*KTVU higher-ups are slowly easing in Rosemary Orozco to primary weather anchor --her weeknight predominance is no accident. The only person who is upset is Bill Martin, who unfortunately doesn't look like Orozco.
*You haven't seen Katie Marzullo on KGO because Marzullo has taken a leave to care for her ailing father.
*Saying Ronn Owens sounds horrible on the air is not being insensitive regarding his ongoing ailment. Owens said repeatedly he didn't want sympathy. So speaking truthful about how he sounds is just that, nothing else.
*That said, Owens interview with political wonk, David Brock, was old-style Ronn. Very good. For a change.
*John Rothmann got screwed by the IHeart assholes but that's nothing new.
*Gary Radnich took his Bentley for some maintenance --about $3500 worth of work. Gave the mechanic an orange soda for a tip. Putz.
*Every sports anchor in this city hates Raddy--how do I know? I just know. Especially one who was giving a speech one night when Raddy ragged him about the suit trade out. Clue? There's only one 2.
*If Kate Scott were 40, had a few pimples and was heterosexual, she'd be working at Nordstorm. Instead, she labors at KNBR, and says nothing, is nothing, gets coddled by the wife-cheater and betting fool.
*Scott is to sports acumen is Mel Gibson is to bar-mitzvahs.
*Radnich's digital enabler at KRON is once again snitching on his co-workers. Watch your back, KRONvicts.
*Early opinion of Reggie Aqui at KGO: you get what you pay for.
*Jenna Lane new hire at KCBS: Lane is good but more women reporters at KCBS. Who do they think they are? KTVU?
*In fact, KTVU, KGO Radio and KCBS have enough women to open a N.O.W. office.
*I love women. I'm just picky. That's why I'm dating Stephanie Powers.
*KNBR 9-10 AM: 41 minutes of commercial spots and "updates." Better than listening to the wife cheater and his radio son.
*If you think I'm hard on KGO Radio and Cumulus, go on-line and listen to what Don Imus had to say about the cloud company.
*Overrated: Melanie Woodrow.
*Underrated: Peggy Bunker.
*Rusty Simmons: brand diminished. But the Chronicle has become irrelevant so life goes on.
*If Simmons gets 86ed and I tend to doubt it, he could go work at KTVU and talk like a pirate.
*Anymore KPIX divorces I should be aware of?
*Speaking of PIX: the NY diva anchor who can't stop tweeting and touching her hair has begun telling her friends she wants back to NY. Gees, I wonder why.
*CBS Radio layoffs: In two weeks, heads will roll..including some at KCBS. See 'yall at Grumpy's.
*Schmuck X 10: The obnoxious and hideous John Lund. Afternoon delight? Yeah, if you enjoy having anal warts.
*How to become KCBS weather woman in the morning: giggle a lot, do breathless reports, and act like some drunk 40-something chick that just consumed her 4th margarita in an hour at the Old Ship.
*Brian Hackney: If you were in Bakersfield you'd be awesome.
*Michael Krasny: Angie Coiro was right: you're kind of an asshole. She actually didn't say it, Mikey, I did.
*Erica Kato: on second thought, maybe KRON was right.
*Leah Garchik and Jan Wahl: I'd rather have eternal root canal.
*Mike Sugerman and Doug Sovern: pompous never had a better definition. I'd rather have a case of severe diarrhea for a week than listen to these two morons.
*Follow me on Twitter
I tweeted KNBR because they don't have a Contact Us function on their website - I let them know that Scott's replacement for last week and the other day, Joe Hughes, actually provided some good sports input as her replacement. I have nothing against Scott, but when I listen to sports talk radio, I like to be both entertained and somewhat enlightened. Unfortunately, she does a little of one but none of the latter. In fact, this morning she made mention that she's going to be doing some work for Pac 12' women's hoop and got the conference winner incorrect from last year. She corrected herself, but jeez.
ReplyDeleteYes, Hughes has been good several times filling in for the pompous Scott.
DeleteHey Bill, you don't like Rosemary? You shut your fucken hole!! Mind your own fucken business & do your job, bunghole!!
ReplyDelete4 hours of Gil Gross is like waterboarding. Rothmann would have been the right choice.
ReplyDeleteRonn is done.
