Bearman is excruciating; he follows another irrelevant piece of carp, Ronn Owens, who long ago was seen making whoopee on a mattress pad. In case you didn't know, Ronnnnnnnn is a mattress whore who moonlights as a radio talk-show host.
Yet Ronn, even at his worst, is no match for the exceedingly dreck-personified trash known as the "Ethan Berman Show" --a program so bad, so awful, so pedantic, Cumulus rewarded its chotzkah tonsil to over five hours on the air. More on the latter, later.
Bearman is a nice enough guy who comes across as juvenile trash on the radio. He talks like a fifth-grade dropout from Marin with all the phony glee of a Beverly Hills prostitute. Superficiality is the theme of Bearman's talk monstrosity that would make a night out in an Alabama maximum-security prison seem like a treat in comparison.
Worse yet, Bearman's Noon--2 PM dreckmeister is frequently interrupted by a young lady (girl, really) who chirps incessantly as if she were the prom queen at a Yuba City high school. I don't know her name; I really don't want to know her name because she adds nothing to a nothing show and makes you want to rip out your radio and throw it into the bay. I would imagine this is something that KGO thinks would draw in the "younger demo" only even morons who would listen to this broadcast feces on a regular basis needs therapy, right away.
Bearman is a dreadfully safe, moronic, yahoo that is beholden to the KGO playbook where even if a hard topic is worthy, the host, schmuck, will talk about human-interest minutiae; goofball stuff, sexual-innuendo blather; farmers almanac trivia that would work very well in Akron that somehow made it to the Bay Area. I can't fault KGO for harvesting faith in such a train wreck because KGO long ago lost it luster --KGO has become the KRON of local radio. Albatross with a capital "A."
For those of you that listen to Bearman that think he's a great craftsman, your lucky day, as Bearman is partially repeated in the evening at the 8 PM hour and beyond. I don't know the exact time only that Bearman is on KGO for nearly six hours. Or, roughly translated: "If you haven't already invested in satellite radio, shows like Ethan Bearman would make for a solid reason." The cash you lay out will end up saving you the cost of therapy you'll incur if you listen to any or all of the Bearman tripe on KGO.
Ethan used to make my Grandmother mad by throwing rocks through her windows. Grandma got back by hiring a construction worker to drive through his house with a bulldozer.
ReplyDeleteThe guy that used to do the fake names from fake city was so much funnier and more creative than the current guy. Just like with KGO, we all long for days long past...
DeleteSo, how do you really feel about Ethan?
ReplyDeleteHe is a favorite of PD Mike Anthony...Who gave us the current KGO. His ratings are, NO NOT KIDDING, 0.0 in the demo. I see Spanish Language in KGO'S Future, how about you?
ReplyDeleteI tell my wife frequently its only a matter of time when KGO will go Spanish,sports or religious.
DeleteBearman was being "tried out" recently on CNN and some other cable networks as a "panel member"on the talk shows. He was used a few times and then never called back. Not real memorable.
ReplyDeleteHow is Cumulus still in business with consistently poor decisions like this?
ReplyDeleteHow can you not love Ethyl Bearman?
ReplyDeleteOh come on Rich..he's hip and happenin' and she is the cool side kick.
ReplyDeleteKinda like a Bizzaro World Sussman and Katie. Or Radnich and Kate?
Good lord...Bearman as a CNN contributor? It really is time to shoot my tV.
He's god awful. They haven't a clue. I'd honestly take Karel any day and I can't believe I'm saying that. Maureen Langdon too.
ReplyDeleteOf all the possibilities available to KGO management, repeating right winger Bearman's lunchtime show at dinnertime is the least likely to succeed.
ReplyDeleteI don't care for Ethan Bearman, and when he was on KSFO he use to sound right wing, not Rush or Savage right wing, but right wing. However, he does not like Trump, a feather in his cap, as far as I'm concerned, so now he sounds more middle of the road. In any case repeating his show in drive time should be a recipe for disaster. This is really sad. I live in Concord and this Sunday I left Concord about noon to drive down to Santa Barbara, to spend a night there before proceeding to Los Angeles, KGO signal reached pretty much all the way to Santa Barbara (I was on 101) except for a few areas, where you are in the hills, other stretches a gets a little scratchy, but for the most part KGO would come through fine. I got almost all of John Rothmann's show. I could not get KSFO past Salinas or even before I think. Also when you get out of KGO's range there is pretty much only right wing talk shows. So as Rich have often written about this is a station with a very strong signal, and it use to be the best of the best, now it has been reduced to, syndicated shows, paid programming, and totally irrelevant hosts. We the listener's loose out, and it is really infuriating. By the way, several bloggers, or perhaps it is just one, like to always say Brian Copeland talks about race all the time, not true, besides don't forget Brian was hired by Micky Luckoff, and it was Mickey who suggested Brian do headlines of headlines with other comedians. You might not like Brian, but certainly Mickey knew what he was doing, so he can't be all that bad. I personally like Brian for the most part.
