Your over-analytical blustery has become nauseating; the relentless questions; the overbearing chatter of your voice; your weather blah, blah, blahs, take a break.
Leigh Taylor insists upon her daily gagfest of "On the way in from Pacifica, I saw sprinkles" YAWN!
Talk about blah, blah, blah. Nauseating double spectacle --and they wonder why their ratings are in the toilet.
I guess if you kiss enough ass you can have anything; this pathetic narcissist and Ronn Owen's bitch has enough hot air to fill SF Bay.
4. CHEF RYAN SCOTT/KGO: I say we gather a ton of arugula and gag this douchebag --what a pile of horse doo. Listening to him is a broadcast enema.
5. BRIAN COPELAND/KGO: A certified pompous asswipe whose self-importance borders on uber-extreme. Copeland, yeah, real genius: cuts up Chronicle and NY Times articles and asks for "comments" on his Facebook page, what a complete schmuck. Byron Allen would be proud though.
6. KNBR MORNING SHOW: A blasphemous double-cacophony of audio hemorrhoids perpetrated by two white college frat boys; seriously, two guys in their fifties who utter "dude" every five seconds, what a bunch of pathetic Neanderthals --Murph: Moron #1 with his endless pop-culture references; as if he was there; the fake voice; the multiple UCLA references as if Northern California really fucking cares about his Bruins (Good timing, Murph)--maybe you can tell us too about how many times you orgasmed when the Giants won the World Series...And then there's "Pooowlie Mac" with his awful diarrhea songs, so bad it would make a khia pet keel over.
7. AARON PERO/KRON NEWS DIRECTOR: A truly hideous hateful man with willing and able sycophants who march to his orders. Makes underlings squirm; takes delight in seeing young reporters cry; a true BULLY in every sense of the word. He's constantly "behaving badly"--take note, Stan Roberts.
8.CHIP FRANKLIN/KGO: A suffocating, obnoxious, pathetic squall of a man who allegedly does a talk show; no, not really, Franklin is Cumulus' house shill selling toilet paper, pillows, diets, financial plans, toe fungus pills, cracker jacks, shit, Chip, no wonder Mr. Softie can't stand your ass.
9. DREX SHOW/KGO: As a certain presidential candidate says, "What a TOTAL disaster!" --this awful show, pure dreck, has a short shelf life; the primary suspect being a total putz whose "producer" was so enthralled she quit. Now, the inmates running the asylum search for the next victim.
10. NATASHA ZOUVES/REGGIE AQUI/KGO-TV "MORNING": Quite possibly the WORST TV show ever to hit the Bay Area. These obnoxious blowhards both deserve each other, another TOTAL DISASTER with TERRIBLE RATINGS and CLUELESS direction from the Circle7 miscreants. Please, when they appear, hide the kids, lock the doors, HURRY!
Don't forget that some of these people actually want you think they should STFU. It's the "what will they say next" component that keeps a lot of people viewing or listening.
ReplyDeleteI'm not much on radio except when I'm in my car, also not much.
ReplyDeleteI can affirm that I actually heard Leigh Taylor say, "On the way in from Pacifica, I saw sprinkles".
As to the "Ken & Barbie" show on KGO in a.m. - not much to say if anything. I'll take your impression of them as gospel.
Not a viewer and hopefully my viewing habits are being tracked.
Very surprised Darya, Jan Wahl and Raddy aren't on your list.
ReplyDeleteHmph...I'll put Jan Wahl on the list for you...you shut your fucken hole!!
DeleteI totally agree that these 3 should have been on the list along with Vernon Glenn.
DeleteVern Glenn is the worst - I only see his updates in the morning, but his head tilted forward and dramatic pauses go beyond cliche. I feel like telling him, "Vern, I watch ESPN and subscribe to Bleacher Report, I already know this stuff."
DeleteIf VG wasn't a "minority" he would have been gone years ago. Simple.
DeleteVernon Glenn needs to replace his cheap suits and upgrade his wardrobe and needs to tone down his corny and phony style of delivering the news. It is overly dramatic and irritating to watch.