Those of us who love old fashion talk radio i.e. what we got on KGO before they fired their really good hosts, all miss John Rothman. 910 is a total joke, now they are going to have Gil on 4 hours mid day, Armstrong and Getty (whom I kind of like, at least for a few hours) 4 hours, and as if that is not enough they will replay the best of Armstrong and Getty 1 hour from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. I don't know about anyone else, but I just about hate the best of, especially ongoing, so 4 hours of Gil, 5 hours of A&G, 2 hours of Joel and Corey, and the 2 hours of whoever the new guys (guy) is, I don't have much hope they will be at least remotely interesting. I guess Corey is the program director, what a joke, they have no ratings, and if possible I predict their ratings will go even lower. Gil had the nerve, when he was promoting the new programming, to say that 910 had the numbers (ratings) to prove they were a successful station, that listeners tune into.
DeleteRich is quick to point out how Ronn has fallen from grace, and is a coward for the way he towed the party line, when his fellow friends and hosts (Gene, John) was fired. I think Gil has fallen from grace, compared to when he was at KGO and also before that when he did news and sat in for Paul Harvey on ABC, and his defense of the shadow of a station he is on now, is pathetic and rings no more true than Ronn's defense of Cumulus management. Guess the morale of the story is that most people will spew a lot of bullshit in order to get a paycheck. If getting a paycheck means keeping a roof over your head and food on the table, I get that, have even been there myself, but I don't think neither Ronn, nor Gil is working for just the basic's, although I don't know much about Gil's finances, I think Ronn has done quite well, however since I use to work for a home care agency and also sold long term care insurance, I know that a disease like Parkinson can eventually cost $100.000 or more a year in home care or some kind of facility, which is neither covered by Medicare, or regular health insurance, so who are we to judge? Doesn't mean we can't critic his show, but I thought of get why he wants to keep working as long as possible, Certainly he is not as good as he use to be, but when he talks politics I still like his show, and since so few others stations have anyone even remotely talented on, if I listen to talk radio between 9 a.m. and noon I turn to Ronn. I'm certainly not going to choose Gil over Ronn, nor will I listen to Rush Limbaugh, so it's Ronn or music.
Reggie Aqui is awesome. A breath of fresh air. Easy to relate to and someone that does do t take himself too serious. He is REAL. Welcome to SF Reggie!!
DeleteI don't know if Radnich is a wife-cheater or not, but do you really need to throw that in twice in the same post? I saw you make reference to it a few days back as something that happened with his first wife? Even assuming that's true (which is hard to do without proof), if it is something that happened many years ago, what is the relevance now? Everyone, even you Rich, has some behavior in their past that they regret. What does that have to do with the job he does?
ReplyDeleteI'm not a Kate Scott fan. I find her presentation irritating, and her over-the-top put-on voice on those commercials is obnoxious and hard to listen to. But I don't agree that she has no sports knowledge. I frequently disagree with her but she gives me the impression she at least knows something. Certainly compared to the eye-candy halftime "reporters" on football games who clearly don't know a football from an aardvark.
Krasy... wouldn't be surprised if he were an a-hole. Haven't listed to him in years but he always sounded so conceited to me. And I'll never forget when he was on the ill-fated KGO-FM (anyone remember that?), his show intro described him as "armed with a PhD" as if that makes him a superior life force.
It's too bad that this is where the good media information comes from, because this is one mean spirited blog. Entertaining as hell, but mean and, often, petty. I know, I don't have to read it. But, like I said, it seems to be the ONLY place to get the dope on what's going on. Are the personal attacks necessary? I really think it could be entertaining without the personal insults
ReplyDeleteGeorge: please. I didn't force you here. You came in. Thanks for the kind words, now take a hike.
DeleteThe meaner, the better.
You know Rich, it's sh*tty little comments like that that keep me from supporting your blog. Show a little class, huh?
DeleteThink I'll stick around, Rich. Your blog is too informative. And it's like watching a mud wrestling match. You need more female wrestles, though
DeleteDon't know why George thinks this blog is informative. But it certainly is mean spirited and petty.
DeleteKeep it up Rich. Continue blog.
DeleteFor all you haters. Too bad!
Ewww. Julie Haener is back on air this Monday. The newscast has been so much better since she's been gone. Julie Haener is such an overrated anchor. She's just gross. Yuck!
ReplyDelete"Julie Haener is such an overrated anchor. She's just gross. Yuck!"
DeleteOnly thing "gross" is an adult who speaks as though he or she is still in grade school. "Yuck"? No wonder you can't relate to Julie.
Haener is OK, but I agree that the newscast has been better without her, at least when Heather Holmes is taking her place.
DeleteKeba Arnold's voice still drives me up the wall, though. It sounds like nails on a chalkboard.
