Friday, April 12, 2013

Cumulus Big Guy comes to SF; KQED's 'Check, Please' Pleases; KPIX, KTVU; Michael Savage; Media Notes Friday


*Word from Atlanta is that a "very important bigwig who likes to flex muscle" is bound for SF to "observe" the Cumulus "cluster", i.e.: KGO, (most especially), KNBR, and KSFO too, which, by the way, rumors abound, is very much for sale.

*A reader gets it right: "Does there have to be a traffic report every 10 minutes even if there's absolutely NO traffic or fender bender?" Legitimate question. The short answer is yes because the consultants and station mangers would be revolted. Damn the listeners.

*Speaking of traffic, one of the most annoying phrases on the planet: "Friday-light." Yeah, which only reinforces the readers's point: if there's light or relatively no traffic, why the hell do we need a useless traffic report? I mean, god forbid, more news, perhaps?

*Paranoia central at managers-are-us, KPIX5 where reporters and anchors go to work and are weary to speak out publicly about the absurd amount of mangers vs. reporters. Too much of the former and not enough of the latter...And again, that new weather guy has the personality of a cumquat but he works cheap and that's the mantra that works best out of CBS corporate. Unless you're Les Moonves.

*Lazy and stupid wording by 21st century "reporters": the such and such thing has gone viral. Gone viral? Why not just simply say the tape has been watched by millions of people, is that too difficult?

*Check Please on KQED: This show has grown on me; initially I thought it was chock full of a bunch of clichés a la most restaurant shows but the program is solid, occasionally funny, insightful if you like to eat out, and oh yeah, the hostess, Leslie Sbrocco, is gorgeous to look at.

*The latest most annoying radio spot jingle: The "you don't wanna be a termite" that has inundated the AM radio airwaves. Kars for Kids makes this nauseous ad sound like a Pearlman virtuoso by comparison.

*KTVU prides itself as being the no-nonsense station with a brand that evolved around no chit-chat and more news, less talk. Really was the case when Dennis Richmond was holding court. Then again it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if some of the on-air stiffs smiled every now and then and looked and sounded human.

*Memo to Tom Raponi, GM: You guys need Ken Wayne way more than Wayne needs you. Thanks for trusting me, again.

*A potential bright light out of the black hole at the KGO abyss: David Weintraub. A breath of fresh air on the weekend who initially sounded like one of the other rent-a-hosts but whose work has caught my ear and sounds enlightening.

*On the other hand, there's the "Monty" show. This guy is supposed to represent innovative programming over at Jared's place. Cow chips are innovative too.

*For some strange reason, Michael Savage devoted two days to a story about circumcision. It was not one of his better moments and the subject matter was completely out of place. I like Savage but this was not on my schedule.

*Follow me on Twitter and listen to me every Monday-Friday from 1-4 PM on KSCO/KOMY Radio.


  1. What's on tap for "Lieberman Live," the Rich Lieberman Program, today? Will you go back to being a relationship advisor? You started an interesting discussion yesterday in your first hour.

    Anything more about the possible addition of the esteemed John Rothmann to KSCO/KOMY? MZ broke into your show yesterday asking for audience reaction to Rothmann, which was highly favorable. Is it just a matter of finding a time slot that works for John and MZ?

    I'll be listening to you today from 1-4pm on 1340 AM KOMY.

  2. MZ and you were great together yesterday!

    I'd like to see MZ join you regularly on "Lieberman Live."

    How about bringing John Rothmann on your show for an hour a couple days a week?

    1. John Rothmann would be best served in having his own show on current events of the day. His challenge is not to focus so much on the middle east.

    2. Rothman is a just one trick pony. His repertoire is quite limited, just like Ronn Owens, Tim Monte, Patty T. (I baked cupcakes and cookies for you. Therefore you must love me), Wall Banger (My wife cheated on me), and so forth.

      The only thing these people can sell is their limited personality and b.s. political view.

      The few people who are worth listening to, are: Rich Lieberman, Dr. Bill, Michael Krasney, Michael Finley, and Mike Savage.

      Most of the talk talent at KGO sucks. I wondered what did they "do" to get the job?

    3. i work harder than everyone, and never quit. that's what i do/did.

      thanks for the words! - david w

    4. @ David W, I do enjoy your show. Your view is fair and balanced. I forgot to mentioned you. I hope you will get a regular gig with KGO.

  3. I actually like that termite jingle. I think it's one of the most memorable ads I've heard in a long time.

  4. > and oh yeah, the hostess, Leslie Sbrocco, is gorgeous to look at.

    Was wondering why you wouldn't be a rabid fan. Facebook friend her and you'll get pix of all her tattoos.

    > Michael Savage...

    He's cutting-edge, as usual.