DeleteThis must be one of your "Shock & Awe" articles, and the kind written before your coffee is ready. My goodness, is everything under the sun f**ked up? Try a drop or two of Hazelnut in that java.
ReplyDeleteReal men don't use hazelnut. It's awful.
DeleteI have no problems with my manhood, but hazelnut sure makes that 7-11 coffee that's been sitting around for hours taste better.
Delete@ Jack, you gotta get out and get some better coffee, man! There are SO many good roasters with nice organic blends... hazelnut flavoring in coffee is like... I don't know... plastic couch covers or something. 7-11 is to coffee what McDonald's is to hamburger. Treat yourself better, man! ; )
DeleteThis list is incomplete without John Lund on it.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why Papa lets him get away with stuff. I watch Lund when he's a guest on the Comcast Sportsnet roundtables and his lack of sports knowledge is embarrassing.
DeleteI don't understand why You hate Brian Copeland so much. Has he ever done anything to you? I try to never miss his Sunday show, and have seen two out of three of his shows, and do follow him on FB. You seem to dislike a lot of people around here. I do agree with the youngins on Ch. 7. I just can't stand watching such young cheery people giving the news. I prefer the current weekend line up, but i watch all the channels for news and I also like Brian Hackney, who you hate. I like to know who is coming and going and I do enjoy your blog, but don't get the hatred for most of the people
ReplyDeleteCopeland is just not black enough for Richie. He thinks he is an expert since he claims to love the sistahs.
DeleteCopeland is the new Summerville for Lieberman.
DeleteHonestly, why Gasia wasn't on this list, I don't know? Perhaps the sum of KTVU is so appalling, that he left it alone.
I wonder if his hatred, is really just annoyance or 'fedupness' with what is now Bay Area 'Bad-cast' "news"?
It is a dishing blog, so it might be pretty dull without Rich boldly expressing his observations.
I've read true hatred on YouTube comments.
He's like the Michael Moore of Bay Area Media outlets.
No one would read 'nice, harmless' observations.
I wonder if anyone working for, say, Pero, might use Lieberman's blog as a threat? ;)
Perhaps, dear Richie, one day you will meet Stanley Roberts on a dark and lonely street and face his accusation that you have been "Behaving Badly". We pray that you will atone for your sins by following his undoubtable admonishment "STFU forevermore".
ReplyDeleteIn the past I've been mistaken for someone who cares.
+10000 on the KNBR morning show garbagefest.
ReplyDeleteThe KNBR morning show reminds me of one of those self-funded or community access shows that are so painfully bad, so unfunny, so unentertaining, that it makes you think the only people who enjoy the product are the people producing it. Seriously - UCLA, soccer dad pop culture and parody karaoke? Embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteLast night, when I heard the news that Ken Howard passed away, I was already bracing for the nonstop "White Shadow" chatter that is so typical for middle-aged white guys, for whom that show is a touchstone of sports pop culture. I suppose they'll never retire that @#$% theme song from their top of the hour bump at 8am. Ugh.
There's a reason why John Madden moved his morning interviews to KCBS. It's because of the AM chuckleheads who have been there the last 15-20 years. He liked Frank and Mike. They were pros, radio men unlike now with Bert and Dudeman...
DeleteOut of one of the many reasons to dislike Murph and Mac is their outdated man code they constantly refer to. Whether it's Murph and his comments about his little league coaching buddies and guy neighbors or P-Con's neanderthal philosophies, they're like 14 year old guys measuring their testosterone. Except, they're not 14. And Paulie Mac, don't get me started - does anyone really like those song parodies? I remember Tolbert's engineer playing one during Tolbert's broadcast and Tom yelling, "Noooo, anything but that." His worst trait is giving his favorite players nicknames like Speightsee for Mareese Speights. On one memorable broadcast, he called NBA writer, Mark Speers, Marky. Speers stopped him dead in his tracks, saying, "No grown man should add a "ee" at the end of his first name. Paulie was dead quiet and I think Speers forgot who he was talking too, albeit true.
ReplyDeleteWhen Murph was paired with Tim Liotta, he was good, and the Morning Show was excellent. Paulie and Murph behave like teen boys stuck in the eighties.
