Most people say he looks uncomfortable, that he gives off a bad vibe and seems angry. I'm paraphrasing of course but the overall impression of Clark isn't warm and fuzzy.
Which is interesting because almost every person at Channel 2 has told me Clark is a good guy, or, "he's a real nice man."
I bumped into Clark a few years back; it was some industry event in the city and didn't say much, it was mostly small talk. He was cordial and pleasant and in a brief time, there was nothing to indicate that he was some crummy jerk, not even close to it.
Part of Clark's low-grade appearence, at least on TV, appears to be his facial scowl, which makes him look sort of cranky. But along with the eternal scowl comes the frequent smile afterward so there's every indication that Dave Clark's look can be interpreted as angry but those who know swear he's Mr. Sunshine.
Ever since you-know-what, Campbell seems more dazed and plain, just do the job and get out of the building kind of vibe.
Maybe it's fair, maybe it's not. I'll give Campbell credit; few people in the business could have survived the whole you-know-what and come back strong seemingly able to put all of that behind her.
While I said my thing on that old deal and wondered aloud why Tori Campbell wasn't given the ax, I also commend her for being able to move forward and onward. True, she has little choice but nevertheless, the stigma of 16 months later is still there and an indelible mark on her career.
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*Rich Lieberman and 415 Media are not responsible for comments made by others on this website.
Who were the geniuses who signed them to long term contracts? And, more importantly, why? Maybe in the beginning they weren't too bad. They stink now. Terrible management decisions.
ReplyDeleteThey weren't signed to "long-term contracts." They were signed to three years, which is the standard in the industry.
DeleteDave Clark's singsong voice and fake smile may be covering an angry guy, who knows?
ReplyDeleteSome people just aren't back-slappy happy. They're introverted and can't smile every minute. What's odd is most of them go into the producer/writer side, not the on-camera side. But some people are just introverts, and there's nothing more to it than that, even though other people imagine all sorts of things:
DeleteI've never keyed in on Clark's facial expression. Richmond always had an expression like he just found out his wife was sleeping with his best friend and he was gonna tear the two of them into tiny pieces after the broadcast. It didn't impact my opinion in the least because I'm watching for the news in a straigh forward manner.
ReplyDeleteClark's problem is his romper room delivery. He comes off like we don't really understand what he's saying or why the topic should matter.
Tori has been hopeless long before her Asiana gaff.
They need to bring back Mark Pita at any cost. It was priceless when he pissed off that temperamental Russel Crowe.
Why must you have anchorpeople who look and emote like Stepford wives and wind-up Ken dolls? I remember Tori Campbell from the KGO radio newsroom. She always took her job very seriously, going the extra mile to get details right on things that affect a lot of lives. Years later, in the midst of a tragic and important story, somebody deliberately loads the prompter with "breaking news" that she has no time to scrutinize, and you want to lynch her. Did you think that could never happen to you? I'd much rather watch local t.v. news which isn't staffed by cookie cutter types.The tv consultants are the ones who homogenize all the news anchors in the country to look alike, sound alike, and never say anything that matters. As for Dave not being good looking enough for somebody, may I remind you that the most successful male anchor in SF history was probably Dave MacElhatton, not a looker, not a model, just a really nice guy.
ReplyDeleteTori has been on KTVU for years. About 20 + right?
DeleteChristine, you come across as bitter and angry.
You were a hottie back in the day.
Maybe Tori did not have time to scrutinize the "breaking news", but after saying
Deletethe first name -- Sum Ting Wong -- anyone with half a brain would have stopped and said something like, "We are making every effort to confirm all this info coming in. Here is what we KNOW is accurate at this time -- blah, blah, blah." If she was a pro, she could have handled this without any problem, but she went on to say the other 3 names, including Ho Lee Fuk.
