue in the sculpture garden that shows the evolution of history, perhaps one of Obama or Maya Angelou. I think decapitation is too kind a punishment for trump's collusion with a hostile foreign government to rig an election. I favor due process(It's Mueller Time).. That said, he does have a point about all the ass-kissing of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson who were slaveholders. Claiming that the confederate soldiers were "NAZIs" is too facile, too mindless, too uneducated. The Civil War was ignited,not directly over slavery at all. The North, trying to punish and destabilize the strength of the South, mandated what price they could charge for export cotton. The South revolted and fought back. Most, the huge majority of confederate soldiers never owned any slaves. They were fighting and losing their lives to keep their family farms. They didn't try to gas anyone for their ethnicity. Mr Copeland has his point of view, always predictable from a man who only ever dates or marries a progression of white women. Why is that?
DeleteThe Confederates were TRAITORS, get it??
Delete@ 11:43, exactly...
DeleteTrump needs to go to a basic 4th grade history class - comparing G. Washington and T. Jefferson to Robert E. Lee?? Um, one was a traitor, the others were Founding Fathers of our country. Period.
ReplyDeletetraitor? traitor to what? a new government formed with the North which then tried to diminish the south by telling them they couldn't get a fair price for their main product? You need to realize that if you are all anti-slavery, but still think Washington and Jefferson didn't have slaves or didn't abuse slaves, that you are the one in need of education
DeleteDid you think Lincoln was an abolitionist? really cared about slavery? think again...He only became opposed to slavery when it was politically strategic to do so. Did you think people in the North were uniformly abolitionist? Think again. Real history is complex and the past is always prologue.
DeleteYes, a traitor, what else do you call American citizens who went to war against their own country? And I couldn't care less whether Lincoln was an abolitionist, he did the right thing by preserving the Union and fighting those who wanted to end it.
DeleteAnd yes, he also ended slavery...
Dear Anon..see Lincoln/Douglas debates where LIncoln said clearly that whites were superior to blacks, that he hated miscegenation, and that blacks should never be allowed to serve on juries. See Smithsonian magazine( the most reputable source on American history) re "The Dark Side of Thomas Jefferson". Mr. Jefferson owned 600+ slaves, had six year old boys whipped for not working hard enough in the tight, smoky , hot confines of his nail factory. Mr. Jefferson tracked down his own runaway slaves, put them in shackles and beat them senseless. He eventually said he favored emancipation, but coupled with immediate deportation. You are ill-educated about history.
Deleteif you have to lie or change fact in order to make an argument, you dont have one. here is exactly what lincoln said
Delete"I agree with Judge Douglas he is not my equal in many respects—certainly not in color, perhaps not in moral or intellectual endowment. But in the right to eat the bread, without the leave of anybody else, which his own hand earns, he is my equal and the equal of Judge Douglas, and the equal of every living man"
im sure the rest of your feeble attempts at an argument are also suspect
Dear Confederate sympathizers, try to stay on point - which side do you think Washington and Jefferson would have been on in the Civil War? Jefferson knew slavery should and would end, he wrote about it, try to do some research on the subject...
Deletedean anon at 11:37.. You're right..Jefferson did ultimately call for the emancipation of slaves, but qualified it by calling for simultaneous deportation of same.. did you want to research that? Assuming that a Virginia gentleman would have fought for the Union is just flim flam
Delete''Media Criticism , It's a talking Sport''.LOL
ReplyDeleteJohn and Pat should be on this station with their own programs. Who wants to listen to A&G, Copeland, Franklin or Bearman when really IMPORTANT stuff is going on? KGO has made a complete fool of itself.