Monday, June 2, 2014

Source: KTVU and KGO Pay $2K For Cell Phone Video of Ryan Chamberlain Arrest (VIDEO); Update

 A little checkbook journalism from the local TV wags...

According to my 415 Media sources, KTVU and KGO paid $2,000 for the cell phone video of the Ryan Chamberlain arrest.

A source says the guy who filmed it (an off-duty Über driver) auctioned it off. The bidding got as high as $2,000 with KTVU and KGO agreeing to split the cost at $1k a piece.

Probably more than the guy will make driving his car in a day.

Update: Source tells me KGO won't be paying the guy the $1,000 because he sold the video to other stations.
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  1. Now I call THAT hidden cash!

  2. Well, this doesn't make much sense, nbc has the video on its website, and they put their station logo in it to make it look like their own.

    1. If they paid for it, then can logo it. If they stole it from someone else, they can still logo it. The competition doesn't know if they paid or not. Happens all the time. You can bet the freelancer who shot it was open for all "deals." With fewer station videographers on the streets, more reporters having to do their own standups and shoot, too, the more the freelance market is wide open. Money talks, suckers walk. No one wants to be left out, so, it's "got to have it" pay-for-piece "video journalism." A cottage industry, in fact, for many.

  3. All stations have it, it looks like, on their websites. And they all probably paid, I thought stations pay for video frequently., and checkbook journalism was paying for interviews or information?

  4. KGO had it first. Around 6: 45

  5. KPIX and NBC Bay Area paid me one thousand dollars not to watch the video and watch their newscast instead.
    True story!

  6. You may enjoy reading this from Chamberlains hometown newspaper.
    FBI: Former Iowa man sought in San Francisco explosives investigation:

  7. All of the stations pay for stringer and viewer cellphone video everyday. Nothing new here.

    1. Word. Also the sky is blue and water is wet.

  8. They would have paid more if he held his cellphone horizontal.

    1. Yes, I never get why people don't do that. Do they enjoy seeing the world through a crack?

  9. OFF-TOPIC...but damn interesting:

    "The late combat journalist Mike Hastings wrote a long profile of Bergdahl in Rolling Stone in 2012, and it gets right to the heart of what may be the coming GOP case against him".

    "America's Last Prisoner of War"
    Three years ago, a 23-year-old soldier walked off his base in Afghanistan and into the hands of the Taliban. Now he’s a crucial pawn in negotiations to end the war. Will the Pentagon leave a man behind?

  10. Attention freelance videographers, selfie makers, cellphone iTeam members and papparazi: Rule #1 - You "pay for play" #2 - you "per-per-piece" - #3 no credit cards - #4 no "I'll catchya back at the studio" - #5 cash, baby, cash.. No checks - #6 no promises-for-pay. Pay up, pay now, be gone. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya. - #7 watermark everything or at least title the top right hand corner. #8 - No BS "contracts". - #10 No "net 10 or Net 30 deals" Now, go earn some money. Stations, honor your sources with your good business. Don't take them for or audio sources IF you can't get it yoursef. Others, ask first if they're buying or think you'l just give to them. Don't, ever. You'll get burned.
