Not a matter of if but when I'm told by several local broadcast sources.
In Vacar's case, FOX seems to be embarking on unchartered territory. For one, Vacar, KTVU's Consumer Editor, even in his twilight years, still brings great content and consumer reporting to the table. And he's easily one of KTVU's most recognizable personalities. But in his late 60's Vacar is at an age where TV News consultants can be cold and brutal--Chop, Chop, Chop. As I've mentioned numerous times Vacar holds a law degree (although he doesn't practice) and it was only that element that has delayed FOX from making any move fearing Vacar could counteract. Now, Fox simply doesn't care.
Furthermore, FOX was not happy with the recent May Sweeps in which KTVU didn't perform well and was beaten savagely by other stations in the market.
This latest news is not going to make for a happy KTVU Newsroom that has already seen at least 2 senior staffers get their walking papers (including Vacar's own wife!)--we also know cameramen are in the pits amid widespread speculation of impending doom (read: layoffs).
The GRIM REAPER has parked his scooter at 2 Jack London Square!
*Follow me on Twitter
One could have guessed this outcome, based on the way things go in general these days at TV facilities. What's news to me is that the grim reaper drives a scooter. And that it's a "he".
ReplyDeleteI'll miss Rob Roth & his personality and professionalism, but Tom Vacar is a Pompous Ass & I won't miss him at all. As Betty Ford once said, "Oh Hush!! That's my Nintendo! The hell with you!!"
ReplyDeleteAgree on Vacar. Worked with him briefly at KGO. Not only pompous, but a major kiss-ass to management. Disagree on Roth. He did a major hit piece on an SFFD athletic program for kids, claiming that firemen were making overtime wages officiating basketball games. Totally false. Dan Noyes was coaching in the tournaments. He, not Rob, would have been all over this if there was any truth.
DeleteRaponi wanted both out years ago…so it's not a FOX thing…Both are fantastic reporters…but also times are changing… the bleeding started long ago…you saw it with Shandobil, then Handa…KTVU still has great reporters…Amber Lee, Eric Rasmussen, and Deb Villalon are fantastic…I'd like to see more Paul Chambers.
ReplyDelete"Furthermore, FOX was not happy with the recent May Sweeps in which KTVU didn't perform well and was beaten savagely by other stations in the market. "
ReplyDeleteMaybe FOX will learn that Foxification doesn't work quite as well here as it does in the "Real "Merika."
What gets me is that under Fred Zehnder ch 2 kicked butt and got great ratings. He did it by doing everything 180 degrees different from what everyone else was doing. He went against the "wisdom" of all the consultants and media gurus and it worked. After he left, they ripped out everything he'd done ("He was just lucky" one suit said in a meeting; I was there), and the ratings started their slow slide. They've now obliterated everything he's done and they're in the tank. So what do they do? Do *more* obliterating, like something different's going to happen this time, rather than putting back what worked. They'll tell you times are different and things have changed. Of course, they were saying exactly this to Fred back in the 1970s and 80s, too.
Delete"Furthermore, FOX was not happy with the recent May Sweeps in which KTVU didn't perform well and was beaten savagely by other stations in the market. "
DeleteIt's kinda early to making such a sweeping assessment, isn't it?
I suspect that either or both Vacar and Roth have contracts and Fox will either abide by them or do a pay out if they want to get them out of Jack London Sq. sooner than later. Just another turn of the screw...TV showing more and more its lack of relevance with the all consuming internet and its video.
ReplyDeleteThese guys have to go? Meanwhile back on MO2 Dave Clark has set the English language back 500 years. Fox is silly.
Delete"Fox is silly," yet you continue to watch, so what does that make you?
ReplyDeleteNailed it.
Old FARTS with big salaries for 1 min. news segments. Move on, you won't be missed. Go get a real job.
ReplyDeleteSome people in the BA continue to think the BA is "special" when it come to media.
ReplyDeleteWell it's not true.
People are just as stupid as elsewhere. Things cost more here, but that is because we are stupid enough to fall for high taxes and zero services.
FOX and others know there is now an entire generation of dumb people buried in smartphones.
FOX will do just fine in the BA. There is nothing stopping them.
Nobody noticed the new very "non-FOX" graphics that debuted today???
ReplyDeleteYou have to admit that those are totally slick and very classy looking.
They actually look like COX graphics work, not FOX hub designs.
DeleteCould it be the final works of the former graphics team?
Want good ratings? Good ratings like Fox news (cable). Hire a bunch of beautiful women and display them properly, just like Fox news does.
ReplyDeleteProof of hypocrisy: FOX bidding adieu to BA reporters Vacar & Roth, yet 79-year old Roger Ailes re-ups for multi-years, even though he's way past his prime and can barely be coherent, let alone interested in the mainstream. It's called Favorites, regardless of ratings. Nothing new here.
ReplyDeleteWith KTVU's May book less than stellar, good old Trixie WatMeWorry at 900 Front grows more entitled. Sure, the big wigs are slapping each other on the back, but the rank and file can't stand the witch.
ReplyDeleteTake a look at Sasaki's mobile uploads on Fb. There is a picture of a ktvu "editorial meeting" All a bunch of homely young women dressed in sweats that can't even bother to shower before work. Disgusting. This is our future! No wonder TV news is swirling the drain... Well done "ladies"
ReplyDeleteA word of advice for you KTVUers - bad things happen after the old man in charge of the O&O group comes and visits. He will pontificate and tell you how much you suck. My favorite part is when he pulls out his cell phone, taps at the screen, and says 'this is where everyone gets their news'. Everyone should brace themselves. They are going to cut cut cut and Foxify that joint. They really don't care the market isn't a "fox news" market. They are there to capitalize on football. That's it.