And Dennis Richmond wasn't exactly a warm and huggy back-slapper either. Thank goodness. I don't want my news anchor to be my surrogate friend, just as I don't want to be greeted with phony smiles by airhead employees every time I go into a Safeway, Starbucks or Apple store, and then get a receipt with a link to a survey on it where they ask you if you were greeted and "made to feel welcome" and talked to "as if you were family." Ever notice how the more mean and hypocritical real life gets, the more the fake smiley person is shoved up your a**? Scary if you ask me.
DeleteC'mon Christine! Anybody with half a brain would know something was amiss by the second name. Even on a cold read. And if they suffer from Burgandy-esque prompter-itis, then they aren't "professional," they are idiots. Tori Campbell is an idiot.
DeleteMust we rehash this again?
I haven't looked at her the same way since. Rich is right, permanent stain.
Delete9:30: Christine comes across as feisty, and I LIKE it!
Delete10:20 if you don't want to "rehash" this...why are you talking about it. I never"hashed" it in the first place. Stuff happens. Tori Campbell is not an idiot. If you want an anchorette who looks like she moonlights as a massage therapist...turn to a different single number channel. I hear that experiment is a disaster...right?
DeleteWhat's wrong with being a massage therapist? And what do they "look" like? I've seen many massage therapists that would know the difference between fake Asian names and real ones. So you, my dear, are just as much of an idiot as Tori. Plus, you defend a convicted child sexual predator in Fine.
DeleteChristine, you are way past the point of relevance in this Market. Check yourself.
4:57...As you say, you've seen many massage therapists. I'm not your "dear". What is a "convicted child sexual predator in Fine"? I think I know what you are trying so ineptly to say, but Bernie Ward,unlike Bill Cosby, didn't touch any children. There was no predation. Figure that out before you accuse me of irrelevance. Similarly, there is no need to capitalize"market". It's not a proper noun.
DeleteI think most of us humans have blundered a time or two in their lives and cringe at the memory. The difference for me is that I wasn't on TV when it happened. Thank God.
DeleteAnd regarding Dave Clark--during the days when my job started at 7:30 am, KTVU was my go-to station. Dave cheered me up immensely. I like him, and I suspect that he has many other fans. Rich's email in-box is not a representative sampling IMHO. And reading the comments on his blog, there seem to be a lot of haters out there in Rich's universe!
Christine, you haven't dealt with the query about your massage therapist comment. I must say, that comment did come across as "profiling" to say the least. You should be ashamed of yourself.
DeleteI'm not, in the least.
DeleteSo, Christine thinks it's OK for a grown man to look at child pornography on the computer. Got it. Research my ass
Delete7:43...there was no "query"...What race did I profile? specifically? Maybe you should be ashamed of yourself. The discussion was aboutone specific female anchor being too serious,not young and smiley..etc. etc. If the solution is to bring in young, unserious,smiley type women ..then the ratings should reflect success right? You know it hasn't and won't.'s what I think about thought crimes: I think that having to do six years in prison for looking at forbidden images is a disproportionate sentence. I'm not a fan of mandatory federal sentencing. I think that a person,who pretended to be so outraged that they did things to make sure that happened, and then,years later, pretends that sex trafficking, drugging and raping actual underage girls is okay(real people as opposed to computer images)is a jerk and a phony.Is that clear enough for you?
DeleteTori reading the news looks like Jim Harbaugh in a wig reading to Lowell Cohn and the sports media--after losing a Super Bowl.
ReplyDeleteAnd I would say she says "Oakland" about as much as country music.
I'm sure she wishes Danville had a TV channel.
So now Stan thinks he's a comedian?
DeleteHere's a tip for Stan, comedy is supposed to be humorous.
This is actually quite funny when you let it float on the brain for a minute. Thanks for the morning chuckle.
DeleteHow "Oakland" is she? Tori Campbell has drive through International Blvd about as many times as the President of North Korea,Sum Yung Prick.
DeleteFunny Stan, this is Neal
DeleteHi Neal!
DeleteDamn keyboard. Never buy a 'G.E.' people.You got's to push hard. .
Stan, I think you are one of the biggest tools in the Bay Area but that comment at 12:23 was hilarious.
DeleteJust one word about the "Mornings on 2" anchor duo: Terrible.