    1. Michael Savage cutting-edge? Sure...cutting-edge of insanity!
      Savage viciously puts down our President PBO daily...yet do you all remember this:
      "After the Dixie Chicks spoke ill of President George W. Bush, Savage inexplicably suggested they should be jailed as traitors. "We've all been warned about the dangers of a theocracy", says Savage, "where religious zealots rule. Today in America, we have a she-ocracy where a minority of feminist zealots rule the culture."
      Michael Savage is the cutting-edge and last dying call of our 2000 year old bully HE-OCRACY. Savage will be long gone very soon.

  5. Two more bizarrer commercials : The Ammco commercial with the "You wouldn't let your mom be hugged"..and the disgusting keyboard licker?..all while weird psycho music plays-and ends with the blood curdling screech of a Luche Libre wrestler/therapist?..Its really bad in heavy rotation on Comcast.
    Another?..Look close at the Farmers commercial where the chick in Daisy Dukes takes the purse out of the silver car and tries to skate away..only to be beaned by a football by the Farmers agent?..well,the "Girl" if you pay attention- has a beard. I don't get it. Look for yourself..a reddish beard with Elton John oversized disco glasses.. And inside joke?

  6. Kars for Kids is the absolute worse commercial by far. I would smash a Kar to bits with a sledge hammer before I would donate to them. Coming in a close second and growing daily are the Geico commercials where a money clip can't shake your hand because it doesn't have any.......Is that funny????

    1. And the Sleep Train foster kids ones are a bit much, too. Can't believe these kids have never had new shoes etc.

    2. Agree with you totally. Kars for Kids was cute the first time, but after the 1,000,000th time (esp. the rock-and-roll version) it becomes unbearable.

      It occurred to me finally that I don't like any Geico commercial--on TV or radio. Caveman, gecko, moneyman--ick.

      Any radio commercial that repeats a phone number at least three times should be banned.

      Oddly, I like the Sweet Jack jingle. Guilty pleasure.

    3. I personally get annoyed with the "you should own a home one". Can't remember the organization but a black lady pretends to be woken up by her son running in the room talking about how he saved the house in a dream from a dragon only for her to respond, "That's my brave little man". So annoying.

    4. It is a radio commercial, how do you know the race of the participants? Why even mention race in a stupid commercial, I agree it is an annoying commercial.

  7. Does Savage even work a three hour day? Most of the time his third hour is a repeat and KSFO doesn't even announce that it's a repeat, or "Best Of" or any other type of announcement making it appear that they're trying to fool the audience.

    1. That bum has been doing that for years. He was doing awful prerecorded interviews in the third hour, then I think even that was to much work for the doctor now he just replays old stuff, but in a sneaky way. The first segment he mentions current events to fool the uninitiated audience members and then switches to old shows. LAME! Rich, btw, how come no more Savage on KOMY? Phil Hendrie is back...

  8. RE: TRAFFFIC - there's a lot of 5 and 10 second commercial inventory that's tied into those updates whether there's a fender bender or not. Enjoy the wkd Rich.

  9. I found this a little strange last night. Ch 20 was showing a Law and Order rerun and one of the commercials was for some sort of gay friendly organization that is recommending/pushing for gays to patronize gay owned businesses. Not gay specific businesses like bath houses or like, just in a general sense.

    My opinion of a persons sexuality is neutral, either way and I'm aware that Ch 20 was started by a gay guy that made a fortune off it, good for him.

    So I have a couple of questions.

    In this day and age of yelpers, angies's list, etc., what makes a gay business better then the rest? Do gay plumbers show more butt crack?

    If it's a matter of overcoming adversity, I too am a struggling business owner. Because of that, can I run a commercial stating that I'm an ordinary white guy, and customers of similar backgrounds should give me preferential consideration? It would probably back fire.

    Why shouldn't the gay ad or Ch 20's agenda backfire as well? seems narrow minded in the most PC of ways.

    Perhaps the gay business owners are an endangered/protected species.

  10. If traffic reports irritate you, then obviously you don't have to face traffic in order to make a living.

    Those of us who depend upon traffic conditions--not only to GET to our jobs, but to DO our jobs in a timely manner--DEPEND upon the traffic updates.

    The fat ass boss sitting in a cubicle with nothing to do but berate employees for a slower production day....while ME on 880 for an hour and a half, and turning in a lesser "tasks accomplished" report at the end of the day....Fat Ass Boss should listen to traffic reports as much as I do!

    1. Anger issues...

      Sounds like you're laying the problems generated by your lack of responsibility on your boss. Leave earlier, that way, your boss wont have to be a hard ass and you wont resent your coworkers ...the ones that leave home on time.

      I go to seminars on occasion, theres always a few that show up 15-30 minutes late. Do they quietly find a seat? No, they find a spot, and fiddle with the coffee and treat table before sitting, then ask questions about things already covered. The mentality is rude and infringes on everyone that showed up early or on time. Fat asses.....

    2. 5:23--huh? You so don't get it. I am not going to seminars. I work for the County and put in 11 hour days without a single break. I am not angry; I thought I was being funny. Apparently not.

      Enjoy those seminars!

