Savage was so suspicious of the news of Scalia's demise that he even asked GOP Presidential candidate, Donald Trump (on a later phone interview) about the peculiarities of the Scalia death. Trump himself said he was just aware that the 79 year-old was found in a remote Texas hotel "with a pillow over his head." Trump seemed perplexed. "Pretty bizarre", he said.
Adding to the mystery, which Savage pointed out incredulously on his Monday show, was news that no autopsy was performed on the body and that conflicting death reports have surfaced.
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Only Dr Savage will discuss what the mainstream (Lowenstein) media is afraid to bring up. He is the only media person I will follow for the REAL story.
ReplyDeleteTo be fair Alex Jones produced this theory over the weekend before Dr. Savage went on air on Monday. It is only common sense that an autopsy would be performed. I am to the left of Karl Marx and I'm perplexed by this whole story. Scalia had no secret service protection going to a remote location, he stayed at a ranch owned by a former black operations veteran and huge Obama supporter, when found dead (by the black ops guy) with a pillow over his head they decide cause of death over the phone with a female judge named Cinderella, a decision is made by the authorities AND the family that no autopsy should be performed and now it comes out that they have embalmed his body and his bodily fluids went down the Texas municipal drain. What kind of insanity is this? Any regular blow Joe found dead alone in a hotel room will have police investigate cause of death. Here we have a supreme court justice found dead and it is a conspiracy theory to ask questions? CNN is now putting out reports trying to ridicule "conspiracy theories". Yes, the guy was 79, he was overweight so what is the big deal about an autopsy? Who knows? Was he with a few hookers and had an overdose? Could it be that?
DeleteChristine Craft needs to crawl back to whatever hole she crawled out from to denigrate Bernard Sanders supporters. She's still bitter Obama kicked the ass of her idol with a vagina. Pathetic!
Democrats are so shady. So so shady.
ReplyDeleteAnd this happened in Texas where JFK was assassinated. Coincidence? I think not!
ReplyDeleteIt was that fucker Oswald, again. He and Elvis are still alive. That whole phony Jack Ruby shooting episode was shot in the same Hollywood studio where they shot those phony moon landing movies.
DeleteThey are ALL conspiracies, I tell 'ya!
Dont' forget Biggie and Tupac? Maybe Scalia was a Crip along with being a member in other secret societies. I also wouldn't discount Beyonce or Jay Z with their illuminati associations.
DeleteJust a bunch of idiots exercising their First Amendment rights. Bless their conspiracy laced little brains.
ReplyDeleteObese Italian 80 year-old dies...must be murder
ReplyDeleteThe right-wing is unhinged!
I'm inclined to believe he did die of natural causes but given the level of anger that's out there among the left, I'd say we need at least an autopsy.
DeleteMichael Savage doesn't speak for all conservatives. Neither does Donald Trump. My first reaction: this is how conspiracy theories begin. Justice Scalia was 79 years old. People die. Get over it, people! There's no conspiracy.
Delete@rootvg...the anger is on the right. Us lefties are cool and collected and are laughing our asses off on how unhinged you right-wingers are.
DeleteDon't take the loon seriously.
Root Canal often exhibits projection at its finest.
It was obviously a revenge the Constitution.
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of the feeling I remember when hearing Stevenson died. As I remember, there was some mystery about that at the time as well. My feeling is we may never know the truth. Living in the US, we seldom think of the truly murderous deeds done at the upper levels of human leadership.
DeleteWe'd get as much truth out of a second Warren style investigation as the first. The American government simply can not tell the truth about anything. It has no idea what truth is.
ReplyDeleteWhat Dr Savage says IS the TRUTH.
ReplyDeleteI'll go one step further: Scalia to Obama/Clinton was JFK & RFK's Marilyn Monroe
ReplyDeleteA Warren Commission? This country NEVER got the truth behind JFK's murder. If Scalia gets the same government autopsy they gave JFK we'll never learn the truth here either...
ReplyDeleteBrian, you still owe me $20, Asshole!! And you killed Buffy!!
DeleteLeave it leftists to reply with such atrocious comments..
ReplyDeleteLeave it to the t-baggers to come up with such idiotic conspiracy theories.
Deletehmmm...You don't suppose a morbidly obese 79 year old man who thought shooting little birds was exercise might be at high risk for a myocardial infarction? In the brief throes of agony before unconsciousness, it would not be unusual to have a misplaced pillow. I'm more interested in the LA Times reporting which reports he was traveling with an unnamed man, and was there to spend time with a group of like-minded power brokers. Justice Scalia, a brilliant jurist and charming, but dangerous man, had frequently been accused of conflicts of interest(use your google). Was he meeting with parties or colleagues of parties who had current cases or prospective controversies before the court? Most likely, despite Mr. Savage's fears, a murderer would hardly leave the pillow on top of the victim's head. Maybe judge's jammies were the wrinkle-free type. In any event, hopefully the berniebots who think the wild-eyed bolshevik will give them a free lunch, finally learn that Roe V.WAde is unfortunately on very shaky legal ground and always has been. It's based on the concept of the"penumbra of privacy rights". That's about as ephemeral as Donald Trump actually ever reading the Constitution.
ReplyDeleteOh there anything you don't know. Your Oral Diahrrea knows no bounds.
DeleteOh James...don't get your jammies in a bunch.
DeleteDear Rich & Christine:
Delete"Bed clothes" do not mean jammies. Bedclothes (one word) are the sheets, blankets and pillow cases.
So, yes, there is something Christine doesn't know.
