Call me a bit naïve but I doubt the rumor circulating that the Giants, more aptly, Larry Baer ordered the firing of Ray Woodson. For starters, as cold and calculated as Baer is, even he would know that if news got out that Woodson was given the axe because he was overly-critical of the Giants (and he was, who wouldn't be?) then Baer would be subject to some really awful repercussions not to mention a rude awakening from the sponsors and fans who currently make up a good portion of the Giants' amen corner.
Woodson was let go because he was a convenient momentary financial laxative for a Cumulus company that routinely lets go of little guys and more little pay (Woodson was making anywhere from $75-90K$ plus benefits) but when you can enough little people those little financials can go a long way especially for a shitty company about to go BK.
How cathartic.
How sexy.
How Cumulus.
Pass a slice.
Fuck Larry Baer. Cheap bastard. He probably bought that cheap-ass pizza in the picture from Grocery Outlet. He can pass a slice of my Ass.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe they fired Arthur Chavez I mean "Ray Woodson". I'm calling it now, Sportsphone 680 with Damon Bruce.
ReplyDeleteThat's good Ray Woodson knowledge. Thanks Gary. Larry you're a asshole. Go meet with Amy under the bleachers and tell that Renel to quit yelling.
DeleteWasn't funny yesterday. Isn't funny today.
DeleteMaybe Arthur can hook up with Telemundo?
DeleteToo liberal for my and many others taste. Keep your politics to yourself. Noone gives a shit how you feel about Republicans, "Ray". Especially on a sports show.
DeleteSorry, but the clusterfuck that is our pres is unavoidable to talk about.
DeleteThe more you hate liberals the farther you get from the universal truth. Quit being so darn angry and things may look up.
Regardless, Larry Baer is still a prick...
ReplyDeleteBaer. He'll be playing Larry Fine in the next 3 stooges movie. Perfect fit.
ReplyDeleteLook how long Baer kept the "another Giants sellout" going even when the dumbest of fans could tell that the stadium wasn't sold out (the "one cent per seat to Stubhub not withstanding"). I think he wants to destroy anything that challenges his Giants' Camelot imagine that he has built.
ReplyDeletecoming to your 10a - 12n time slot at 95.7 the game
ReplyDeleteLarry Baer is trump. Fire your critics. Nice job Larry.
ReplyDeleteHave to drain the swamp, son.
DeleteWhere is that pizza from? That pepperoni slice looks sooooo gooood. Please don't tell us it's a stock photo.
ReplyDeleteAs the Giants continue to suck at historic levels, watch as they call up fat ass Sandoval and then hype Panda hats to their idiot fans, all courtesy of Larry Baer, the king of marketing to morons...
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear Ray was let go,I gave up on knbr when marty lurie was on for hours at a time.Stop listening to them for at least 3 years.
ReplyDeleteWait, so KNBR is bringing in an ex-Giant who's going to make less than the $75-90K Woodson made? C'mon Rich, put 2 and 2 together. It only makes sense if Fransden is going to make less than $75k a year, which I doubt. Baer got the guy fired for being critical of the Giants.
ReplyDeleteI think Ray was one of the last Democrats to work at KNBR.
ReplyDeleteHe also was just about the only host of KNBR that never made negative national news.
Radnich had his "Stay in your lane" That's also making news lately for another dope- google that.
Kreuger had his "Brain dead Caribbeans"
Bob Fitzgerald lost it with "jerkoff" on national tv because a fan dared wave at the camera from behind Fitzgerald. Yes,just for that.
Then former KNBR man Damon Bruce...a few times. Pictures of wet t shirted Giant wives and then "The sports dial is set to men".
Added is Lee Hammer..blew the Bonds historic HR call.
There's more. More bad then any good. Save it for later.
Just like your comments. More bad than good.
Delete1108,Yet you wait and are moved to comment.
DeleteBesides,unlike Radnich,I am beloved,BELOVED! by the true liberal bay area. All others,who cares?
Umm the layoffs were more than just Ray, Ted Ramey's show was cut, and the morning snow on 1050 is history as well. Looks like the new PD is going to put his mark on the station (even though the 1050 show was his creation.) Out of all of them I enjoyed Ted's show the best, I'll miss his weekly conversations with various guests. The other thing coming into play I think is the transition from CBS To ESPN (and maybe NBC?) Radio. CBS has purchased Entercom so things are changing like it or not.
ReplyDeleteI believe it. Without a doubt.
ReplyDeleteThis has Larry Baer's hand prints all over it.
