This is the Ronn Owens edict of late which is shared by a longtime Bay Area radio rower: "He doesn't care what the KGO situation is; he just wants to go on the air as long as he can do so."
*How bad is it at KGO Radio? We'll, that new talk schedule has been such a winner that if you buy time on sister KNBR, you have to buy certain allotments on KGO too. The sales dept. is eating a lot of ramen there.
*KNBR --or Cumulus Central: "We can't pay some producers a livable wage but we can splurge on Finals tickets for some ad clients.
*Speaking of which those guys who made a public video on YouTube about their slave wages apparently thought that would advance their cause only it didn't. Dudes, shock value only works when you possess that age-old relic: LEVERAGE.
*What's the wisdom of sending local reporters to Orlando to cover a story that really doesn't require a local reporter? Viewers, they are only doing it to impress themselves and you in the long term. They have a budget; they might as well use it. At least that's the thinking even though it makes no sense.
*Juliette Goodrich, you know I think the world of your anchoring and reporting, but what did PIX get out of sending you to Orlando? Nothing, not a thing.
*You too, Katie Marzullo, at KGO-TV. Although its good to see you again.
*Bay Area viewers: those reporters you watch every day on the local TV News here? Most of them are part timers. Some of them star worthy, it's a good thing most have a husband or wife working full time.
*My point about there being very little Black reporters here wasn't a direct, official head count. I just found it odd that at a few of the station there's virtually NO Black reporters and few anchors too. Is it a crime? No, but just sort of telling.
*Like, for instance, San Francisco is far worse than both Boston and Chicago combined. You know what I'm talking about.
*I would love to write about Larry Baer; his excesses; his power; his hold on San Francisco sports and political society; his control of the 415 Media world but I would also like to live too.
*Hey, Matier and Ross? See above item.
*Larry Baer, Lee Hammer, Mike McVay: who needs a bunch of whiney KNBR producers; we're making MILLLLLIONS.
*The Bentley guy had the super chutzpah to ask one of those minimum wage producers to "go move my car" during a recent break. And no, he didn't pay him a nickel --cokes don't pay the bills.
*Look, KRON's managers have NO power. No power to call certain people into the office, no real power at all. They're run, mostly, from a faraway place where those that possess the juice only care about warnings and terminations if someone commits a hard felony --it's pretty simple. Therefore certain people get away with things and certain people don't.
*Hey, Grant Lodes? That Warriors score thing you and Bentley guy think is funny? Uh, actually makes all of you look sorta amateurish, like very Clovis.
*The KNTV (NBC Bay Area) anchor that keeps hitting on the female senior producer --again--should know that if he keep it up he might be forced to go to Rio for the Olympics. That would really piss off his wife.
*Tom Vacar: you're beginning to look and sound like everyone's beneath you. Only, if Fox2 gets its way, you'll be off the roster and designated for assignment, like, say, Hollister. They're not afraid of lawyers anymore, Tommy.
*By the way, Tommy makes too much money; a no-no in TV News. Unless your Cecilia Vega.
*Tracey Watkowski will continue to work at KGO-TV because the May sweeps were out of sight. Bad news for the folks at KGO who like to be treated with respect from a person who has no people skills. At least that's what they tell me.
*Trixie and one veteran anchor/reporter really have no use for one another but I can you this Trix: if push comes to shove and you try to screw with this person, uh, I'd bet the house on anchor/reporter who has more juice in this city than a North Beach bartender.
*KTVU Plus: absurd laughter commences --yeah, an "extra" news outlet, sure thing. "More" news, really? For what? So Somerville can spout his silly Facebook postings? God, you guys are so clueless.
*KGO-TV wants one more Warriors loss, like tonight because a Game 7 Sunday Night in Oakland means MO MONEY, MO MONEY, MO MONEY.
*Should the Warriors win it all, KTVU Plus will be showing old Julia Child shows. Bonus? Roasted garlic chicken and Julia is a winner!
*BREAKING NEWS! Yes, Rich went financial soul-searching the last couple days to find a way not to be able to eat, what a gosh-darn felony! In anticipation of the trolls who will chide me for "begging", go ahead, make my day. Survival is a bitch.
*Underrated: Brian Flores.

*She must have pictures Part 2: Heather Holmes.
*Ditto, Mike Mibach.
*Spineless: Mark Ibanez.

* Gutless: Bart Nygard.
ReplyDeleteBao Heby!!
ReplyDeleteI never read anything here about the East Bay Express. While they're a little (OK way) left of my moderate pragmatism, they have been spot on and becoming the news of record for the East Bay covering stories like the OPD scandal and other East Bay City Hall shenanigans. Some pretty good muckracking and investigative journalism. You fear Matier and Ross (who do a very good job also EXCEPT when it comes to their pal Willie) ? Let Darwin BondGraham get holt to you LOL. The Express is making the Trib (err East Bay Times err San Jose Mercury News disguised as an Oakland paper) look like a jr high school paper.
ReplyDeleteRich: Chicago's 32% black, Boston's 24%. The Bay Area is 6.5%.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet about 70% of the crimes involve blacks. How's about that.
DeleteAnd Chicago has the nations highest murder rate.
Delete> What's the wisdom of sending local reporters to Orlando to
ReplyDelete> cover a story that really doesn't require a local reporter?
What's sad is they could spend that money in ways that would lead to better coverage but they don't do it, because it's not as "prestigious" as sending a local reporter to Florida. Having more and better writers, editors, and other staff would make the content better and would mean they wouldn't have to show infomercials when there's breaking news during off-hours because no one's in the building. But that has to do with real quality, not the appearance of quality, so they don't do it.