DeleteExcellent post 11:06
DeleteAny grown man who continues to call himself Paulie does not have a lot of credibility.
I totally agree on the Murph and Liotta comment. I was very disappointed when Liotta was let go. Maybe it was too seriously sports-centric for a morning show, but that's exactly why I watch Mike & Mike on ESPN2 before heading off to work in the morning.
DeleteLiotta was smooth on the radio like the Dean Martin to Murph's Jerry Lewis. Unfortunately, Murph tended to talk all over Liotta.
DeleteIt's the listeners that have a problem. Too many commercials don't help either.
ReplyDeleteFitz & Brooks KNBR 12-3pm Vomit/Giggle Fest of a Putrid Program hosted by 2 of KNBR's most Loathsome, Obsequious individuals.
ReplyDeleteI sometimes wonder if they get paid according to a quota of them laughing at their own jokes. They're smug bastards.
DeleteI totally disagree 11:28AM. Fitz & Brooks is a pretty good show. Brooks can be a little "tiresome" sometimes when he tries to be cheeky. However, Bob Fitzgerald really knows his stuff, especially when it comes to the Warriors. His inside knowledge is really insightful.
ReplyDeleteI hope this is a sarcastic comment---otherwise you're insane. Fitz and Brooks is retarded.
DeleteFitz is a pompous condescending prick. Can't stand him. His suck up to ownership with his homer-ism for the Warriors is annoying and is rare for bay area announcers.I was so pissed that he was the emcee at the Warriors parade.
DeleteAnd Brooks is the master of over-enunciation. I keep waiting for him to say, "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."
DeleteDuring a recent Warriors broadcast Fitz went on and on about an opponent player who happened to be a Notre Dame alumnus. After 15 seconds of needless trivia I wanted to scream, "Hello?! It's the Warriors game, not Notre Dame!!!"
DeleteWhen Warriors games are broadcast on both CSN and ESPN, I watch ESPN. While ESPN sucks, it's way better than listening to that whiny, little bitch Fitz.
DeleteLOL @ OP, Fitz is the worst, ever....I don't know anyone who doesn't hate his homer, over-the-top style...
DeleteRonn Owens not on this list? The guy who told everyone how great things would be as long as he was still on the air? Pretty lame list if he's not #1 on the list. I guess when you have ratings in the 0s no one is listening anyway.
ReplyDeleteMurph and Mac are downright unlistenable sometimes. From Paulie Mac's constant loud interruptions and stupid songs, to Murph's incessant UCLA crap (YES, WE GET IT YOU WENT TO YOOKLA! NO ONE THIS SIDE OF MORDOR GIVES A FLYING FUCK! STFU ALREADY ABOUT IT!) and all the non-sports stuff they do (musical acts, etc.) I wonder if they know they're on a sports station.
ReplyDeleteI thought about making a "Murph and Mac Drinking Game" but by the time you took a sip after every "dude", UCLA reference, song parody, non-sports guest, and the like you'd be too buzzed to go to work.
Brian Murphy - the college kid who never grew up.
DeleteI used to listen to Murph and Mac because I thought they would evolve and get better, but I was dead wrong - its the exact same show day after day. I think Murph would grow if he had a real cohost who challenged him professionally. Kinda like how Larry has been good for Gary.
ReplyDeleteWrong. Gary has been out to pasture since Tony Bruno stopped his regular gig on the show.
DeleteI agree. Murph can be very good and is better when paired with different(and smarter) co-host. But, Murph is in a funk having Mac as his partner. There is way too much reference to meaningless and boring rock information that I cannot relate to. Mac just loves to constantly show-off. Murph often comes off like a rich spoiled 40+ old brat who is living a privileged life.
DeleteNo, those are the people you want to shut up on the only 3 stations you listen to.
ReplyDeleteAgain with the racist Byron Allen line. You can't think of anyone else, just another black man that irritates you?
ReplyDeleteAgree on KNBR's Morning Show, however, if you take out those horrible 'tribute songs' they keep forcing down our throats, that show is not as bad as Fitz and Brooks.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the Sussman/Katie show on 560 KSFO; Armstrong and Getty, Sacramento's finest; and Cory and Joel, 2 liberals I actually don't care for.
