He's also a charlatan --a guy on KSFO from 9- Noon, "Spencer Hughes" who is ruthlessly anti-immigration reform, ANY kind of reform.
An Obama hater. (Probably an act.)
This, in spite of the fact his parents were IMMIGRANTS!From his lovely Web page:
Spencer was born and raised in San Francisco to Latin American immigrants. He learned from a young age the value of the American Dream and watched his family work hard and persevere in this wonderful country.
Hey, bonehead, you want a REAL debate? Never mind.
*Follow me on Twitter
Maybe his parents came here legally?
ReplyDeleteHe's actually grown on me
ReplyDeleteIf you were a real fan, you would have phrased your comment as "does it make me a terrible person if I enjoy his show? "....
DeleteThanks Spence.
Deletewere they legal immigrants? if so I can understand his stand toward illegal immigration. why shouldn't everyone play the rules?
DeleteTwo words Rich, Legal Immigration vs ILLEGAL INVASION, which is what your Pal Obama has embraced. Here they come, not Honey Boo Boo, but diseases we haven't seen en masse for decades in this country. Yes, leprosy and MRSA are included. No, they are not being checked and detained for health quarrantine. It's a complete Eff'en free for all, Mara Salvatrucha , Sur 13, and Nortenos among them. Yes, we have a right, if not an obligation to ask why this is happening, and which Mexican Mayor has been paid what amount of U.S. Tax Dollars. Keep on bending over backward, though. Everyday we get closer to Londonistan.
ReplyDeleteSt. Ronnie Reagan wanted amnesty for illegals, so its not like Obama came up with it on his own.
DeleteEisenhower did it the right way. Google "operation wetback" sometime.
DeleteI think before you write a blog post you think about the issues more deeply. There is a legal way for those wanting to enter America to come here. I am sure your ancestors followed the law and there are people of all colors, nationalities, etc. who did the same. If we are not a nation of laws, what exactly are we? Should we not get to say who can come into the country so that we are sure to keep pedophiles and rapists out (a very small part of the issue but how many do we let in exactly?) And if someone is willing to break laws to get into the country, what laws will matter to them when they are here? And what about all the people working hard to send their kids to public schools and pay their taxes? Are these people working hard simply to fund others who simply show up and have paid nothing into the system? When we complain about crowded class rooms, remember why. When we complain that there is not enough money for good hospitals, remember why? I do not want to deny education or medical treatment to anyone, but at the same time we have a system in place based upon certain assumptions and when those assumptions change, we all pay for it. Is everyone now supposed to pay for the illegal actions of people? Is that the social contract we signed up for?
ReplyDeleteFinally, think about other countries. Am I simply allowed to enter France and stay indefinitely and get all public services for free? What about Sweden? Or China? They all have rules and when they are followed we do not condemn those countries. Why condemn the people of this country who merely request that others follow the law. Why, Rich, do you place a lesser value on this law than others? If someone steals from a school district they go to jail and we applaud. Is that not happening now?
Thank you for the common sense post!
DeleteI'm writing in Eisenhower in 2016. Even if he's dead he's got to be better than what we have now.
DeleteUm, it is kind of difficult to come here legally when you are a refugee from violence that America has played a large part in creating with its exportation of gangs and its drug culture. What a ridiculous comment.
DeleteYeah, waiting in line at the American embassy will sure help when you face gang-rape, schools run by drug cartels that feed the children drugs, etc.
America, you have sown the seeds of this disaster by your drug use, colonial exploitation and post-colonial exploitation.
No, I don't think all who are coming in are innocent, but some are. Perhaps many.
Do you think that diseases only come from Central America?
Think SFO, Oakland and San Jose international airports. The potential is there daily.
MERS arrived in the United States (as detected by the CDC) this year from Saudi Arabia, 3:58, or did you mean MRSA that has been here for years? Either way, you are wrong on both counts. Go back and do some research and ask a beat cop in any city what they s/he faces daily from people who live here legally.
