Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The End of the Line For the Call-Letter Deficient Radio Station Once and For All

  I made a mistake. Sort of.

I acknowledged an in-house prank perpetrated by a rogue morning producer for the call-letter deficient radio station mired deep in the abyss.

By doing so I gave ammunition to the producer's gullible assembly, some of whom bought the idea of the producer's attempt to discredit me and this site.

The actions perpetrated by the individual speaks more about the person, the employer and some of its workforce. I was just an innocent bystander. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your viewpoint, the "ruse" or "dupe", whatever you want to call it, didn't work because had it I would have reported it but no such e-mail nor phone call ever made it here to 415 Media. Even so, the perpetrator told numerous colleagues about her "plot" including a management person, at least two on-air talk hosts and news people. After careful consideration I'm purposefully not going to name names because by doing so I would only add credence to a rogue employee who clearly crossed the line. I'll let the Cloud Company and its albatross outlet deal with their own internal affairs--it's not my duty nor would it be in the best interests of this site to provide this person any more attention then they deserve. Jobs could be on the line too.

I will say this: the fact that an employee; someone with a high-profile position albeit behind the scenes, would stoop to such a level of gross inappropriate professional and personal behavior speaks for itself.

I've been spending quite a bit of time to try to figure out, in detail, just how the whole affair evolved and after careful consideration and in lieu of the attempted ruse of this site, have decided to advance the following ...

1. From now on I will no longer refer nor report on the albatross station in question. Most of you know their name and what they stand for. Frankly, they have become irrelevant in the market and continue down the slope of hopelessness. Even in their impending re-incarnation back to some element of talk, they will never, ever be anywhere near the legacy status they were once revered by the industry both here in the Bay Area and beyond.

2. None of their hosts, on-air news talent or management --not any individual employed by the outlet will be mentioned, reported or acknowledged unless it involves something unique and/or newsworthy.

3. To you, my readers, the majority of which used to be loyal and ardent followers of the station, this act demonstrates once and for all how they feel about you and your friends and family. Furthermore, to their advertisers, the few remaining morsels, this act only solidifies why they cannot literally give away any commercial spots. Free spots! Knowing what I know now, I understand why.

Finally, there are some really good people over there, most of whom have flooded the market with resumes. They work under the most challenging of conditions, from the newsroom to the sales dept. and even in the back offices. Recently, one of the most loyal and tenured managers quit in disgust after too many cases of internal strife. She wasn't the first and won't be the last. You can only take so much.

I believe in karma. Been there before. Good and bad. I have leveled some snarly verbal attacks directed toward the station, some of its personnel including the morning mattress salesperson, a few news people and producers --all done so publicly by me, my name right above the mast of this site--never once have I leveled suck attacks anonymously either here or on message boards like Google Groups. I can't say the same for some of the worker bees at the call-letter deficient station; a company that cannot even pay for one of its "entertainers" to fly up to the Bay Area and take part in some sort of radio carnage called a debate; a company that willfully hires 4th-tier "comedians" out of town, out of market to take part in a weekend circus with outsourced yahoos pretending to sound "local" when in fact, they're in Dallas. If it weren't so serious and sad it would be highly laughable. Wait, it is!

The theatre of unintended absurdity. A broadcast observer told me there's a line about the station: that it's become the French Foreign Legion of radio stations-- a virtual assembly line of mercenaries who'll do anything to get on the air. Only the FFL pays better and has more talent than the call-letter deficient outlet.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Lieberman says that he "will no longer refer nor report on the albatross station in question" and then continues to talk about them throughout this story.

    Rich, make up your mind.

  2. I just turned a 124 year old Catholic church into San Francisco's most happenning night spot - The Church of 8 Wheels Roller Disco!!! Before that letter deficient station committed newstalk suicide, it would have been among the highest honors to talk about it with ANY of the hosts!!! Now, since I am an AM talk radio addict, my ears bleed every day from the crap!!! I often think, "What can one person do?" You're doing damm good!!! THANX - The GodFather of Skate

  3. So you're taking your toys and going home?

    Seems a little dramatic. I used to love reading your blog because you gave the story no one else would. Then, somewhere along the line, you started taking it too personally.

    It's too bad you're letting them get to you. I'm guessing that's what they wanted. You're letting them win. Bummer.

