Well, for starters, CBS owns KPIX, an O and O (owned and operated station)--they damn well can do what they please.
That's not an excuse for the excess coverage, it's just a fact. PIX was caught in a no-win situation: too much SB 50 coverage, they're screwed. Too little and then it's, "hey, where are you? Asleep at the wheel?"
The fact is, KPIX, did what it had to do and based on early numbers, they made a shitload of money for themselves and took advantage of the BIGGEST spectacle in American Sports. The Super Bowl is BIG, gigantically BIG and this year's rendition, the 50th, took place in the Bay Area. It was a SUPER, glorious week, culminating a super, glorious day. The weather was spectacular and the eye candy was out of sight. And I'm not even talking about Beyoncé at halftime. So, I have plenty of issues with PIX but THIS isn't one of them.
*Speaking of e-mail: "Rich, why all the 'Michael Savage' adulation?" It's simple, I've said repeatedly that I'm a fan. Have you seen or listened to the dreck out there? Michael Savage is NO POSER. He moves the needle like no one else. He clearly has the most ENTERTAINING, LISTENABLE and PROVOCATIVE program on radio. Nobody does a show like Savage. And for good reason: Savage is the kingmaker, the provocateur. You may have contempt and disdain over his style but admit that he hooks you. He's NOT a POSER like the rest of you guys. If I sound like a shill, sue me. It's called pointing out a unique and lavish radio spread. Savage goes overboard, of course HE DOES! That's why we all listen. You want vanilla and wonder bread, listen to the gadget man on KGO, Mr. Softie, the guy that sells mattresses and talks about his gadgets.
*Speaking of KGO Radio, hey, I hear Jason Middleton, the "tech and business reporter" is a nooner kind of guy with a fondness for certain morning TV personalities.
*The KGO Morning News gigglers --"JJ and Bristow": I haven't heard more cackling since I was at a Bobby Slayton gig at the Punchline.
*John Lobertini: the most egotistical, obnoxious, sexist, asswipe on local radio. He reminds me of me.
*Chef Ryan Scott: Ronnnnnnnn's food bitch and second-place runner-up to the KGO brown toilet paper society. Multiple first place candidates including the guy who fills in for Ronnnnnnnnnnn and defended Cosby early on so he could keep his opener gig for Mr. Suxtable. Not a genuine funny man.
*The grand experiment of competition between "The Game's" PM Sports driver, Damon Bruce and KNBR's Tom Tolbert is no contest. Tolbert is DESTROYING Bruce. Yeah, Bruce has some sellable demos. Tolbert has more listeners. And if you could take away some of the 3000 minutes of commercials from Tolbert's show, you'd have a sports audio nirvana.
*Then there's the morning putz on KNBR, Raddy, who EVERY DAY talks about "you know, you have to have a wife and kids, show some responsibility , BLAH, BLAH, BLAH....Yeah, Gary, just stay the hell out of the Tenderloin and not cheat on your first wife too.
*"Hi, I'm Chip Franklin: I'm an alleged radio host who sells fungus care, toilet paper, financial data, teeth whiteners, toenail cutters, pink pillows, ass cleansers, corn dog mix and oh yeah, rich uncles too--if you have a product, I'll whore it. I don't care. Thanks, I'm Chip Franklin."
*If Mike Pechner and Brian Sussman (weather minions extraordinaire) say Steve Paulson is really good, then KTVU better pay up soon or they might have to call Hackney. He does not talk like a pirate.
*KTVU mantra: We talk. We talk a lot now. (Thanks FOX, for fucking up the BEST station ever) We will talk even if it means talking about nothing and talking out loud because we just have to TALK now, its in our DNA. WE WILL TALK UNTIL IT's TIME.
*Ross Palombo: KRON's disinfectant for KTVU. Added benefit: he loved talking like a pirate. AhRRR!
*Today on his Facebook page, Frank Somerville will talk about the time he was choked up when he saw a picture of a little Italian man with diapers on who played the cello. Frank is in tears.
*Mark Ibanez: "I never met a blond with heels in the parking lot I didn't like."
*BREAKING NEWS: No Pat McCormick death reports.
*Roberta Gonzales: "Margaritas for everyone!--Hey barkeep, leave the bottle!"
