Tuesday, July 10, 2012

SF Posers

Some of you tell me you're happy and delighted that I call out the posers and fakers in this market. Many of you are on camera, behind the mic, and at your computer.



They lack any true moral conviction. In the name of "gotta take of my family", they maintain their complete silence at the inglorious bastards and carry on like cowardly lions. Their silence speaks volumes. And don't think the people that work around them don't know or care. They do. And they'll never forget.

Then there's the bozo brains; the a-holes that act one way on the airwaves and portray a completely different persona off the air. Phonies really, and most of you can see through all their bull----. It's pretty transparent.

What's even worse about most of the posers here is half of them are complete moronic shills working for nickels and attempting to sound and look as if they're real, big-market big shots. How pathetic. How poserish, really. What they are: narcissistic, self-centered, ego-driven blowhards lucky, dumb and willing to work on the cheap for corporate buttheads that care little for them and the industry they work in. Fools.

I'm more than pleased to expose these turdheads. They are nothings. They are rank-amateurs that are over-exposed and useless. They don't move the needle. Most are just hanging on and the rest are waiting for a chance to escape the helllhole. There's more resumes out  there than any other time in history. I know. They somehow find their way to my spot. Go figure.

Be aware of your specific poser. Some of 'em are counting down the days until they themselves are thrown out to pasture. Karma, baby.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Geeze, tell us how you really feel.

    1. Rich is right ... but this is blogger talk. Used to stir the unwashed masses. Theoretical ... and it comes down to someone more than not just liking the KNBR crew or morning show.

      Yeah, Rich ... name names. We've beaten Radnich to a pulp, Fitzgeral, Kureger, Brooks, Karel, Langen, Montemayor, Copeland, Owens, the low raters on 910, Sussman and Morgan on KSFO, and this extends to the music stations as well. It's a worn out record of mere speculation and distaste now.

      We beat these people up, and for their own good, and yet, we keep hearing this "juicy bits" about them with no names and nothing credible to hang them out to try on too many times. Too little credibility, to much bloggering. The time has come to hammer the points home with facts, not "watch this space" surprises that don't exist or don't come. IE: "The Cumulus COO is in town and heads are going to roll. Everyone at KGO is nervous and frustrated. Details coming.'

      Sorry, Rich, but you blew that big time. Credibility in the media is everything. Even the National Enquirer gets something right much of the time. You need to stop knocking the ball around like a pepper game at AT&T.

      The blog needs more passion ... and praise about more than your likes and dislikes at KNBR and KRON or KPIX ... and KGO.

      Give the facts and build a story. No speculation needed. You'll be better off and have integrity and credibility where the posers don't.

  2. I wish you would be specific. In my world, I think you're referring to Radnich, Krueger, Bob Fitzgerald and (I forgot his first name) Brooks.
    Also, maybe the KNBR morning show and of course, Ron Owens. Did I miss anyone?

    those are about the only hacks on the radio I think I'd agree with you on, although I would listen to Owens but since the debacle, KGO has been moved to the last avaialble slot on my memory buttons.

    Who am I missing? You can't be talking about Damon Bruce or anyone on KNEW that is local.

    Except for Dan Dibley and that morning show, along with Eric Davis, I actually like the Game's lineup...when I can hear it. So who are these posers, specifically.

    Don't be afraid, you're amongst friends here lol

    1. Karel for one. And that covers too much territory.

  3. Needed a Barbieri fix. Thanks.

  4. A couple of Raddyisms: Yesterday to Kathy Heenan (aka Grace Kelly as Radnich calls her) "When I look at you,I dont see a newsreader,I see a woman"..then the camera flashed to Pam Moore,plain Jane. Awwwwkward (Said in Rod Brooks gay voice). How many times has she taken it on the chin over the years?
    Today: He was ripping blog posters who rip. He didn't mention he's made a living doing that for 30 years and calls it "teasing" He then launched into calling those people being angry..no,wait,It was Larry Kreuger who shook his head and called them angry..then Raddy went off. Krueger calling others angry? Can they wade any deeper into the hypocritical bullshit? And get this-Krueger is shocked to hear the F-word...lol! I'm glad I only heard the last of that topic! too much BS...

    1. So let me get this straight, you despise Radnich so much that you watch him on the evening news show, then listen and watch his morning sports talk show????

      Then you complain that you don't like him?

      Get help!