    1. My thoughts exactly. It's as though Lieberman got into a playground brawl after talking tough and got knocked on his ass. Instead of getting up and continuing the good fight the baby is taking his ass home with a scraped knee after picking up the dusty fedora from the floor..

    2. A rule in reporting: You 'don't quit while you're ahead."

      End of story.

  4. Maybe you won't refer to them by name but I will call out incompetent buffoons such as Ryan "chimichanga" Scott, David "I sound like Bartholomeu" Weintraub, Mattress Man Lowennnsteinnnnn, The NY witch from hell, The red carpet bagger, the disingenuous black man and last but not least Mel "WE HAVE GOOD PEOPLE HERE" Baker. The fact that they concocted a ruse against you shows how much influence Lieberman yields in this market. It is my hope you remain steadfast in reporting and continue to bring to light the goings on in local media. F them all!!

  5. Does that mean they are now GONE?

  6. I'm sorry Rich but the way that you have continued to report this "being duped" story is quite confusing and fails to make clear exactly what you claim was done to you.

    If you were merely the victim of some unspecified prank, it's difficult to understand what you're so upset about or why you believe it's all so important.

    As a reasonably intelligent, regular reader of your blog, I still don't understand what this is all about.

    1. It feels like a Finkle is Einhorn scenario from Ace Ventura pet detective where Ace finds out Einhorn was really a man named Finkle. Rich, did you find Mr Winky?

  7. The decline and fall of KGO is too interesting not to report about. Please reconsider.

    1. I agree. No, I wholeheartedly agree. Backing off makes it look like they'rre in control. You are in control and most of all, to your loyal readers, you are also in charge! It's your blog, do something good with it by not paying attention to the "man behind the curtain" and his "dupe" on the listeners of the Bay Area. Don't give up on this Rich. You're peeling the onion of bullshit with these people and they know it. Keep on keeping on and keep up the good work. Your supporters thank you.

    2. There aren't any concrete facts in whatever Lieberman believes has happened here that says anything about the "decline and fall of KGO."

  8. In Rich's post before this one, someone at 7:06 pm gets into details about two women who work there and lists them by name. Are these the people that tried to dupe you? Seems like that poster knows what is going on behind the scenes.

    1. You could say that and you would be accurate.

      If CNN hadn't given TMZ credit for running the Donald Sterling story, then put Anderson Cooper on the case by non-stop following the story-in-development, Sterline would still be owner of the Clippers. Once the inside story was revealed relentlessly, Sterling stands to make $2-billion and the NBA, through the likes of Mark Cuban, is now looking even greedier and foolish. Why? Racism is more rampant than reported.

      Stay on the KGO story as it develops and involves. Hold their feet to the fire. If they don't like it, they can always deny it here. Thing is, they haven't denied it.

      You win. Keep on!

    2. Comparing this to the Donald Sterling story is simply ludicrous. In he Donald Sterling story there was actual evidence of something Sterling said.

      Here, there is no more than one-sided allegations of something Lieberman claims some people at KGO did to him. What did they do? Where's the proof? What if anything does KGO/Cumulus have to do with any of this?

  9. Let me agree, and amplify, on the comments made by 10:51, 11:01 & 11:04. You seriously need to reconsider this statement - "1. From now on I will no longer refer nor report on the albatross station in question." Yes, it's your personal blog, but as long as you use it as one of the best sources for 415 media, you really cannot ignore this station and others. Don't let them and other stations, control the information. Keep it coming, no matter what the result. The truth will set you free, and keep you the real winner!

    1. Amen, 1140, Ain't no story if there ain't no coverage of what's going on behind the scenes. Might as well publish press releases. "From KGO: Isn't anything here to see, folks, please move on." Don't let the blog get that way. Stand up and be counted or don't go to the blackboard in the first place.

  10. History shows when Rich says "KGO is awful" he gets more comments than any other topic. I think Rich will pick himself up, dust off his fedora, spank a toasted bacon and tomato sandwich (mayo on the side please) and then climb back into the ring.

  11. I appreciate the change of course here, Rich. I like when you report stories, and how they're ever evolving. What I don't like is when it starts to get personal between you, them, and us. That's when this delves into a nonsensical page that I stop visiting.

    A lot of people posting here seem to be missing the mark, or maybe it's me. You seem to be saying that you're going to report on the news about that station, but not get muddied and muddled when discussing that station, or any other? If that's the case I look forward to the change. To think that people over there at KGO tried to trick you says a lot about where their focus is these days, but I cannot imagine you are surprised by such efforts.