*Another peculiar phenomena at KTVU, (I'm being serious for a change) is the TREMENDOUS disconnect between the GM and ND and some news people in the building. The only people he (Kelly) and she (Hahn) talk to are the ass kissers (like Somerville) who only talk because they fear for their job. Really, they now know they can be REPLACED in a minute. Fox doesn't value talent like COX did even though Cox has some issues of its own. But Cox would have never tolerated the CRAP that comes out of KTVU these days. Had they been aware of the "Pirate" shit and other anal warts HEADS WOULD HAVE ROLLED.
A majority of the KTVU people are fine folks just trying to make a living; some of them are great reporters and anchors who've been caught up in an ownership typhoon. They manage to keep their class and dignity and not SELL OUT like certain anchors in the sports department and a guy with hair plugs.
*John Madden missed the Super Bowl on KCBS. That's troubling.
*Peggy Bunker has early signs of early Claudine Wong disease: Peg, you need to smile again. C'mon, you can do it.
*When a Domestic Violence case involving two morning TV anchors who are married and sex and affairs are a part of the story, sorry, it's fair game. And a part of the story too because one of the parties who was so consumed with POWER that, in her quest to be on top (no pun) she went to all means to keep her gig, no matter what.
Court appearance, Feb. 22. Even if the Mercury News or Chronicle won't cover it, I WILL.
*Mark Matthews: Did you not forget to send Kevin Keeshan a Christmas card?
*Ronn's ego is so huge that he uses his proxies like Middleton and Scott as temporary feel-good players. The instant second that they do him no good is the instant second he drops them. Ronn is in it for Ronn period. That's enabled him to buy used Mercedes for his wife.
*That new sports guy on KRON has been MIA but nobody cares. Maybe Radnich thought he was a secret agent from Columbus and buried him in the back of the Bentley.
*Mike Amatori: "Even though Ronnnnn screwed me, I'm still gonna kiss his ass because he's Ronnnnnnnn."
*The very best political TV reporter is this town, Mark Curtis, formerly of KTVU, (and now reporting in West Virginia); don't ever invite Curtis to Dave Clark's birthday party. Ever.
*Follow me on Twitter
I love it when you rip Gary. He's a dick.
ReplyDeleteAmen, Ass Monkey, Amen!! I'm glad his show's no longer simulcast on Comcast Sports TV. Gary's a dead fat ASS!!! HOCK!!!
DeleteI am amazed that KNBR and KRON keep Radnich on the air, but no matter since those stations are awful.
Delete"Tolbert is DESTROYING Bruce."
ReplyDeleteYou mean to say that the laid back who's cool and entertaining while covering a vast array of topics without repeating segments is destroying the guy who spends half his show telling you how right he always is, replays interviews from the same day, and covers the same 3 topics all show? Color me shocked. If Damon was half as good as he thinks he is, he would have gone national 2 years ago instead of going to a 3rd rate local sports talker.
A couple of years ago I thought KTVU was a shell of it's former self. I had no idea how much farther it could fall.
ReplyDeleteRich, have you heard the Angela Alioto commercials in Tolbert's show? I guess business is business, despite the Barbieri case and settlement?
ReplyDeleteAlioto advertising so she makes sure the Cumulus employees hear the spot.
DeleteI have her on speed dial.
DeleteCOX is the company that traded with FOX in the first place. COX offloaded KTVU for a very good reason.
ReplyDeleteThe labor cost at KTVU were 2 damm much.
Still carping about affairs and divorces at KNTV...still haven't written ONE WORD about KTVU's new noon newscast with the waterfront view set and Gasia no longer flying solo. Priorities Lieberman...priorities
ReplyDeleteI find more entertainment reading Lieberman's posts and comment here and elsewhere than anywhere - ANYWHERE! - on radio! Too many commercials everywhere, even on Rich's Savage! While Mr. Weiner makes many good points about today's political landscape (and yes, it does show in his career-best ratings), I got bored with this Bill Graham reject years ago. Whether he's a poser or not, I have no interest hearing endless rants about specific groups or yawner stories about take-out food and pet defecation (as funny as the latter usually is, especially in pictures or when connected to Rock Great Ozzy). Were it not for overcommercialization, I do agree about Tolbert - he is one of a kind. But the over-ads keep me away from Kerr's pal.