Sports teams shouldn't be allowed to own media outlets. There's a conflict of interest. Involved parties will say not so, but while most of America has become zombies, we all know that's a bunch of crap. Give KNBR and the Giants credit. They've brainwashed their audience. There's something in the garlic fries for sure. Every time you touch one of those overpriced T-shirts, something gets into your body and affects the brain. There's hidden messages in the radio and TV broadcasts. Hopefully, the Giants losing ways have awoken the populace. But probably not. They lost three straight to ... the Dodgers this weekend. Nirvana! Still waiting to break out those Panda hats?
ReplyDeleteTHAT'S IT!
DeleteIt must be those wicked Garlic Fries. And the subliminal messages in the radio and TV broadcasts (the voices of Kruk, Kuip, Flem, Kahuna, and Amy G have mesmerizing powers). The transfer of pernicious energy from the Giants' apparel, into the unsuspecting victim's body (and ultimately crossing the blood/brain barrier).
The Evil Empire operates at 24 Willie Mays Plaza. They are creating a zombified population of ticket buying, orange and black wearing, animal impersonating, junk food eating, KNBR listening, NBCSBA and KNTV watching, and blindly loyal Giants' fans!
We're. Not in Kansas anymore !!
ReplyDeleteKevin O'Brien, the former GM of KTVU said in his 40 plus years of dealing with scum of the earth in broadcasting, that Peter MacGowan and Larry Baer were the two most dishonest people he ever had to deal with. The local media in this market is a joke. So many talentless hacks so insecure of their abilities, they are easily controlled by the local teams to only spout positive spin. If you dare speak up, you're gone.
ReplyDeleteShould send a chill up Larry Krueger's spine and anyone else who dares to state the obvious--the Giants are so bad this year.
ReplyDeleteWith the cancellation of the KNBR 1050 morning show you're going to hear a lot more of Drew Hoffer and Kevin Frandsen, unfortunately. I feel bad for Ray. The guy was good and deserved better.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I liked Ray better than everyone at KNBR except for Larry Krug. A very articulate and intelligent broadcaster who constantly could get right to the root of a story, Ray is far more talented than most of the guys they retained. Good luck Ray. I hope you get your own show on 95.7 very soon. You deserve it.
DeleteLarry doesn't like people telling the truth, i.e. the Giants SUCK...
ReplyDeleteAs soon as Frandsen starts talking? I can hear my money going to worthless use of electricity. I turn the radio off. True too.
ReplyDeleteFrandsen lacks talent. His delivery is not smooth. Should spend some time in a smaller market working on his cadence, etc.
ReplyDeleteSorry Ray was let go. Don't people get it? They LIKE hearing the TRUTH, especially criticism. Keeps the world interesting.
ReplyDeleteSorry Ray's gone.Classy person.
ReplyDeleteIt took me a while to warm up to Ray Woodson, but I finally came around to enjoying his show. He was a smart guy, did good interviews, had intelligent commentary, and sometimes was funny. He could be super cynical, no doubt. Couldn't Baer just tell him to lighten up a little? Anyway, I'll miss him and keep an eye out for where he lands. Good luck to him.
ReplyDeleteRay had a very dry sense of humor ,I'll truly miss him .Ray a Southern Californian born and raised ,when I listened can't say that was every night very informative with topical humor. Really what was Ray supposed to say the Giants injuries put this season in the tank ? The Giants had a lot more wrong than just Madison's self imposed injury the Giants have been bad for a calendar year . The Dodgers look like 1927 Yankees the Giants 1954 St Louis Brown's . Hate to see Ray leave I personally like his style way better than Larry Kruger.
ReplyDeleteI've felt for awhile that Baer is a cheap J a**hole, and it's nice that to see that I'm not the only one. He is the reason the Giants r sliding into mediocrity.... it was prior CEO Newcome??, the Bowtie, that started spending and the drafts brought the core 4 guys too.... Larry ran off Bow tie for spending and then stepped in to try and milk every dime out of u fans. I'm a Dodger fan, I've been through bad ownership.Fox, McCourt, so I've seen it. Baer is just an ass, and I'm sorry but you'll b in he'll until u get rid of him....
ReplyDeleteExplain to me please how the very insecure, name dropping, thin skinned, bragging asshole that is Brian Murphy even have a job anymore? Do people really listen to his crap?
ReplyDeleteIs Ray Woodson just filling in for now on FM,95.7 The Game? GREAT to hear his voice!