They probably just lost Millions and Millions of bucks. BIG bucks.
The Coulter brouhaha had built itself into a crescendo more than a week. It was a lightening rod-- a HUGE story that got gigantic eyes and ears not only locally, but nationally too.
Here's the money aspect: Coulter was due to speak around 4 PM at Cal...just in time for the 5 and 6PM newscasts ...a "made-for-TV" event that would only catapult itself further. Protests, demonstrations, probable violence and visible mayhem ...all of it red meat for the TV News. CNN, Fox, MSNBC were set to send reporters; the locals with a staff of reporters and sizable crew.
Just in time for Sweeps. Again, BIG BUCKS.
With max viewership on all platforms; screens; tablets; Internet streams, it was set to be a spectacle --good and bad--yet now it won't happen. That's a lot of eyes and ears ...and salespeople in the broadcast Bay Area TV News society back offices, giddy.
Everything about her is like an abused child grown up. Her anger,her famous promiscuous lifestyle including the constant black micro cocktail dress. Her anger at men,never been married,never adopted a child. Its all there.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan. There are plenty of others like her who aren't so obnoxious and self centered.
DeleteI did, however, once sit at an airport bar in Detroit with two guys who had gone to Michigan Law with her. Her academic credentials are impeccable (Cornell undergrad, got into Harvard) but yeah...she's a little raw.
Gotta hand it to Coulter. In a business that has many narcissists, her narcissistic traits really stand out!
DeleteThank you Dr. Stan. Next, lets do you?
DeleteRoot, it's refreshing to see someone that tells it like it is tho.
DeleteThe Fox News chick I had the hots for was Gretchen Carlson. She was the most liberal of the bunch and also the most civilized. I could stare at those gorgeous thighs until I died.
DeleteGretchen Carlson is a staunchly conservative, devout Christian. In fact, the left frequently targeted her during her Fox and Friends days.
DeleteCarlson did, however, go through a "wild" phase after her Miss America tenure and during her Stanford years. O'Reilly made some contemptuous remarks about that (directly to her, during a weekly segment that Carlson had on The Factor) a few years back.
In regard to current and former female FNN on-air talent, I have read/heard that many of them are athletic and adhere to workout regimens. Sandra Smith is a former elite competitive runner; Carlson and Heather Nauert are runners, and Shannon Bream has run in marathons. The aforementioned, and others, reportedly do time in the gym as well. Hence those lovely bodies and legs!
Someone big didn't want this to happen. They got to her.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Soros? Right wingers blame Soros for everything including erectile dysfunction
DeleteHave you seen George? I wouldn't discount the erectile dysfunction.
DeleteThere's one guy on TV, old and balding, who always says "It's about the money" and "Follow the money". Maybe it applies here.
ReplyDeleteI'd take it that the University also made the last minute decision to rescind the invitation for Coulter to speak, amid the hostile environment. I find it funny how liberals can dish criticism, but can't take it. Liberal groups and their efforts to silence opposition voices and views, and don't care about the consequences.
ReplyDeleteShe cancelled because the student groups that invited her rescinded their invitation.
DeleteBoth sides were looking for a fight, so I wouldn't blame only those on the right or the left.
As one that absolutely cannot stand the sound of Ann Coulter's voice, she has a right to voice her opinions without the government penalizing her for them.
DeleteThe university has an absolute duty to protect their staff and student body from the potential of violence by those who wish to do harm to either Ms. Coulter, the student group that requested her to speak (and was going to pay the fee) and students that do not support her opinions.
Ideally, the university would schedule her for a time and venue where they can uphold their duty while accommodating Ms. Coulter's right to voice her opinion - which they attempted to do by re-scheduling her appearance. She decided she didn't like that idea and continued to push the idea she would appear at an outdoor venue, which would have required additional, expensive security measures to be paid for by the sponsoring student group.
In short, the school tried to fulfill their duties, and Ms. Coulter balked, crying she was being oppressed. The sponsoring group couldn't pay for both the required security and Ms. Coulter's required fees, so when they informed her of this, she cried that she had to pull out and is being oppressed.
Of course, if she had appeared and someone was seriously injured or killed, she would disavow any responsibility for the events.
Yeah, she needs to learn that rights should be responsibility exercised, lest we lose them.
"Of course, if she had appeared and someone was seriously injured or killed, she would disavow any responsibility for the events."
DeleteThe party(ies) who committed the violent act is responsible, not her, unless she pulled a knife on someone.
I get the feeling that even she doesn't believe most of the crap coming out of her mouth. She's just pandering to a certain group strictly for the money she gets from speaking engagements. Still it's pretty hypocritical for the "free speech movement" crowd to try to shut her down.
ReplyDeleteBig difference between "Free Speech" and Hate Speech, regardless that both have the same rights. Last thing our region, country, and world needs is more anxiety. Criticize policy all one wants, but c'mon, not all families can fend for themselves, no matter how badly society needs more fiscal discipline, only without the verbal (and possibly physical) abuse given by the (agent) orange Hairpiece-In-Chief. Society badly needs more teamwork; unfortunately, ugly mouths like Coultergeist relish the division that exists in today's world. Only we can change (and NOT troll) this, including the ignorance shown by many Bay media outlets.
ReplyDelete> Big difference between "Free Speech" and Hate Speech
DeleteLike what?
There is nothing stopping her from speaking here. She bailed because it was a paid gig. Only free speech to her if being paid for it.
ReplyDelete1:48 PM, you're close. But, I think you missed a step.
ReplyDeleteIt's about the PUBLICITY ... that LEADS to the money.
I would resister no surprise, were it revealed that Ms. Coulter had engineered the threat of violence that concerned the U.C. "admins," in the first place.
She's a media whore, and I'm sure that she has reveled in every second of this "controversy."
Those (like me) who disagree with her should ignore her. In the SJ Bay Area, there are far more of us than there are of those who want to hear her diatribes. If she showed up & found only a small audience & no TV cameras, she wouldn't stay long & would never come here again. Same goes for Milo & anyone else like them (including Trump). They have no principles, they just want to be the center of attention & have a fuss made over them -- they haven't outgrown the terrible twos, but the rest of us should not indulge the little brats.
ReplyDeleteSo why is everyone commenting on Coulter? This is supposed to be about the media coverage. Rich, you nailed it. Thank you.
ReplyDelete3:00pm is correct. She could have still appeared but the sponsoring groups backed out thus no $$.Coulter and her ilk are performers more concerned about selling books and appearance fees than their supposed causes. I suspect she considers this a win. She got more attention than she ever would have had she given a talk that only her followers would have cared about. I get she's repulsive,but unless rioting in the streets is now considered good exercise or a social event, if you ignore people such as Coulter they wither and die. Attention is their oxygen.
ReplyDeleteThat Coulter dude oughtta cut his hair. He's almost starting to look like an old lady.