    I am done posting anonymously on this page because I notice the most vile comments come from those people. Time for people to start putting a name on their posts or they're no different from those trying to trick Rich.

    Now please answer the question I have asked at least 10 times! What would KGO look like if you were in charge?!?!?!

    1. A lot better than what it does now. The question is put in your lap - what woul KGO look like if YOU were in charge?

    2. Disco retro with ABC News and traffic on the fives..

  12. I give it 8 days.

  13. Replies
    1. Brian,

      In that you, may not be close to the situation with Rich and KGO, that's ok. I disagree with you. A blogger, reporter, commenter, whomever, does not open Pandora's box, then, back away in a public way.

      As you correctly stated, this story about those now "called out" without Rich not having to mention names proves the story is evolving.

      When outsiders hit close to home, then, interesting things happen. The story has moved on, but not out. This story has even better legs. The "alleged dupe" to Rich is one thing, but the story has evolved to show the inner workings of what was a great radio station. If Rich chooses not to be involved in investigating, that's ok. It's his blog. However, for those being treated like POW's inside 55 Hawthorne, they've lost their voice if he doesn't participate in what he, largely, started by posting in the first place.

      To walk away taking, as he said, "The higher road" is a little late after others, including Rich, who has regularly decimated others here for yeaars. It's the pot calling the kettle black at times, here.

      Rich doesn't have to keep covering the story that was focused on him. He's tripped over developing stories, now, it will continue through conclusion. It's about what's going on in 55 Hawthorne and how the audience(s) of Cumulus and their employees are being playing a sandbox game.

      Am I close to the situation? Yes. Do I know people involved? Yes. So does Rich. Rich should reach the mountain top rather than step up to it halfway, then quit -- or, he should have not stirred interest early on, This is now a different story, with more "developing." To be silenced is a disservice to the blog audience, to employees and to those in the dysfunction known as Cumulus Media / KGO - KSFO - KNBR - KFOG - KSAN - KFGG - 1050 - etc.

      Should there be changes? Yes. Should Karel be fired for is big mouth about the internal goings on that come out of HIS mouth? Yes. Should David Weintraub stop his rants (inside story)and apologize to Rich for raking him through the coals on the air for 30 minutes? YES.

      The names already revealed here by others, and accurately, are true. If Rich wants to bow out, he bows out. He'll hop back stuff happens. However, he misses the boat by just walking away from what he, initially, started.

      I know Rich, personally. He's a good man and I, for one of many, have unmercifully blasted him both anonymously and openly to him. I consider him a friend and a talent to be dealt with. Continue the battle here on this developing story. There's lots of "grunt work" going on to bring you the truth and facts.

      Just remember, Rich can spot a phony poster a mile away and he retains that right. Everyone else, go for it and keep the story alive here. You desere it.

      Weintraub, you're a f***head for doing what you did on air. and off in your no-comment blog. You have no reason to be at KGO you two-bit hot headed prick. I WILL call you out. Thanks. The fun is just beginning as the rats scatter at Cumulus Media.

    2. Oh my God anon@1:57, what a verbose heap of convoluted self-important bloviating. You sound an awful lot like that notorious windbag Arse Nardsman.

      If you've got something to say, come out and say it. You claim to be "close to the story." If that's true, how about just telling the story instead of spewing mountains of rhetorical drive. And talking about mountains, still chuckling about Rich, "reach[ing] the mountain top."

      The metaphor works for MLK, but not here. What next, you have a dream?

      Rich should reach the mountain top rather than step up to it halfway, then quit -- o

    3. One good thing I notice, Stan's gone. Looks like political screeds are gone, too, thankfully. Thanks Rich!

    4. That would be "drivel" 4:09. Sorry to have talked way over your head. Will do better next time, though I liked your last line a lot. My point exactly. -- o

    5. @7:29 and @1:57,
      Your eruption of hot air did not sail over anyone's head, it simply fails to make a cogent point. If you no idea what you're trying to say, no one else will either.

    6. Actually, 8:12, I appreciate what you said and I agree. If this makes my posting better because you took the time, I thank you. I should no better and, now, I do. Thanks.

    7. Let's do it this way:


      As you correctly stated, those people now "called out"proves the story is evolving. When outsiders hit close to home, interesting things happen. The story has moved on, to being new again.