I think we should all return home, except for Native Americans. That way, we'll be consistent on who we discriminated again
12:05, shouldn't the "native americans" go back to Siberia and points beyond then? They too, immigrated here originally.
DeleteRich, what don't you get, ILLEGAL means ILLEGAL. That is what we all should be against, we have rules in this country and these people on the border are not following our rules for entry. Don't even get me started on the clown that we have in the White House. That is a real shame.
ReplyDeleteJust like the anti choice politicians who get abortions for their mistresses.
ReplyDelete...and they damn well better not get caught! That in itself is a deterrent.
DeleteMy inlaws immigrated here legally from Mexico and they are also "anti-immigration reform" as currently proposed by both parties. That feeling is more common that you may think. We hear a lot about liberal Mexican immigrants but there are a surprising number who came here in the 50s/60s who are very conservative. Many feel they lived the American Dream coming here and can't stand to see that just handed to others who don't "deserve" it in their eyes. I'm not saying its right or wrong, but there are many who feel that way.
ReplyDelete- Brian
The view you've describe the legal immigrants having against illegal ones is correct from all points of view. EVERYONE should play by the rules or be punished.
DeleteLets not pretend the rules are hard and fast. It was easier for others to come when they did, to say little of what is transpiring in these countries now. A lot of it because of American foreign policy. So don't pretend that my French immigrant grandparents are somehow dealing with the same things the people of Honduras are. Please don't speak for the entire Mexican community, or any other for that matter. It reads pretty dumb.
DeleteMore guilt-ridden misinformation there, 4:58. My dad's Norwegian ancestors dealt with English-only laws in Iowa in the early 1900s. They didn't have ESL classes at school, they had to speak English. They didn't have government assistance programs to help them through the tough winters they have in the Midwest, either...
DeleteAnd my mom who immigrated here LEGALLY from South America in the early 60s has real experience with bigotry, not the imagined crap the illegals say the deal with (when in fact, the racism these days is more prevalent among the La Raza set...).
4:58 - Tell my father in law there was anything easy about immigrating here legally in 1959 and he'd make it clear to you what "dumb" is. And if comprehension is important to you, read my post again and you'll see I was speaking for "many" in the Mexican community. Not all.
Delete- Brian
No one said it was easy. If bigotry and language were the concerns then you're proving my point.
DeleteSpencer is a rightie opposed to illegal immigration. I"m a leftie , utterly opposed to illegal immigration. I recently mceed a swearing in ceremony for about 800 peope, who respectfully followed the rules. They came from 40 different countries. Just because someone is opposed to illegal immigration does not mean that they are xenophobic. Perhaps if that El Nino doesn't kick in, and water becomes even more scarce in the border states in this country, the tenor of the debate will change.
ReplyDeleteExcellent post. Illegal is not a right or left term, no question.
DeleteGood reference to the drought. A large part of the problem with water usage is the rapidly expanding population. If we don't have enough resources for everyone here legally (and I'm talking about natural resources, haven't started on taxpayer provided ones), why bring in so many more folks who show no interest in being here legally, or contributing to society in a positive manner?
Perhaps at a certain point, even legal immigration might need to be reviewed just because of the lack of natural resources such as water...
Why must there be a "leftie vs rightie" polarization about everything in the body politic? One would realize that the "great divide" doesn't get anything done and that the USA continues to suffer.
DeleteWhat's the world coming to? Christine is now making sense in a concise and logical manner? I figured there'd be peace in the middle east first.
DeleteHi Christine: I know you've presented yourself here as a stickler for grammar on numerous occasions, so it's probably worth noting that it's emceed or MC'd.
Thank you, Gary. That would be spelling, not grammar. I stand corrected. As for the assertion above, that I suddenly have a concise view on immigration. I have always stood for legal immigration and against illegal immigration, both as a lawyer, and as a radio host.
DeleteRemember too, that this country has provided legal immigration to more people from more places than any other country in the world, ever, by a factor of 8-1. So when someone condemns the US for not being more welcome to immigrants, or for not being compassionate, it's a load of dingoes' kidneys.