ReplyDeleteKRON just needs to give it up and sell their broadcast spectrum rights in the FCC auction. They're running an ad series for butt implants by a plastic surgeon. I just don't think anyone is going to get a butt implant based on anything on KRON. Oh please KRON just go away.
ReplyDeleteNo. Fitz and Brooks are nowhere near as obsequious, obnoxious and puerile as the three baboons who are on before 9AM. Unlistenable! Like nearly every KNBR show - largely thanks to the mind-numbing number of awful commercials.
ReplyDeleteI often wonder if Fitz and Brooks really like each other and would they associate with each other if they are not co-hosting a show. Their banter seems phony. And, you never see them together at events like Murph & Mac. Hate the cadence of Brooks voice.
DeleteTwo words: Ross Palombo Gasia is overcaffeinated enough but if he's on I switch to see if Darya's girls are peaking out. But then she speaks. Well, Law&Order is on somewhere.
ReplyDeleteLiam Mayclem: please go back to wherever you came from, NOW.
ReplyDeleteRoger that!!
DeleteShort fat fuck Hanging on to that zoo gig for dear life , anytime now! no , seriously F.O.! old Chap!
DeleteHow about nearly every on air -- not including PBP people -- on KNBR? They're the biggest collection of shallow talking heads around. The pompous Rich Walcoff. No Lowenstein? That's an automatic. Anyone who has to give himself a nickname isn't worth the time of day: Kevin the Ratfink on KCBS. What about Fatnich? He's one of the worst around. Man, you ain't got enough room for all of the lousy pieces of shit in this market for a Top-10. Maybe a Top-100.
ReplyDeleteI am still bummed that we lost Marla Tellez to Good Day LA!
ReplyDeleteBut we still have Darya Folsom, Kate T, Amy G, VDLC, Renel Brooks-Loon, Kelli Johnson, and Shan "Dingle" Berries. Bad Days by the Bay!
DeleteAgreed. Do Armstrong and Getty count, being from the hinterlands? There is no way of knowing which whiny voice belongs to which guy, and maybe that is by design. They carry on like a couple of teenaged boys. And I can't tolerate Mitch Thompson's voice, which sounds like a hybrid of Tallulah Bankhead and Daffy Duck.
ReplyDeleteCan we add Phil Matier to the stfu list? An "insider" who sounds like he's making half his shit up (and who knows if he is or not).
ReplyDeleteActually when I was a kid I thought UCLA stood for University of Central Los Angeles. Always will be USC's little brother... (Bert)
ReplyDeleteI can only say I dumped local radio for an internet radio long ago and so listen to a Moscow or German trance station with no chat or at least no chat I can understand other than Burger King.
ReplyDeleteBoth Darya and Gasia are OK if you leave the sound off. I've thought about sending Gasia some Beno tablets.
This morning, Darya seems like a worn-out, a tad drunken wannabe cougar. Talk about not dressing well. Tacky. Someone send in a hairdresser, and trim that stringey, sh@t. Too old for that length, and totally horses-out her face more.
ReplyDeleteIf she would tone down her banshee voice, update her look from trash to class, she would be decent.
Gasia is more attractive, with curves that appear natural. But she is so out of control, Darya's seeming toned down voice-wise, compared to her!
Ban Gasia from caffeine, and stop telling her to be over-animated...FOX!!! She talks too fast, head nods, and apparently, smiles when she 'thinks' you want her to! She's beginning to look like she needs antipsychotic meds!
Both KRON and KTVU have better broads who should do the mornings instead of these Bettys.
Good call on Murph. Too often he sounds like a gushy girl when talking to Kuip. Girl.
ReplyDeleteJohn Lund should be no. 1......
ReplyDeleteWhen did Gasia start drinking so much coffee? She's on a caffeine rage most of the morning.
ReplyDeleteThe KNBR morning frat boys talking to Chris Lincecum was hilarious in it's sheer butt kissing. Even Mr. Lincecum didn't really say anything revealing or new. "We miss him so much". Timmay hasn't pitched well in 6 years. The hip surgery means he's done and the Giants aren't interested. But the frat boys couldn't help themselves.