      "The higher road" is a little late after the cat's out of the bag.
      Rich who has regularly pounded others for good reason, on this story. Stopping now would, I feel, be a disservice.

      There are developing stories, now. There is interest in KGO.

      Cumulus and some employees are playing sandbox games and not good radio. The names already revealed here and accurately, are true. I hope Rich doesn't walk away from exposing these morons.

      Weintraub, you're a f***head for what you did on air. and off in your no-comment blog. You have no reason to be at KGO you two-bit hot headed prick. The rats scamper at Cumulus Media.

      Rich, please delete my 1:57 post with apologies. My bad.

    8. My website allows for posting, but I don't really care if people do. It's more for organizational purposes.

      My radio show allows for phone calls.

      You just can't be completely anonymous in either, like you can here.

      But if one of us has to be gutless I'm certainly glad it's you.

      What happens on this website cannot hurt/affect me.

      I wish Rich the best of luck in accomplishing his goal, whatever it may be, and uncovering whatever it is he sets out to uncover.

      Cumulus doesn't monitor the computer usage of its employees at KGO. Whomever said that is lying, delusional, or both.

      Good luck to y'all.

  14. I commend Rich for taking the high road. And I'm a frequent critic by the way. The fact that a KGO producer would try to spread false information and not suffer repercussions is beyond belief.

    Rich, you've uncovered their dirty rotten secrets--I for one am thankful for your reporting and understand the reasons you spelled out in today's posting. Keep up the great work and give 'em hell!

    Rance W, San Leandro, CA

    1. So, Rance, for or against Rich keeping up the ongoing rant about KGO? You send mixed messages. You comment taking the high road. Great! The you say, "you've uncovered their dirty rotten secrets" that are still being discovered. So, should Rich quit doing so? Why? Please explain. Is the KGO story over?

  15. Is this going to be one of those "Don't you DARE say a word about those PINK ELEPHANTS in their rubberized Rocking Chairs!!" moments?

    1. Funny 1:24! If you want Rich to continue this "investigation" as to why Cumulus / KGO has too much time on their hands to play games with a media blogger, as opposed to doing their union paid jobs, do this:

      Comment enmasse here. Rich reads every post he allows published and those that don't get published. Just say "Yes, continue the story and it's evolvement," Or, say, "No, this story was nothing when it came up whit the allegation it was a "dupe" and the story has died completely. Print nothing more about KGO. Then, as posters go away from the story, then, let Rich decide what to do. Does he get that the evolving story is not about him, now? It's about how a media corporation is working and treating its few too elitest employees who are making noise. This goes for you, Mel Baker, as well.

    2. Good bloggers do one story to death, they stick with it to the end. Reporters write three, four or more updated stories a day. Today another why I won't write what you want non-story and another Veronica sighting "maybe." The comments are the best part with more news in them. Bloggers don't always allow posters. This one just censors them.

  16. Rich, Please carry on.
    We love You and enjoy coming here no matter what you talk about.
    Who knows, you may have sparked some creative/avant guard changes and ideas for a more successful KGO.
    Carry On!

    1. If the blogger doesn't want to write about something no prob! Just don't write about it on the front page. Easy. No announcement needed. "I'm not writing because I'm not writing about it ever. I won't write anymore about it and I'm telling you I won't write about it." Then, when things implode, "I did it first! I did it first!"

  17. This is all getting to be Kabuke theater. If it is found that Rich is "duping" us to get higher page views for his Google ads and income by just turning the spigot of open opinion shut, I'd be one pissed hombre. Don't stop the stampede in the middle of the river. I hope we're not being duped.

    1. That would be "Kabuki Theater" in case Christine is trolling. No lecture required, batteries sold separately.

  18. Stay on them Rich! Those carpetbaggers from Atlanta raped and continue to rape one of our city's great assets. We should not avert our gaze.

  19. Thank God.
    While you're at it stop posting about the AWOL news-person you are obsessing about as well as your Savage promotions.

  20. Rich, Don't take this so personal.........the only reason I read this blog every few days is to see what's going on over at KGO. So you got "punk'd" happens. Even KTVU, MSNBC and CNN get had from time to time. You don't see KTVU saying that they aren't going to report on airplane crashes anymore after that fiasco. Forget about it, Rich. Keep reporting on KGO's musings and please use more names rather than high placed people, and pet nicknames you have for hosts. I read the article and I'm asking who's in Dallas, who is the out of town clown, etc. Thanks.

