Friday, June 20, 2014

KPIX 10 PM NewsCast on CW Station Is In a Holding Pattern; De La Cruz: 'Still Work-in-Progress'

 I asked Veronica De La Cruz what was up with the "new" 10 PM KPIX- Newscast on the CW; no Veronica and still no new program.

"It's still taking us a second to launch--work in progress", said VDLC, hardly sounding as if this much-ballyhooed was close to debuting.

Bad news for KPIX, because it's been on the drawing boards for months and it was the major impetus to bring De La Cruz out to the city to begin with.

The new 10 PM cast--geared to a significantly younger demo-- was to have unofficially started last Monday. But PIX personnel are still mulling the details and going over last-minute strategy --there's now no official launch date which is a both a bummer to viewers and KPIX management, I'm sure.

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  1. At 6PM why can she sit straight to the camera but sits at a left profile?

    1. She will cross her arms at times, too. Nitpicking aside, she is good.

    2. Yup @4:15. I, too, have wondered about that. Projects an artificial feeling.

  2. The CW Newscast formula is pretty simple...
    A barely 21yo newsreader...
    Celeb news....
    Weather guy with an alternate lifestyle like Kyle Hunter...
    More celeb news...
    Social media news( "twitter is exploding") again!
    Viewer "selfies" and instagrams.....
    :45 seconds of sports submitted via smartphones from viewers (cuz it's FREEEEE)
    CW teen angst promo....
    Fade to black!

    Just like every other newscast in the USA!

  3. Good investigating, Rich. Glad you thought of checking up on that.


  4. We gave up Elizabeth Cook for this, seriously?

    1. I'm with you on that. So far I'm not impressed.

    2. Who gave her up? Perkypants is still on almost constantly. The one KPIX has "given up" is the only talented anchor they have, Brian Hackney, now relegated to minor league work.

  5. I see it in the future...
    Veronica De La Cruz doing the Nightly News 'Radiantly'!

  6. Must be her good side-but it is a distraction. What if she sits in the other chair

    1. @8:26 Laura Garcia Canon use to do that too. Then she went on to perfect the sloooooow, sexy blink. After that came hissing esses at the end of words. The only person still doing that locally that I'm aware of is Alan Martin. Who the hell shills the teaching of this crap?

  7. Years ago, many successful young women had their eyes Anglicized...
    And yet, look how amazingly beautiful Veronica's eyes are.
    Interesting...How beauty evolves & our appreciation fine-tunes with time.
    Veronica is very beautiful.
    Thanks, Rich.

  8. Like everything else at Pix, it's stuck in middle management hell.

  9. Am I missing something or hasn't she been co-anchoring the 10PM broadcast already?
    What else are they planning to unveil to get the "younger" demo? Will she be reading the news in between beats from a DJ or doing some fancy pole work while Allen Martin, Ken Bastida, Phil Matier, Don Knapp, Dennis O’Donnel, Vern Glenn, Brian Hackney, Lawrence Karnow and Paul Deanno make it rain? Yo, Yo Yo here's da muthatruckin' news!

  10. Caught VDLC and Ken Bastida a couple of times on the 6:00 P.M. newscast. Easily the best looking news duo in the market. VLDC is formidable. Very polished, professional delivery with a smoky, sultry voice and drop dead gorgeous...

  11. Why not put Elizabeth Cook and Veronica together?? Now that would be news! The girl next door and the dangerous siren. I'd watch!

  12. I'm not buying this cover story. VdlC already debuted on the 10. She could continue anchoring it while they're getting the new show in shape for the gen-Yers. I think Elizabeth Cook isn't happy there's someone new in town, and were I VdlC I wouldn't leave my coffee unattended. I have a feeling we'll never see her face, at least on a regular basis.