ReplyDeleteRich, your rant falls on deaf ears just south of "liberals who drink the Kool-Aid of immigration deception." Immigration reform, which is the untouchable third rail for either party, has nothing to do with "LEGAL" immigration or "ILLEGAL immiigration."
DeleteThe Dems want more handout entitled voters, while others coming here LEGALLY wait, wait, wait and end up at the back of the line. The times are different. Just because ILLEGAL aliens think they have the right to come here to "the land of the free" doesn't mean they should or can. It's ILLEGAL be it a momma looking for health benefits, a child looking for refuge or one of millions of citizens of the USA looking for jobs. We have our own people to take care of as well. Thank you, Christine. You make a salient point. It's not about those who landed and went through the process at Ellis Island. It's about those who risk their lives at the hands of corrupt politicians and drug cartels who allow these wonderful people to ride "The Beast" or "The Death Train" looking for their future. We have provided this "in" for generations and like it or not, we are a "nation of laws" that, selectively, we enforce.
Why have immigration reform when the "reform" we have now is not being enforced? That's the problem with this country. We make laws, don't enforce them, then think that by changing them, everything will be ok. Not so.
DeleteIt's all about bad politics. No one wants to touch this because it's about politics and unpopularity for government reform, which we desperately need.
I love me some Christine
DeleteDamn. I showed up for media discourse and a damned political rally broke out!
DeleteThe higher ups in both political parties want the illegals to keep coming just as long as they don't have to live next to them. The big boys in Pacific Heights don't have to worry about what's in the Mission or even Concord, Fremont or Milpitas. We don't see too much of it in Danville but San Ramon is filling in quite nicely with Indians and Chinese. We just got back from Whole Foods in Walnut Creek where we were literally almost run over by some Chinese chick who looked like she was disoriented. It happens A LOT. Check out the 680 freeway in San Jose at the peak of rush hour on a work day. I've never seen so many beat up white Toyota minivans in one place in my life!
DeleteActually Spencer has a lot of guts. Taking an honest stand, and most importantly being informed. Rich, take some time and do the same. The massive immigration bill was pure shit. All kinds of exceptions - 2 misdemeanors you can stay, no problem. No job, no problem if it's not your fault. Must pay a fine, unless of course you have no money. Huge number of loopholes and exceptions. The problem is the lemmings just accept the talking points. Rich?
DeleteYou're spot on with that fraud Jose "Mi nombre Da Silva" Hughes. Haters are gonna hate, be either air headed lawyers who love guns or White sheet wearers who love Eisenhower. What these idiots fail to mention is the destabilization good ol' USA has brought upon Latin America with its imperial policies and the junkies here who love their cocain fix. Then again self reflection is not a strong suit of the trigger happy gringo. We are taking aztlan back whether you like it or not. All this hyperventilating won't prevent it.
ReplyDeleteWhile we're on broad generalizations, how about all the alcoholic (to say the least) Central Americans. Tell us how that's OUR fault again?
DeleteYou aren't taking back shit. I laugh everytime I read that. Half of you can't even write or read Spanish and you're supposed to take it back? You're ignorant people from the 3rd world who speak a 3rd world language and are only here for the handouts. "Comprende"?
DeleteIf you have no substantive argument left and must resort to calling people names, that says it all....you have nothing left. "Haters? Air-headed lawyers who love guns? White sheet wearers who love Eisenhower?
DeleteLOL! You REALLY have nothing left.
We are taking this back amigos. Whether you like it or not. Why don't you filthy gringos look in the mirror? Most of your college freshman have to take remedial English courses. You criticize immigrants for not learning English. Yet your idiot gringo children are born here and CAN'T read or write proper ENGLISH. Comprendes estúpido? Aztlan will rise again ha ha ha!
Delete8:35, thanks for proving the point that the brown klan are the actual racists these days.
DeleteOh, and try and take it back. I'll laugh when all you mouthy La Raza types get your just due. Say hi to General Santa Anna in Hell when you get there...
