Wednesday, July 17, 2013

KTVU Namegate GetsTaiwanese Animation Treatment

Now, it's gone full Taiwanese International viral.


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  1. Great satire and animation, although a bit too blasphemous and bloody for my taste. They make the point that none of this would have happened if not for the mysterious mis-steps of the 'Fab Four' pilots from South Korea.

  2. The goof up was the best thing that ever happened to Dave Clark. He's no longer the first with his head on the chopping block.

    The clip is beyond stupid and doesn't help your cred Rich. The prank was funny at first but the joke is over, quit milking it.

    1. I thought it was actually pretty funny.

  3. I foresee a new hit by PSY.

  4. This would never have happened under the former news director.

    1. It would have definitely happened under the ignorant, self-absorbed, and incompetent "Special Ed" Chapuis who was rightly FIRED! But it NEVER would have happened under pros like Fred Zehnder or Andrew Finlayson. NEVER!

  5. When you get a chance, I'd like to know how that new Police Chief in Oakland dealt with the Trayvon Tantrum Riots a few days ago. Everyone already sees Oakland as an easy mark for anarchy because it's rumored that the mayor is from that background and thus, inwardly empathetic to those who wish to 'Burn it all Down,& Take it from da Man. I think California Tray show-riots were far worse than all except in New York. Wonder if they were passing out Obama phones, or (gasp) maybe free birth control?

  6. Ho-Lee-Phuque...Tori's head should be exploding about now...

  7. Hey Rich- Have you ever seen any of those youtube videos of that hot woman Turkish pop singer Ebura Yasar? She's really something!

  8. I'm really tired of having to mute the sound on my TV every time that annoying woman who calls herself 'Amy G.' comes on with her ridiculous puff piece stories to distract us from the game, always delivered in a breathy, juvenile manner. Is anyone else out there as annoyed as I am at Comcast for putting no-talent jacks like her on the air?

    1. Are you trying to take the place of Stan the lunatic? He would insert Radnich into every subject matter. Now you bring Amy G into every topic under the sun.

  9. I'm sorry, "birth control", "Obama phones?" Please, explain your stupidity.

    Actually, don't. Just kill yourself.

    1. #6:31pm writer is Exhibit A. on what supposedly Compassionate, Tolerant & Wise Liberals have become. If you express something they don't approve of, this kind of liberal not only wants you silenced against your will, this kind of liberal wants you dead. Thus speaketh the American Liberal Taliban, vastly different than 40 even 20 years ago.

  10. At 2:35pm........ You sound really smart.