ReplyDeleteAnd beef about all the local TV stations you want. If your preferred choices are KGO or PIX, feel fortunate that their in house troubles are often dwarfed by that of KTVU, KNTV, & KRON (proof is in the body language in all newscasts). No surprise with the latter, but very sad if you remember the former's incredible history and if you remember when the middle's ex-couple were a couple who seemed to work just fine even if the ratings were never the best. As an Eastbay lifer, I can't stand seeing how far KTVU has sunk. And the Garcia-v-Cannon scandal has now overshadowed the greatness that does exist at the Silicon Valley's one and only VHF station that is KNTV (see: Mathai, Raj).
Hey Rich, you must be tired after writing that piece. The words just kept coming out, like a really big dump. Hope you feel relaxed now. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a video or two up over the next couple of days and then you basically check out till Monday (assuming there's no breaking news). Have a good weekend everybody.
ReplyDeleteYou're a sellout, Cliff. Go back to talking about your uncles.
DeleteTolbert's the best! Humble, funny & doesn't get enough credit for how bright he actually is. Thought he carried Ralph in the end. "What was that guy's name again Tom"...Ralph ( About a hundred times a show!)
DeleteYeah, I almost always listen to Tolbert instead of Bruce. Even with Ratto on the "Mr. T Show." Actually, Tolbert's banter seems to make the old, portly curmudgeon a little more tolerable.
ReplyDeleteI feel the opposite. Ratto makes the indecisive Tolbert (Mr. "I don't know . . .") listenable.
DeleteWhat about all "The Nine" anchors on their cell phones during the bullshitcast?
ReplyDeleteWas that a directive from FOX? "Check your phones on air; it'll make you cool with the kids and idiots!"
There's a new sports guy at KRON??
Cannons-a-firing! Why in hell would ANYONE want to work with their spouse?! People need individual time away from one another.
I remember Mark Curtis! Smart man to leave 2 and this market in general.
Can someone please chop off Darya's stringy, too young for her age/wrong for her face type, limo, lifeless hair?! Shoulder length would look much better; besides, you'd think she'd realize it would emphasize the 'plants more.
Robin W is hot!!! Surprised Darya isn't plotting to get all up in her space on air.
I can't take Robin W. Have you noticed that she can't form lips to say a P sound correctly? She moves her bottom lip up against the bottom of her top front teeth to make the sound, it's disconcerting, annoying, distracting and just weird. When you make the sound a P makes, I shouldn't be able to see your top teeth still gleaming back at me. Just my cross to bear I suPPose.
DeleteUnfortunately, Mark didn't leave; he was let go. And I don't think Mark holds anything against Dave Clark (or I hope not) because it's not Dave's fault that Mark was let go (I think). But Dave is far below Mark as a new reader.
DeleteI disagree with your source in the KTVU Newsroom... Dana Hahn is the best ND that station has had in decades... She's friendly and uses common sense... the station is better now than it was under Lee...Rosenthal brought in some very bad reporters and producers who had no experience or reason to be in the Market....Plus Gregg Kelly is doing his job upstairs not in the newsroom every hour telling people how to do their job. KTVU's golden era will never been seen again...because stations don't make as much anymore... and it's only getting worse. The biggest miss step is letting Eric Rasmussen go.
ReplyDeleteI still think Paulson is a dink. Any guy who stands in front of the peninsula when doing the weather so you can't see what he is talking about is a babbling dink. I'd like to get him married to Rabbit Berta and they could babble to each other forever (they both have the twitter weather watchers I can't stand too)..
ReplyDeleteI find it comical you care what Pechner says - I know the guy and he is so fidgety he would make a glass of milk nervous so I can see why he likes another dink.
Have you ever met Paulson or Roberta? My guess is no. You just sit on your widest side and type hate. I think we know who the real "dink" is here.
DeleteBack in his KNBR days, I used to think I would enjoy listening to Damon if he would drop the act. After awhile though, I realized it wasn't an act. He really is his own worst enemy - and he doesn't even know it.
ReplyDeleteIts no act the guy is a clown.
DeleteJust watched 2@Noon for the first time in a while. It helped put me to sleep.
ReplyDelete"John Lobertini: the most egotistical, obnoxious, sexist, asswipe on local radio. He reminds me of me." Mini-LOL.