Looks like Raddy and KRON have lost ALL sponsors of any Gary Radnich segments...his "world" and the sports.
ReplyDeleteNothing funny about that.
No more Black Bear Diner? I'll have to look.
DeleteInstead of focusing on Radnich - lets blame the GM and call her out. Maybe it will change if she is being called on it. He is horrible and repulsive.
ReplyDeleteIs Darya on vacation? I can watch KRON mornings now!
ReplyDelete"Like, for instance, San Francisco is far worse than both Boston and Chicago combined. You know what I'm talking about."
ReplyDeleteYou mean the Chicago with the huge African American population and the nations worst murder rate? You know what I'm talking about.
Wow. I have a deep austerity budget, so even if I wanted to donate to the 415 Media cause, I couldn't. But these blogs continue to fascinate me, so often I feel like responding from my perch in the northern Tri-Valley hills.
ReplyDeleteOne quick note I'll share first. Why send Bay reporters to Orlando? Five letters in the alphabet - LGBTQ. Because the Bay Area is one of the two, pardon the pun, giant gay bastions in America - New York is the other - and Orlando's massacre occurred at a bar frequented by the LGBTQ community, that's why our local network affiliates sent reporters to Central Florida to cover the story. As it turns out, the suspect had Eastbay ties and many of his ex-relatives still reside in Rodeo.
Now for the rest:
- African population percentages? Could've fooled Oakland and its suburbs, not to mention Southeast SF.
- Lockstep Larry? There is clearly a brainwash over many Giants fans; some are family friends of mine. There should be free speech allowed. It is obviously not there at Cumulus and Comcast stations, or with the diehards. Even FOX gets uncomfortable at AT&T Park.
- The Bentley Guy. If there are KRON viewers and KNBR listeners who want to freely stand up to his antics, they should be allowed as well. Sounds like even incompetent Media General is intimidated. Again, 415 Media Devoutees, stand up for the public if need be. Nobody should get away with such abusive antics on the air anywhere.
- KNTV Anchors: Don't tell me that THE No. 1 NBCBA anchor is losing his moral compass. It would be a shame if a man so highly talented and respected may be just another broadcaster who can't handle everyday life and its ills.
- So Trixie sees more ratings success, eh? But if it is true that one respected anchor can't work with Trixie, then she may still not be long at KGO-TV. May not be a bad thing.
- Warriors Note I: Money does talk too much. Hence, Draymond Green's suspension, then another broadcast tonight.
- Warriors Note II: Road clinchings in pro sports finals are so boring. So what if a team silences a sellout crowd! Might as well win a championship at a yoga retreat. Give me a championship in front of the same ticket buyers who pay the salaries of all athletes, coaches, executives, and yes, even broadcasters anytime. Real fan love at its purest form.
- Warriors Note III: Sounds like our local power forward is learning the hard way that playing with a demeanor edge instead of a skill edge doesn't cut it in this region, where many citizens waited 42 years to see a local-based championship clincher, only to see a crotch suspension take place, not to mention defensive breakdowns offending us viewers and the loss of our biggest Mate (1973-74 A's the only two Bay title teams at home). The Eastbay is very lucky that Sam Singer and his Mission Bay buddies will keep the Warriors from returning to the City until no sooner than 2019. With the Steve Kerr-led team system so intact, Dub Nation may likely see another NBA crown after this year, only on Alameda County turf, and of course, Circle 7 will be all over it.
- Warriors Note IV: May us viewers see all fouls common and clean, in case the Cavaliers' King ties the series tonight all by himself, except for some Kyrie Irving here and there. Playing our best would lead to a title tonight on Circle 7, but at the very least, let's have every healthy body available in case needed for Sunday.
- I have no problem with Matier & Ross. They are very good at bringing out the biggest SF issues to the forefront. So what if Matier has become close buddies with His Willieness!
- And finally, PIX of course, benefits greatly from being an affiliate of the most successful national network in the country. Hence, we don't see as many postings about them as we do other stations, not to mention that any dysfunction has been mostly kept in check.
There. Have at it, everyone. And Rich, thank you as always for continually being the lead source to tickle our Bay Media curiosity. Keep up the fine work!
In other words, you are just cheap!
ReplyDeleteAnd a windy assed gas bag that 11:27. Hey guy, get your own blog.
DeleteWhere's the tuna?
ReplyDeleteHey Rich, What can you tell us about Ronn's Daughter Laura. I hear she is getting her own show. Wow, the bottom of the barrel is really getting scraped. Love and Relationships and good eating is what I read.
ReplyDeleteWhy hasn't KGO sent twinkie Reggie Aqui to cover the gay angle on the Orlando events? Isn't he Puerto Rican so it would sort of work in the Hispanic victims angle as well.
ReplyDeletePeggy Bunker is a very sexy anchor, if Heather Holmes is not your type.
DeleteAre any TV viewers really impressed by watching a local reporter standing live behind a police barricade regurgitating the news every one else is reporting? That money would be so much better spent investigating government waste and corruption.
ReplyDeleteI'm late on this..but Larry Baer as we know tells the Chronicle editors what to print. I once got banned from Hank Schumans blog by a "anonymous poster who was nuttily pro Giant.
ReplyDeleteI found out later,he's paid by the Giants.
That's so stupid, showing media folk wearing fan gear. Like that matters to real fans or the TV viewers. Just more disingenuous crap