DeleteEthan plays to the crowd. Scared to have conviction. Not a lot of depth. Says the same things repeatedly. The girl is the worst. What's she laughing at cause he's not funny?
DeleteBearman was the guy who replaced Barbara Simpson when KSFO stupidly fired her. I remember tuning in on a Saturday to listen to the Babe in the Bunker and being shocked to hear this schmuck in her place. If I recall, he opened the show by talking about homeless people in Palo Alto. I couldn't believe KSFO would get rid of Barbara and put this fool in her place. I pretty much stopped listening to that station after that.
ReplyDeleteBearman has said quote, "I can play it anyway they want, conservative or liberal." He has no core. I disagreed with Barbara politically, but she genuinely believes what she says and has a core based on her experiences and perspectives. Bearman is an empty suit, which is why his talk show leaves you feeling empty.
DeleteThe Bay Area IS Akron now. Sad!
ReplyDeleteIt could be worse. They could put "Hey I'm a black guy!" Copie on for 5 hours with his daily race-baiting topics.
DeleteAkron could be better, just saying. Frankly Brian Copeland is much better than Ethan, although I don't care for all his show, he can stick to a subject for more than 10 minutes, he does not have a giggly sidekick, and often his subjects are fairly serious. He does motivational Monday, which sometime I like some time I don't. He interviews people in show business (I heard Ben Vereen (a favorite of mine) Johnny Mathis and Grace Slick's and Paul Kanter's daughter, all interesting especially the first and last. He takes call and can engage the caller, is he Gene Burns or John Rothmann, no but he is certainly much better than Ethan Bearman. Anyway not matter how good a host is, I don't care for "best of" for the most part, certainly not if I already heard the program earlier, even if it was John Rothmann, I wouldn't listen to it twice. The thing about Ethan is he smart enough, his opening monolog is fairly decent, the biggest problem I have with him, is all the fluff, every day a different expert on dieting, or this and that. When he started out on KSFO he took calls and stuck with his subject for more than 10 minutes. At that time I didn't care for his delivery, always seemed like he talked down to people, in that area he has gotten better, but that's about it. Stop it with Brian and his race baiting topics, he talks theater, books, politics, local stories and when appropriate about race. If you think he talks about race all the time your are either not listening or you are paranoid about the subject.
DeleteBrian Copeland is A LOT better than Ethan Bearman. Ethan is a caricature of what a talk show host is. Whether you like Copie or not, he's the real thing. An entertainer on a number of levels. Not a guy trying to look the part, and act like something that he thinks fits in with what other people think in order to win market share.
Deleteyou can open the youtube app on your phone and listen to howard stern FREE! Or Try Phil Hendrie! You control things!
ReplyDeleteIt's one thing to put Ethan on during the 7-10 pm slot, but half is a replay from the noon to 2 pm show. Listening to Ethan with his cohorts is like eavesdropping on a private conversation that means nothing to outsiders.
ReplyDeletePat and John too intellectual or too expensive or not relevant anymore?
If the "new" (again) KGO is supposed to appeal to millennials, the world is in worse shape than I thought.
Totally agree regarding the "overheard conversation". KGO trying to be hip on AM radio! Do millennials even know what AM radio is?
Delete6 hours of Ethan? This must be a typo. Isn't he on 12-2. Even if KGO repeats his entire show it works out to 4 hours.
ReplyDeleteI have only listened to his lunchtime show very briefly. He is pretty good . The only annoying part is that he seems to have some giggly sidekick woman.
ReplyDeleteOther than that he is far better than Thurston. I immediately reach for the dial whenever her shrill phony voice comes on.
Yeah that Ethan Bearman is a real phony.
ReplyDeleteWhen he worked at KSFO on Saturdays he would routinely make fun of CA State Senators Ricardo Lara and Kevin De Leon's surnames.
Go ahead Bearman, tell us what it's like being a complete fraud.
He sucks. Whatever he thinks will sell he sells. He has no deep thoughts and he sounds like Market 100. I guess that's what the new guys are pushing at KGO now. Embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant! By which I mean Rich's spot-on commentary, not the appalling Ethan Bearman & his inane sidekick. Doubling these juveniles' airtime isn't going to fool anyone into thinking that kgo really is the voice of a "new generation" — especially given the retention of antediluvian "centrist" Ronnnnnnnnnnn Owens; pushing 60 Chip Franklin (who'd be OK without the crudity); 50-something Brian Copeland (fine); and the two middle-aged, extremely unfunny, tea party types who blight the airwaves before Ronnnnnn. As someone in her sixties, I can assure kgo that it might have stood a chance if it had valued well-informed hosts of any age — e.g., John Rothmann (now back to very occasional fill-in status when he should have his own show) and Pat Thurston (confined to weekends again).