    2. Here we go again with Raddy's paid hack @3:32pm. Look, we get you know how to utilize HTML. Enough already defending big red cheeks! He is only a shadow of his former self...

    3. Also RA, you dont see the irony of your posts? Take your own advice..

    4. A 60-year-old Grace Kelly? Give me a break. He may well call his wife Halle Berry.

    5. @12:16 and 5:19,

      Could you please explain why you consistently watch Radnich on KRON TV, listen to him on KNBR radio, and watch him CSNBA if you find him so unbearable?

      Your lame response that I'm Raddy's paid hack, which of course not true, fails to answer the question.

      I don't like Fitz and Brooks so I don't listen. I don't obsessively tune in so I can flood blogs with my outrage about how annoying they are.

    6. @7:42, the only person you defend so vigorously with your high tech HTML skills is Raddy. You must be getting paid. People who listen and watch Raddy and then criticize him with detailed evidence have lots of credibility in my book. Btw did you notice the topic of this entry? SF POSERS! Raddy is a top posser in SF. Deal with it.

    7. "People who listen and watch Raddy and then criticize him with detailed evidence have lots of credibility in my book"

      That's the problem Stan, you've got your own set of books, self-published. No one else is reading your books.

    8. uh,811? I didn't write anything but the original post. See? your Stan paranoia strikes YOU again.

    9. I wrote the other posts and I am not Stan. The HTML guy seems to think Raddy only has one critic here. Who is he kidding!!? He needs help...

  5. so who are the biggest posers in each media category Rich? name 'em & shame 'em...or you could conduct a poll to find out what your readers think...

    1. I'll bite: Karel, Ronn Owens, Maureen Langan, Monty Montemayor, Brian Copeland, most of the KNBR staff, including Ralph.

  6. Don't really have much to say right now but I did want to give a big thumbs up for an awesome use of "turdheads" ... don't know why but that made me laugh.

  7. The only way to not be a poser is to quit. And some people just don't want to be without a job. Do you really expect these anchors and reporters to be caped crusaders against greedy owners and managers?

  8. Rich says:

    Then there's the bozo brains; the a-holes that act one way on the airwaves and portray a completely different persona off the air. Phonies really, and most of you can see through all their bull----. It's pretty transparent...

    The premise here is entirely questionable.

    Johnny Carson was one of the most admired, successful, and popular show business performers of his time if not all time. Yet it was widely recognized that his off-air personality was completely different than the one portrayed on-air.

    The audience relates to a performance and and doesn't really know or need to know what the performer is like off stage. A perceptive adult understands that they are viewing a performance and that isn't what the performer is like in real life.

    Does anyone think that TV weather people are really cheerful little automatons who are perky and upbeat all the time?

    So now here comes the diatribe about how KNBR announcer X isn't really like he seems on the air and isn't that terrible...

    Why should we care? They aren't our friends, they are paid performers. Do you think that friendly waiter who comes up to you in a restaurant, gives you a big smile and is just so happy to get whatever you ask for you would be acting that way if it weren't his/her job? Do you think after work they'll want to be your friend?

    If you think radio guys are expected to be themselves on air? No, they are putting on a show.

    1. they are all actors whose main job is to APPEAR to natural and genuine in their appointed role. the problem is that sometimes their act APPEARS to be inauthentic.

  9. Not true. The other way to not be a poser is to get realistically fired by the company one works for. In this case, cleaning out is very much needed. It's not about the salaries, it's about the quality.

    As for not wanting to be without a job, tell that to the 3500 people who remain on the beach from Clear Channel and Cumulus.

  10. Huh? What happened to being positive? Let's see "turdheads" "phonies" "nothings" "useless" "bozo brains" "morons" "narcissistic" "blowhards" "dumb". This post, Rich, makes me think that you woke up in a miserable mood and don't have anything interesting to write. I'll check back another time.

  11. The biggest poser and blowhard in my opinion is Timoteo Monteminor. He thinks he is some deep thinking intellectual. Even Copie who is also an intellectual lightweight took Monteminor to task at the start of his show on Sunday. The topic was the death penalty with regards to the Scott Peterson appeal. Off the top of his head Copie hammered Monteminor's embarrassing shallowness. Take a listen to the archive if you think I am exaggerating. Monteminor thinks that because he yells in to the microphone it means he is some sort of big shot on all issues. Wasn't he suppossed to go to Chicago? What's the hold up? Get his ass out ASAP please!
