Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Classic Sunday Commenter on the KTVU Secret Meeting


  1. KTVU made a horrendous mistake.They have been ridiculed around the globe.

    Is it really necessary to say anymore about it?

  2. This just shows the overall decrease in quality of news programming. KTVU is still better than most if not all local news stations.

    No other stations should be laughing or pointing fingers as the same thing could happen to them. I enjoy the KRON crew, but over there you never know when the lights will go out or something will fall or break out of camera view.

  3. I can't believe you guys haven't jumped on news actor Geraldo Rivera and his EPIC Tweet/picture. He's running the Anthony Weiner playbook.

    1. No, the Anthony Weiner playbook has one difference, full frontal weiner revelation. You must admit, despite the obvious bit about egos and selfies, Geraldo looks pretty fit for a 70 year old..or a 60 year old, or a fifty year old....etc.

    2. I agree with you Christine, Geraldo is as fit as the proverbial fiddle. The conflict is in our heads. Sort of like seeing a well known Teacher coming out of the locker room, something we in general weren't meant to see, because it is "Incongruent with the presumed decorum and deportment of that profession". It may have worked were it not for that troubling towel.

  4. i am willing to cut some slack for the ktvu news-reader.

    she was probably handed the story while on the air and didn't have much time to proof read it.

    (although i am not sure why ktvu had to rush this story on the air,
    the captain's names are not particularly "breaking news".)

    what *is* very troubling is that she said that the names were confirmed by the ntsb (later reported to be an ntsb intern.)

    there needs to be an investigation, possibly criminal, as to whether someone at the ntsb conspired with disgruntled ktvu employees to get this story on the air.

    1. "Possibly criminal."

      I agree with you that the station needs to conduct an internal audit about how the news went from the desk to the prompter, resulting in the gaffe. But "possibly criminal?" It's not a crime in the United States to report erroneous information. The station could be sued for slander, but that's a civil liability, not criminal.

      Let's not get carried away.

  5. And in a completely unrelated subject: Ben Fong-Torres has some very interesting numbers regarding KGO's profit death spiral in the Pink Section today.