ReplyDeleteHe threw a no-hitter less than two years ago.
DeleteYes, 10:23.
DeleteWith the exception of his two no-hitters against awful Padre teams, Timmy's stats have been markedly underwhelming the last four seasons. Certainly not commensurate with the salary he has been paid. He is another example of the Giants tendency to pay big "reward" contracts to dinged players who are in decline (think Huff, Freddy Sanchez, Burrell, Cain, Scutaro, to name a few).
Lincecum was brilliant early in his career, but injuries and inconsistency have rendered him unreliable. BTW: His old man is NOT a pitching sage, as he would like some to believe. He has decent knowledge of mechanics, and he does work well with his son. But he is not an MLB caliber pitching coach, nor is he an expert in sports medicine. Too many fans and press, especially local press, have given Chris too much credence on such matters.
Listening to Murph and Mac is like listening to one of those vitamin infomercials except they are selling the Giants. If Buster Posey cut off the head of a Girl Scout, Mike Krukow would say he was provoked and Murph would let it pass.
ReplyDeleteI am going on the record as not minding the KCBS morning crew as much as Mr Lieberman does. I want the news, I get it. The line of patter may have as much to do with the replacement for Ed Cavagnaro as anything else. MY beef with KCBS is that they don't give nearly enough time to Jason Brooks and the financial reports. Stan gets my vote as an OK guy, on and off mic. Susan adds a certain something in a positive way, just can't put my finger on what it is right now......
ReplyDeleteKNBR has gone downhill ever since the days of Frank and Mike and Carter B. Smith. None of these "dudes" hold a candle to them. The guy worth a darn is Ray Woodson, IMO. Wealth of knowledge, and not a tool on the radio with callers...
ReplyDeleteBob Fitzgerald sold his soul to the devil when he hired a cretin named Martin Mandel to be his 'agent' back in the mid 1990s. Mandel proceeded to go to then-Warriors' team President Robbie Rowell, (one of the truly all time, real low-life, scum bags of local sports) and convince him that Fitz would work as the Warriors play by ply TV voice for HALF of what Papa wanted in his new contract. Screw the fact that Papa had done an exemplary run for ten years on Warriors radio and TV as their primary play by play voice. 'Bobby Fitz,' who had been a sales rep for the SJ Sharks was now not only a talk show host on KNBR, (his dad insured Fitz's job by bribing then-KNBR GM Tony Salvadore, another scum bag, on the golf course), he was now also suddenly the TV voice of the Warriors. Of course it was fitting that the Warriors truly sucked for the next decade, but you'd never know it if you listened to Bobby Fitz's gushing play by play accounts of memorable players such as Bimbo Coles, Nick Van Exel and Terry Cummings. Bobby Fitz shamelessly pimped for those guys, trying to make them sound like the second coming of the Celtics of the 1960s so that he could hang on to his Warriors' gig. What's truly amazing is that the current Warriors' ownership, which seems to have a pretty good fix on hiring good, solid, qualified people, has kept this annoying houseman on the air. One has to feel sorry for Jim Barnett who is paired up nightly with this cretin. The only thing worse listening to than Fitzie on the Warriors' broadcast is the revolting 'Fitz and Brooks Show,' a truly pathetic yuck-fest of non-stop bad jokes and useless information with the annoying egotist Rod Brooks, complimenting, (if that's the proper word), the unlistenable qualities of 'Fatty Fitz.' Turds truly do float to the surface as Bob Fitzgrald is living proof of that. It there anyone out there who enjoys listening to this fool?
ReplyDeleteInteresting information at 9:02.
DeleteMany of us have suspected Bob Fitzgerald used underhanded methods to land the Warriors job.
Thanks for the confirmation.
My big problem with the KNBR morning show is they never tell you WHAT TIME IT IS. I don't want to open my eyes if I get up too early -- then it's hard to get back to sleep.
ReplyDeleteAre they prerecorded? Otherwise what's the point of omitting the time?
No Gil Gross? The man is insufferable. "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh." "Ummmmmmmmm." Four hours talking to himself. The pauses. The inane jokes. I'd rather be waterboarded than listen to this.