    3. Reread your own post.

      Your boss isnt happy with the productivity levels and yet you found time to read and post remarks during work hours, on the tax payers clock.

      What can possibly be wrong with your boss that he/she cant develop an appreciation for your overwhelming effort?

      Traffic reports cant negate shiftlessness and are of limited value.

    4. And yet, I know where to use apostrophes.

      I do appreciate your attempt at conservation, however.

  11. Rich
    I'd like to hear you call a baseball game sometime, I really think you'd bring a very interesting twist/view to the game. Just a Friday afternoon thought.

  12. Savage to me sounds like he is doing two hours and they piece together the third hour from recent segments.

  13. Sadly, with the lack of real news being reported, the traffic report remains probably THEE most relevant segment in the news wheel. In so far as how many listeners are tuning in at any given time, a great percentage of them want traffic. Weather too, though not as much so. It affects listeners in the here and now. I want to know if it's going to be an easy morning at the Bay Bridge, maybe I'll stop for coffee or run an errand. If it's absolute hell, I'm going another way or leaving early. So, it's news and relevant, not to everyone, but to many who still listen to radio. It's one of the main reasons KCBS does so well.

  14. I hear the same thing on the KSFO Morning Show. Segments from the 5:00AM hour are repeated in whole in the 8:00AM hour.

  15. Can someone please retire the phrase "Car-B-Q".

  16. First of all... traffic reporters are sexy, lol. People still say "Car-B-Q??" When, in the bay area, isn't there traffic? Like... maybe for a week during Christmas. Seriously. I've reported traffic at 3am on a Sunday and had something to talk about. And how good does it feel when you leave the house to know that there ISN'T any traffic? That's more reassuring than knowing there's a problem ahead. That's my traffic rant.

  17. Yeah, I heard about that "Money clip can't shake your hand, it doesn't have hands!' Stupid, stoopidd..Why should I listen about what I can NOT do with your product or service. Hopefully, this particular ad campaign will soon be over,,,,,,,,,,,,,What about that strange ad for jeans(?) The charecters say withdeadpan expressions, I Shipped my Pants! Follwed by an elderly black man lying in bed who appears to be saying I Shi** My Bed! I am NOT making this UP!! My jaw dropped then re-dropped.

  18. OK. The "your money clip can't shake your hand," is stupid. And,"KARS for kids," is annoying on a grand scale.

    But, the ultimate what-in-the-hell-does-THAT-mean(?) award has to go to: "Our windows have a story to tell. Shouldn't yours?" I can't remember the client's name, but that's the tag line after the story about the couple who started their own window company.

  19. Do you know what happened with Candice DeLong's Crimetim on KGO? Was she fired or quit?

    1. She quit but they haven't replaced her. Last night they ran news.

  20. I like Candice Delong, but I think her show struggles for the simple fact that she is on late at night and does not have too many callers. You can tell she tries really hard to stretch out her monologue in order to kill time between callers. She should consider booking more guests, like legal analysts and true crime authors. Of course, it might be tough for her to book guests who are willing to appear at midnight Pacific Time, but if I were trying to sell a book, I'd be on anytime.

    1. She's off the air. Last night Weintraub filled her spot. Is this permanent? He didn't have a producer or a phone screener for the hour I heard so he took the callers blind. Why take them at all? Why no one to work with? Is he difficult?

    2. I'm not difficult. Producer was told to take night off unaware there was a live show. I chose to take callers blindly for first hour but then it became more trouble than it was worth.

      Merely filling in and not taking over slot.

      I'm difficult in life but easy to work with on air. -dw

  21. Traffic reporters are notoriously lazy who latch on to cute phrases and then beat them into the ground. I remember when it was funny for us to say a stalled car was "occupying" a lane; this, of course, when the Occupy Movement was at its height. Now when I hear it, long after Occupy has faded from the headlines, it's just...well...lazy. Oh, and not funny. I'm not sure it was ever funny. "Friday-lite" and "car-be-cue" are similar phrases.

    1. I remember the Alex Bennett Show on Live 105 had a traffic reporter who would say, "...a woman got rear-ended." He would follow that up with the sound of a woman having an orgasm. If a man got rear-ended, he would say it took place in the Castro and follow it up with the sound of a man saying, "Oh yeah, that feels good. Put it right there." Ahhh...FM radio!

  22. Did anyone catch Pat Thurston's Sunday Show? Wow, she's brilliant. Barbara Simpson's whiny 'Too many Taker's & Abortion' program can't possible hold a candle to Pat Thurston's top-notch and thought-provoking show!

  23. If I'm not mistaken Ken wayne, is over at Channel 4 right now and has been for a while. If anything needs to be refreshed it's nexstar media and whatever it is they think channel 4 news is. It is not even a vague image of what it was on Van Ness avenue. Especially once they lost their NBC affiliation. But who knows what Young media was thinking back then. Now you hear the same stories Friday from 3:00 p.m. until Monday at 11:00 a.m. and if nothing new is happened. You'll continue to hear the same story until sometime Monday night.