ReplyDeleteMo2 was my morning show since it began, until DC started. Then, it was still my show for some time, but painfully so. Now, after hearing Sal and the weather once or twice, the channel changes. This morning, I also noticed TC ad lib a non-sentence a la DC. Re: the Romper Room comment, supra, at least Romper Room never insulted the intelligence of its audience.
ReplyDeleteDave Clark single handedly made me stop watching MO2. And I was a viewer from Day 1. I know I'm not alone, so let management chew on that.
ReplyDeleteWhy the "Rich Lieberman and 415 Media are not responsible for comments made by others on this website." disclaimer on this post and not the others? Was it something that happened in the last few day? Or are you anticipating some bad comments regarding Tori? Just curious, love the website Rich!
ReplyDeleteThat photograph of Tori Campbell says it all.
ReplyDeleteDave Clark has grown me. Even as a black man who relishes seeing other blacks on TV, I feel Mark Curtis got a raw deal when Sommerville left to take Richmond's position at 10. My little conspiracy theory is that when Richmond left, using some of his cache and capital, said he wanted another "brotha" at KTVU. That wasn't happening at 10'Oclock (see Sommerville), so the next best thing was Sommerville's old positon on Mo2- just my unfounded theory. Should have been Curtis' gig. ANYWAY, Clark isn't BAD in the morning. Yeah, the Los Angeles "concerned brow" doesn't fit in here, but he's affable and gets along in the morning and gets the job done. Not extraordinary but nowhere near bad. It's morning news. Meh. To echo Rich's sentiments and a few others, I've also run into Clark out in traffic-at Warriors games, and once at the Richnmond 4th of July at the Craneway and he's a very nice and approachable guy. He and his wife tooka seat at the Cranway on the floor like everyone else and enjoyed the festivities like a regular old bay citizen. I have no problem with him or the ENTIRE Mo2 crew- even the reporters are cool (Flores and Savidge)- Although I prefer Pam Cook over Tori Campbell but I'm out the house by 7 anyway.
ReplyDeleteI have all his albums.
ReplyDeleteWhy did he give up the DC5?
Speaking of Richmond... Just saw a teaser (sweeps) for a look back at Richmond.... He don't look or sound to good
ReplyDelete"Part of Clark's low-grade appearence, at least on TV, appears to be his facial scowl, which makes him look sort of cranky."
ReplyDeleteIsn't there some surgery that will take care of that? People do boobs, necks, jowls, bowels - why not scowls?
Clark has a look of constant constipation and the forced smile comes across as a grimace. I think that's why people comment on his demeanor. It doesn't jive when he's reading the news. Btw I hope your use of anti-positive doesn't become part of your lingo. What's next? Anti-hag, anti-hot, anti-tall...on and on...just say negative don't come up with new words!
ReplyDeleteYou could not find two nicer people to work with than Tori and Dave.
ReplyDeleteWell, Dave Clark, the male co-anchor from "Mornings on 2"? Listen to this - he has the exact same sing-songy delivery for practically *every* story he does. Now, he also has the annoying habit of starting every other sentence with the word "now", even *though* the story he's reading may have happened in the *past tense*, which makes it highly irrelevant. He's also known to turn pretty much every lead sentence into a question. Now he may be a nice guy, but it's mind-boggling that someone hasn't coached him out of his gawd-awful delivery.
ReplyDeleteI read your comment in Clark's cadence and it was very annoying and made it seem...irrelevant. Some people... might believe's just a really awful Captain Kirk impression.
DeleteRead regularly I found it spot on.
"NOW he may be a nice guy..."
DeleteTori Campbell looks not so comfortably numb in that picture.
ReplyDeleteI am no fan of Dave Clark but can we give the angry black man meme a break? I watch part of ktvu almost every morning and I've never seen a scowl or anything like it. He does have a style that is off putting but in no way is it anger.
ReplyDeleteIf Dave Clark is getting so many bad comments how come no one at KTVU pays attention and maybe do something about it?