The county of Santa Clara has offered to take part of the immigrant children. I'm telling you aztlan is on the rise. SI SE PUEDE!!
Delete12:57, seditious much?
DeleteThanks Rich for encapsulating what Bill Maher, of all people, says about Liberals these days:
ReplyDelete"useless Obama hacks without a shred of intellectual honesty.”
Have you not been listening to Savage lately? He owns this. He is the most credible voice in all media on the dangers of this illegal immigrant invasion. But thanks for exposing yourself so blatantly.
I like Ike! (and the brown klan can stick it!)
ReplyDeleteDoes he still believe in ghosts?
ReplyDeleteWow Rich,
ReplyDeleteThese cold-hearted Republicans have not heart whatsoever.
It has nothing to do with "heart". It has to do with rules. Laws are made to be followed. We are a nation of laws, not of men (or women).
DeleteI have an idea. Let's all march over to Facebook or Google right now and occupy their offices. We'll take their games, their gyms, and their cafeterias! Then, after that, let's go to Zuckerberg's home and take over that. I am sure there is an unused bedroom there I could occupy. And then, since I am now living in his home, how about I take over his bank account and stock options. And the guys from Google I hear have an amazing airplane at Moffett Field. I think I'll take that as well. It is simply unfair that I have to live in relative squalor compared to them and if they will not give it to me, I will take it. Why wasn't I born to wealthier parents? Why wasn't I born with their brains. It is brain-inequality I tell you. Where is their heart? Why do they get the privilege and not me. Does this at all sound familiar? One can rationalize anything. It does not make it right nor one pious.
ReplyDelete> Why wasn't I born with their brains.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, the average Google exec isn't that smart. He just *thinks* he is.
Back in the early 90s I knew someone who worked at Tower Records. She said all the execs there just thought their poop was golden. That was because their company was soaring at the time. She said in reality they just have a product that sells themselves. No matter what they do they could look clever.
Flash forward to the 2000s. The internet means that Tower's products no longer "sell themselves." Company collapses, geniuses out of work.
I guess she was right.
> It is brain-inequality I tell you.
No, it's not. Believe me.
Looks as if Rich got himself a debate from all of us who commented!
ReplyDeleteIllegal aliens have no rights in our country and it's wonderful the American people are finally seeing the light. We have way too many of our own we should be helping, not these invaders. Christine, as always, thank you for your succinct post.
Is Mr. Hughes, by any chance, of Cuban descent?
ReplyDeleteSo who's going to pick my lettuce and strawberries? You can form a line starting here.
ReplyDeleteImmigration debate descends into myopia faster than any other topic. People wanna see what they want to see.It's like blind people trying to describe an elephant by touch from either end.
It's more nuanced than most anyone else on here has described or come up with some half-baked solution.
Currently unemployed lower-skilled Americans will be glad to pick our lettuce and clean our buildings. It worked before, it will work again, and employment will increase.
DeleteAnonymous 3:41, you got facts to back that up? If you could choose between low pay, back breaking work at Walmart or low pay, back breaking work in produce field, which would you choose?
DeleteAnother myth. Illegals account for 5% of the field workers. Try construction -- that's where the illegal aliens are taking over. The rest are receiving hand-outs paid by the U.S. taxpayers. And when they drop anchor babies, they are set for life.
DeleteIt's not even about jobs anymore.
Anonymous 5:40PM...Yes, there are facts to back up what I say. Also, to answer your question as to what I would choose between low pay, back breaking work at Walmart or in the produce fields, when you're in a position like that you take the best available option. Those choices should be available for LEGAL immigrants or CITIZENS, not stolen by people who broke into our house illegally.
DeleteKSFO's making a huge mistake by not having any Women Hosts.
ReplyDeleteI used to call 'KGO Comment Line' asking Jack Swanson to please, please get some women Talk Show Hosts...he finally did.
Women really enjoy hearing to a woman's take on things!
Nothing but men, men, men at KSFO!