  21. mel baker! talent second rate!

    1. A suck up personified up here. The station snitch. How he's stayed is beyond belief.

  22. Here's some information on two of the people Rich has issues with.

    Rene Bakos is a good for nothing sk@nk who should never been hired back here. She conned all the new management of this place saying she was an executive or something for Huckabee in Dallas at their Cumulus station there when really she was a call screener and lackey. We cannot believe that no one checked her references. If so they would have the real story of why she "left" KGO a decade ago when she was barely a part timer. When she was hired here to replace Jared it was evident from day one that she does not have good radio sense and that she barely knew how to run the board. at least Jared had those 2 things going for him, despite him being an a$$hole. Thats why she was yanked from being Ron's producer. No one can believe she hasn't been let go yet but her actions regarding the claims above if true might just finally push her out the door. One can only hope.

    Susan Whynot is a wannabe. She was hired by Jared as a part time producer at KSFO but made enough waves to get a full time job. Somehow management decided to give her a chance. Although she can do the job she has clashed with many people here. not just at KGO but our other stations as well. She thinks shes gods gift to radio when in fact shes lucky to be full time.

    God I wish we could go back in time here. Not just for the excellent on air hosts and news people we had, but also for the quality people who used to work in management, marketing and promotions, accounting and even salespeople.

    1. What? I thought "The Lackey" worked for Zwerling at KSCO. The Lackey''s from Aptos and, honestly, copyrighted the name "Traffic Lackey." Google it. Good and and thanks, again. Sk@nk, eh? I wouldn't trust her with "traffic on the 8's" as opposed to "the 5's" from what I'm hearing. I suspect that you're spot-on with what you say. Did you get freebie debate tickets for Sunday's debate? How many have been sold, any idea? Thanks again!

    2. She worked at Cumulus as "executive producer" of the Huckabee show on 570 - KLIF. I listen to Hal Jay online and Ben Feguson, the Limbaugh wanna-be after the morning show.on WBAP Used to listen to Mark Davis before he priced himself out of Cumulus and went to KSKY 660.

    3. Whynot was a board-op at "The Game" KGMZ-FM before moving to KSFO and then, KGO as Ronn's producer. She doesn't want her name mentioned on the air and has other "issues."

      We appreciate this and, frankly, what you say is true. Why post, though, if you worry about repurcussions?

    4. I am posting because I am sick of the time, effort, and talk being spent in this building on subjects like this blog, our company and what they may or may not be doing with KGO, KSFO, the Bone, firings, hirings and so on. If people here would spend a quarter of the time on trying to make this place a decent news and talk station maybe just maybe our ratings and revenue would increase just a bit. This is happening because we have children who work here pretending that they know what is radio on air, behind the scenes and so forth. I can't even begin to tell you how many sales managers and sales people have come and gone here in the past couple of years because they hire hacks who have no idea what they are doing. I'll be out of here soon enough, I'm counting the days. Then everyone will know who I was but at that point I could give a crap. What are they going to do sue me?

    5. On the level, you are an amazing person and as one who takes what is being said personally, as a regular poster and a broadcaster, I, again, thank you. You flat nailed it with your post, above. Keep up the good fight and keep us posted. It's good to see some true professionals still exist, especially here. - J.

  23. Unless you got a cease and desist order don't back down!!!

    1. I just came home for dinner and after re-reading the lead post to the KGO story, my comment is "talk about bloviation." Did an empty suit from KGO hijack the blog or was Rich tied to a chair and forced to write that meandering? Just saying. Hot air on fire, I tell ya. Is this the blog version of the "Wizard of Oz"?

  24. Half of Rich's posts are about KGO. What's he gonna' write about?

  25. Hey,what does it say about the moronic idiots over at Cumulus who tried this ruse?
    Nothing better to do? Maybe they could spend more time fixing the place instead of mudding the waters.......

  26. I wrote a comment and it disappeared! Anyway, what this say about the morons that tried to perpetrate this ruse? Too much time on their hands?

    1. Yo, Mike! Have you been offered a "Weather Lab" job at "the still new" KGO yet?

  27. Rich, You will have no difficulty finding brilliant fodder for this blog.
    Because we live in one of Americas most beautiful jewels of a city, including our whole breathtaking Bay Area!

    "Do what you love...the rest will follow"

  28. I find it comical that whenever your hypocrisy is pointed out to you, while using your words, you censor that comment.
