And let's not make this anything less than it is...B2B is 50,000 drunk sycophants; pathetic losers some of whom work in the tech biz; most of whom regard the race (it's not really a race, more on that later) as an excuse to wake up and drink Corona and later piss and puke on the neighbors along the raceway --how lucky they are.
Let's call the B2K what it is: it's a street festival with obnoxious boors and mutants built around a perimeter where a puny "race" takes place; it's NOT a foot race or a marathon --hell, to suggest in any way it resembles true, legitimate foot races like the NY, Boston, or Chicago marathons is a joke. Yet here in puke-infested SF, the city is shut down and traffic is aborted so that several thousands can piss on people's lawn, vomit on grass, smoke some weed and look like a pack of idiots. No wonder the cops are going nuts. You call it "Foot Stock?" I call it "Meth Festival."
Even more pathetic is the Bay Area Media capitulation --like there's no legitimate news to report. Yeah, send a live crew out to the scene on Fell where Jimmie and Joanie are regurgitating on the front of Mr. Smith's lawn. How sexy! Oh, and 20 minutes later, some guy from Kenya wins the race. How quaint and riveting. I think I'll pass on my bloody Mary and eggs Benedict to see a group of drunken, wasted assholes from Marin dressed up in costume as lounge singers about to take a #1 after 10,000 Corona bottles.
Hmph...a bunch of escapees from Raddy's Tard House if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was a gathering of Democrats at their national convention??
DeleteThank you for noting that it was a Democratic convention.
Because we all know that if this was the Republican convention, the entrants would all be wearing white hoods...and carrying burning crosses.
I hope you didn't miss KTVU Rosemary Orozco blonde wig...dressed up as "Storm".
ReplyDeleteI can see Franks brain slowly being sucked out....
Actually it's a day the "perverts" have been waiting for all year. They can run naked, exposing themselves from one end of the City to the other and not get arrested.
ReplyDeletePee,Pee...Perverts Paradise!!
I ran in the Bay to Breakers 41 years ago and it was crazy then. Covered it as a media member last year and it was fun because we got to ride in a flat bed truck in front of the top runners and then interview them afterward. Then I got out of the Ocean Beach area quickly after finishing that job before the mighty mob of miscreants showed up!
ReplyDelete...... and just what might one expect from the "sanctuary" city?? Ya know,anything goes. Compairing b2b to a race is like saying the leather parade is like a .....prade,bring the kids,clip up those mini leather suspenders and with a bit of eye liner a fun day can be had by all. Yes, the sanctuary city has funds to support this tripe but not rest rooms to house the excrement I find on my shoes with more frequency. Shrimp Boy Chow has some thoughts on this that im sure he'll share in a few short decades im almost positive. San Francesspool knows no boundries ,no wonder the niners skipped town.
ReplyDeleteMy spidey sense tells me you're not a fan of this event, Rich.
ReplyDeleteI used to live on Hayes, got family that still does - you're spot on about the puke & piss. But don't forget about the sh## (yeah, this happens too, ALOT). As someone who has hosed off his fair share of steps, driveways and side alleys I've always believed that there needed to be SERIOUS consequences for the jerkoffs responsible. Spot on with this one, RICH - agree with every point.
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking how much I want to get out of SF. Over the many years I've been here (I grew up on the peninsula) I've seen a lot of what was good replaced by the stupid. B2B has come close to folding several times but there is always some new generation dork company wanting to foot the bill so it continues. More recently Outside Lands has offered up the same problems on the west end of town.
ReplyDeleteAll I see is SF has become dirtier, more crime ridden and more expensive. I'm tired of wag media focusing on enhanced civil rights for criminals with their spun news stories while SF rots. The Examiner became a politburo rag and is among the worst of the bunch. The KTVU news types champion SF's demise with slanted stories at making martyrs out of criminals and SF continues it's spiral into a third world city...
A line that will be repeated on Murph and Mac tomorrow morning . . . keggers dude!
ReplyDeleteI've learned just to avoid the city on this day as much as possible. No use getting mad or upset and anything else for that matter. This city has become a mix of a Mad Max movie meets The Walking Dead. Its anything goes so there. So let everyone have what they want and just stand out of their way. It will be good for your blood pressure and you won't stroke out. Looking forward to People behaving badly, wonder what we will see. Same as last year for sure.Same as it ever was.
ReplyDeleteHey...I wonder when San Fransicko will designate a transgender sidewalk?? I mean heck , its only defication. And they would feel soooo much more comfortable.
ReplyDelete"50,000 drunk sycophants; pathetic losers some of whom work in the tech biz; most of whom regard the race (it's not really a race, more on that later) as an excuse to wake up and drink Corona and later piss and puke on the neighbors along the raceway "
ReplyDeleteThere's an app for that.
DeleteMmmm... I ran in the B2B back in the late seventies. While it had its share of misfits, nothing compares to the past 15 years. We actually had fun and dirtbags were not the norm. Like everything else related to the city, it continues on its downward spiral into our version of a third world. Couple that with the insanely expensive housing full of arrogant techies, crowded city streets and highways, ad nauseam, it is about time to head out of town to anywhere but here.
ReplyDeleteRight on the head. B2B isn't a road race. It's yet another excuse for this event-driven area to get silly and stupid. As long as they can sell sponsorships, T-shirts, booze and food.
ReplyDeletewith all of these events being held nearly every weekend in San Francisco, the city should be making enough money to keep the streets clean and the junkies off of them and the homeless out from under 280, 80, 101 and by the Civic Auditorium. But for some reason, they're not.
I'm a native San Franciscan and I see ZERO glamour in living in this 49-square mile concentration of idiots.
What I want to know is - who is runner # 50944? She looks good enough to be in morning TV news....or to take to coffee.
ReplyDeleteI was just going to say, If #50944 can cheer you up, nothing will.
ReplyDeleteWhy the Bay Area media makes such a big deal about this clown fest is beyond me. The only station not leading with this garbage was NBC Bay Area KNTV. Wish more stations would move to Silicon Valley and get away from the stink that is San Francisco.
ReplyDeleteSan Francisco, the goof ball capital of the world.