Christine, thanks for comments, you are more intelligent and have more common sense than most. Cooler heads must prevail, Savage just likes to stir the pot, and most of his listeners buys it hook line and sinker. 7:26 you are saying Christine know no bounds, well Savage knows no bounds when it comes to his dislike, or rather hatred of Obama, get a grip folks. By the way latest is an autopsy will performed, can we just wait a few days and have all the information before we loose our heads??
Delete'wild-eyed bolshevik' 'free lunch'..
DeleteYeah, because Keynesian policies are really that devil Stalin and his poopy Communism in disguise! Educate yourself now before Sanders is nominated because that tired old Commie scare tactic bullshit isn't gonna work. We all know that's the only thing the Business Party (Repubs) will be saying cause that's all they've got; pushing fear and division from a stage full of histrionic clowns.
Man, I can't wait for all of the internet pics of Lenin with Bernie's face.
Thank you Christine. I was hoping for erotic asphyxiation gone wrong. Biggest homophobes are usually the closet cases.
DeleteA pillow over his head is not the same thing as a pillow over his face.
ReplyDeleteDo we know where Hillary Clinton (AKA "The Pillow Lady") was at time of Scalia's death?
ReplyDeleteThis smells like a George Soros plot.
DeleteIt's those greedy Koch brothers. Greed. Greed. Greed. It's evil and it's going to ruin us all.
ReplyDeleteSo a septuagenerian with documented heart problems dies of a heart attack and the natural conclusion is that Scalia was murdered. Seriously?
ReplyDeletePerhaps Donald can put his crack team of investigators on the job ... just as soon as they finish proving that Obama wasn't actually born in Hawaii.
There is a reason we have things called coroners and autopsies. Your speculation is just as speculative as saying he was murdered because you simply do not know. Thanks to the fact there will be no autopsy, no one will ever know, which is more of an indication toward foul play than not. I don’t know either, but at least I know I don’t know.
DeleteWell, labman57, most people who have heart attacks aren't found with pillows over their heads (assuming the reports are true).
DeleteKnown unknowns?
DeleteIn any case, I would never celebrate anyone's death so don't take this that way, but we are so much better off now that he's gone. Murdered or not he's gone, and we have the slimy trail of his originalist bullshit to deal with. Good Riddance!
Now the fun starts. We get to watch the Repubs back themselves into yet another impossible corner with their short-sided knee-jerk reaction to his death. I hope they drag it out for a really long time because that will infuriate and motivate the people to come out and vote these corporate tit sucking drones out of office. The longer they drag it out, the more it will hurt them, and they're still going to have to confirm someone a Dem puts up. They'd be smart to actually work with Obama this time and accept a moderate nominee because that will be the closest to their ideology that they're going to get; Obama, as we all know, being firmly center-right.
Maybe it was a Sicilian message, "Fat Tony" sleeps with the fishes or the pillows.
ReplyDeleteSo 415 Media has become a hangout for paranoid, right-wing, conspiracy nuts?
ReplyDeleteWondering if Elvis is still alive, too.
Exactly. Christ Lieberman why are you entertaining the theories of a nut job talk show host? If Alex Jones was in the area, would you report on all his "False Flag" conspiracies too?
DeleteThis would be so Clinton-esque. You get rid of Scalia. You put the election focus on the next Justice and rally women and Dems with scare tactics about abortion, guns, etc... And who benefits most? Hillary. Resurrects her campaign. Will it work? Ask Vince Foster.
ReplyDeleteSo discouraging and frustrating how some cannot understand or pretend to not understand the concerns on this. They act as if they never questioned anything before - as if questioning things of this nature were insane. If Scalia were a liberal, can any of them honestly say they'd be happy with no autopsy?! Of course not. It's just more of the same bullying, hypocritical game they play to win win win. Competitive jerks!
ReplyDeleteAll of the posters so far have missed the obvious. There is a government agency that handles this kind of situation. It is the F.B.I.
ReplyDeleteIts top two agents are Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.
Does the X-Files ring a bell?
Yeah. Watched it last night.
DeleteJust started the first of nine seasons on Netflix. Never watched it before. Finished Ep8 earlier today. From the comments here an X-Files scriptwriter has a gold mine of ideas to pursue. Oooooooooooooeeee!!!
DeleteSavage is the best. Spot on every time.
ReplyDeleteScalia's death occurred awfully close to where Donald is going to build his border wall. Could there be a connection here?
ReplyDeleteThe facts are suspicious. No witnesses, no security, not at home. A pillow over his head? How is that NOT suspicious? No autopsy? My own father died at 82 yrs. old, at home, alone, at night. They did an autopsy. And he was no Supreme Court Judge!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing accurate about post at 8:22 is that he was not at home. Rest is fiction.
DeleteThe family declared immediately, same day, that they did not want an autopsy. They knew he had a bad heart etc. An autopsy for them could only lead to possible embarrassment. He blood alcohol level, heart medicines, Lipitor....god only knows what an 80 year old, overweight guy with high blood pressure has in his system. They want to keep that private. Don't blame them.
ReplyDeleteExactly. My father died and we, the family, didn't want him cut open and mauled. No autopsy for us. He was old and was ill. What good would have come from knowing the actual cause of death. We decided to let him rest in peace. Literally.
ReplyDeleteAnother lame 'investigation' by a Presidential commission is not what is needed, neither can the FBI be trusted. Governor Abbott should arrange one.
ReplyDeleteVery aware of Scalia's heart troubled history. But might have it been another Kanye tantrum?