Rich, Hate these distorted Letters please go back to NUMBERS!
To the guy who said Aztlan is going to rise again. Right. You people can't even organize a two-car parade. As for how you're going to run a modern post-industrial society competently. Can't happen. You don't have the brains, capability or character to do so much.
ReplyDeleteThe USA is rapidly turning into a third world banana republic. The middle class is almost extinct. This is ripe for aztlan take over amigo. You're delusional to think the USA is still the same as when you grew up. This is but a shadow of its former self. Better brush up on your Spanish skills hombre
DeleteWhere were all these people scared of immigrants during the last administration?
ReplyDelete-Obama had deported more than W his first 2 years than Bush did in 8.
-Border Patrol and OHS has been beefed up.
-More fencing and surveillance in this Admin.
-The number of illegals entering the country has decreased by 1/3 since 2007.
The same place all the people scared of the deficit were when GW was spending trillions on two made-up wars and anyone who questioned them wasn't a "patriot."
Delete4:39 PM Go ahead, keep on weaving those lies, talking points, and obfuscations.
DeleteQuestion; How does it feel to be a Paid Liar for the New Socialists Regime?
Do you get 'French Benefits' too?
Hah! Soooo not true.
DeleteTo 9:26PM: What an unfocused obfuscation. Stop muddying the waters with irrelevancies. We have an illegal immigration problem and there are good ways to fixing the problem that don't undermine our laws. And never mind whose fault you (or I) think it is, that's also irrelevant. Let's just fix it.
DeleteTo:4:39pm You are totally drinking the cool aid from Barry and Valerie. Their goal is to bring the USA down and make us all dependent on big government to survive. The middle class will be gone and only the rich ,(Who have their money and don't need us) will see the rest of us fall down with the down and outs. I worked hard for what I have, so I think I and others will LOCK & LOAD. Watch out loser.
ReplyDeleteYou are an idiot who does not want to know the facts, you have been drinking the right wing cool aid. It is the Republicans who are making the middle class disappear, the don't believe in a minimum wage, the are anti worker. Have you listened to Larry Kudlow on immigration, he in favor of it, that does not mean he is for anyone coming into the country anytime. The Republicans and Democrats have different philosophies, I don't believe anyone of them are trying to bring the US down. I disagreed with George Bush on almost everything, but I did not think he was trying to bring the country down (although the invasion of Irag, has certainly been a huge failure and financial drain).
DeleteIsn't it possible to disagree with someone, without demonizing them?? I guess not, the reason for that I find is usually a lack of intellectual depth or someone just shooting off their mouth without really thinking their argument through. Most of us whether we are rich, poor or middle class have worked hard for what we have. I grew up almost poor, by American standards, in postwar Scandinavia, both my parents worked very, very hard (my Dad was a gardner) years ago when I was married I was up middle class, my then husband worked very hard, and I did what I could to support him. For years I was middle class, own a townhouse, had a nice car, could afford vacations and other things, and as a single mother I worked hard. Then in the last economy crisis, my business (insurance) and real estate took a nose dive, and combined with an illness I pretty much lost everything. Now I'm rebuilding, working, saving money, however I have never worked so hard for so little money, I work retail, it is tiring, on your feet all day, hours changing all the time, I get a little more than minimum wage, and have not had a raise in almost 2 years, it that Obama's fault? No, a minimum wage hike would certainly help me and many others, and when the many low paid workers have more money, they spend it, and thus help the economy overall. Fortunately, my social security supplements my income. However, this idea that I always hear from the right, that people who work minimum wage don't work hard is pure nonsense.
I am a LEGAL immigrant who is very against ILLEGAL immigration. It is a slap in the face to all people who obeyed the rules and law. I have friends who got a degree from UCB and still have to wait 10+ years for a green card.
ReplyDeleteI even called Pat Thurston once and she called me anti-immigrant. Really?? It is why I dont listen to her.
I've heard it said before - it's not "what part of illegal don't you understand," it's "what part of LEGAL don't you understand?"