ReplyDeleteThis newest development is really upsetting. I wish they would make up their mind, and stop teasing us into believing they just might put on someone intelligent, as in John Rothmann, he is on for several months, gets lots of calls, lot of callers telling him they love to hear him even when they don't agree, and then they pull the rug. I wish they would just make up their mind, what is the sense in lulling us into thinking we might have John for the very least on week ends, with Pat doing week days 7 to 10 p.m. But, noo the have to do stupid re runs of a crummy show, during drive time no less. I have the choice of listening to Ethan Bearman most days, as I commute to work from 11:30 to 1 p.m. (I know it is a long commute, that's the Bay Area) I listen to his opening monolog some days, most of the time I listen to Tom Sullivan (1530 Sacramento) or Michael Medved (860) and perhaps a little of Savage, majority of the time Tom Sullivan wins out, although I am more liberal than he is, he has certain traits I like in a talk show host, he is polite to everyone, he tries to be fair, and he let's callers on that disagrees with him, and he let them talk without hanging up on them or calling them a big dope (Mark Levin).
ReplyDeleteI usually leave work around 9:30 and would turn to KGO, I guess now I will listen to Glenn Beck until John Batchelor comes on at 10 p.m. after that it is John or Glenn, depending on the subject until I get home, then I turn them both off and go on my computer for entertainment, at least for the most part. If John Rothmann was on I would listen to him no matter what time of the day.
There is no "Best Of" Ethan Bearman. You get my drift? Rich, you are right on. Friday evening his show was on - the first time I heard it in the evening. Dr. Drew Pinsky was the guest. Ethan and his giggle-holic sidekick kept making authoritative statements on the topic and Dr. Drew iple times had to tell them they were wrong. I believe the guy who is a noted doctor ovet these two clowns that pretend they are educated. As well, Ethan's man-card needs to be revoked. Just listen to all the ignorant comments he makes about men and women.
ReplyDeleteI heard the show with Dr. Drew. He really let those two KGO knuckleheads have it. It was music to my ears.
DeleteEveryone, everywhere, get up, open the window and shout " Mike Anthony is a clueless moron and we aren't going to take it or him anymore!"
ReplyDeleteUnless he's just a puppet for Atlanta who tell him what to do, either way he and his ilk continually prove they are clearly unfit for their profession.
I'm getting sick of his constant talk about food and diet and all the associated quackery. Constantly touting organic food like its some miracle cure to a healthy life, when it's of no benefit. Gawd, I wish Dr. Dean Edell was back on the air in that time slot pushing science and reason and not Ethan's nonsense.
ReplyDeleteDr. Dean is retired and living north of the Bay Area, and one of his "hobbies" is growing organic food!
DeleteKinda reminds me of Penn Jillette, who was another hired gun for "Big Science." Jillette began having serious health problems that were caused by his corpulence, so he started taking prescription medications. And more prescription medications. And prescription medications to counter the side effects of the other prescription medications. This vicious cycle caused even more serious health problems.
Jillette was sick of feeling sick, toxic, and being in a life-threatening situation. He wised up, exercised good reason by dumping the "Big Science" approach, and began a vegetable-based vegan diet. He is looking and feeling much better now!
I have nothing against organic, in fact I buy it when not too expensive. Also have had a Gartner for Dad and growing up rural Denmark in the fifties and sixties I had nothing but fresh organic fruits and vegetables in my growing years. However, I don't listen to a radio show to constantly hearing the host interview different doctors and health expert about the subject.
DeleteGood to see many off on Bearman. He's a waste land and his lunatic sidekick.
ReplyDeleteAll the women on the shows seem giggle all the time without anything real to say. The hosts don't talk much to the listeners anymore. Pat Thurston was taken off week nights and put back on week ends. The hosts, except Pat and John Rothmann (where is he now?) sound like idiots. Especially Ethan. I agree with your comments. So insulting that he is on 2 times a day. Can't they find someone else. The station is embarrassing. I sometimes listen to Brian, who I like. I miss the old station.
ReplyDeleteShut it down. KGO must surely have enough data to realize that to riff General Powell conversely when it comes to Cumulus Bilious Maximus, "if you own it, you break it." KGO "Kracked Gone Out" radio.
ReplyDeleteEthan may have stumbled onto a meaningful topic with the overpopulation issue. He actually mentioned it twice to the clueless Dr. Drew today as a possible stressor contributing to school and other violence. Overcrowding stresses everything and no other talk show person has the gonads to make it an important subject, so even though we agree that poor Ethan may not be a giant in the industry, he's certainly right this time and I do hope he continues to make folks aware that we are choking ourselves with continued packing of the population.
ReplyDeleteTerrible station and stopped listening long ago!! Ethan was the last straw!