That's some pretty lame trolling. I have to agree with 2:19.
DeleteAnyhow, Julie Haener is welcome back as far as I'm concerned. I prefer her newsreading over the various replacements they had, and she is certainly easier on the eyes than any of them as well.
I agree with @12:34. Julie Haener is a stale old hag. Time for her to retire with what little dignity she has before the suits at fox force her out. She's too old, unattractive, and overpaid for the market.
DeleteAnd, of course, you have a face that only a mother could love.
FYI-Julie isn't on air to entertain your adolescent fantasies nor those of the Heather Holmes fan-boy at 11:51. She's there to report and read the news, both of which she does extremely well.
Fox is "easing" Orozco in because she doesn't get paid as much as Bill Martin. Orozco is so boring. Bill is informative and entertaining. I guess the viewers are getting what Fox is paying for-Fox's mantra= cheap, boring and dull.
ReplyDeleteI myself get a little tired of his schtick. Let's go surf, dude. Beer kegs, man. Homemade beer, bro. The spots with Tolbert make me change the channel.
DeleteThe spots with Tolbert are excellent, I love those!
DeleteRosemary is super fine, but I've enjoyed Bill's stony weathercasts for a long time, and still do.
Bill Martin thinks he is some sort of minor celebrity ever since he made appearances on Ralph and Tom's show.
DeleteMartin deal with it pal, your days at KTVU are numbered.
Rosemary Orozco will have your job soon.
All for the better.
Congratulations to the KTVU "higher ups." I guess they have finally figured out why Fox news (cable) is number one. Beautiful, intelligent and poetry in motion, that's Rosemary. Physically she is a "symmetrical goddess." Watch the ratings go up! Good job KTVU.
ReplyDeleteJulie is coming back! Now the gal whose hair makes her look like an Afghan ( but, please! More cleavage) can return to her weekend gig and help out tired old Ken
ReplyDeleteThank you for the heads up on Katie Marzullo. Best wishes for her dad's recovery.
ReplyDelete@12:34 You need glasses and a hearing air.
ReplyDeleteGeez I love Rosemary Orozco and Heather Holmes. I wish KTVU would have a cooking show featuring both those delightful ladies. I would gladly volunteer to be sandwhiched by those two. Crass. But delicious.
ReplyDeleteAnd Ooooo.... tomorrow is #fabshoefriday for HH....!
DeleteHeather Holmes definitely adds pizazz to the weekday 5, 6, and 10 pm KTVU news! Fox News fans should enjoy her and her fashions.
ReplyDeleteMore Heather Holmes. I hope they figure out she is their, "diamond in the ruff." Beautiful, intelligent, sophisticated and naturally sexy, doesn't even have to work at it. Tee Vee is visual and she has all that visual stuff going on. I forgot charming. More Heather Holmes.
DeleteIt's ridiculous when this blog starts calling everyone else names.
ReplyDeleteI mean attacking people like Doug Sovern, Mike Sugarman, Leah Garchick, Brian Hackney, is totally uncalled for and kind of crazy.
Let's address the real annoyance: KCBS has the most reporters/anchors with speech impediments out of all Bay Area media. Stutter bug THANDALOW, Wahl, Magid, Jyyanice Wwryyite. How can these people get into the biz without correcting that first?? Wahl's report on Geowge Womewo's horror flicks was unwistenabow.
ReplyDeleteI use to watch local news but gave up on it. I couldn't picture any of these media types.
ReplyDeleteWhy the cheap shots at Michael Krasny? He's one of the sharpest, most well-read (that's a rarity in this attention-challenged age), people in the media. Plus he works for a station where he doesn't have to worry about ratings and stupid interruptions for commercials, so he can really get into his topics, which he does very well.
ReplyDeleteKrasny is not only a hard working guy who researches and shows great interest in his guests, but he actually knows how to ask intelligent questions. I don't get the negative comments about the guy. Perhaps some of the readers like screamers and shit-disturbers as their talk show hosts. Guess what? There are still a few of us out here who enjoy informative, interesting conversation on the radio, not the dysfunctional crap you get with the likes of Savage, Hannity of Limbaugh.
The KNBR morning show has reached a new low, "KC" or "Casey" their new Damon Bruce -lite "urban" caller?
ReplyDeleteMurphy better make 3x what Mack brings in, which oughta be NIL
Love the "underrated" Peggy Bunker! She is the perfect *white* female anchor for this market. She had been national, so she know what to do!