Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ripping and Praising

It's a classic catch-22: you rip a lot of people, you tend to get more feedback. Praise someone's work and hardly a notice.

When I began this blog, the main purpose was to write about Bay Area media, the people, the stations, from radio, TV, the Internet, who work here. It has evolved to a much larger forum and garnered much more attention to which I'm grateful for and proud of, but I'd like it to be balanced.

Sure, raw is good. Especially raw, genuine honest criticism. And especially when its directed at those who mail it in and think they're local treasures. We've called them out and gone where nobody else will.

But there's still a lot of quality people in this market. Some get a lot of recognition. Many don't. And in fact, a majority of the really good ones would just as well keep it that way. I'd put people like Scott Ostler, Lowell Cohn, and Dana King into that category. They just do their job day in and day out.

With regards to Lowell, I like his work. He writes a tight, neat blog and his columns are mostly first-rate. Some of you disagree. Great. We move on. Ostler's pieces are terrific--Pulitzer material. They deserve high praise. Dana King is a hard worker and a dedicated TV journalist, and also happens to be a very nice person.

The people and stations that I rip are well known here in this corner. I'm trying to mix it up a bit which makes for a better, more consistent read. Too much negativity starts to get redundant which is not the m. o. here even though it generates more readership.

You get my drift.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. We now resume our regular programming already in progress ...

    The witch from New York, Maureen Langden, returns at 10 tomorrow after her 20 minute stage show with Karel and, no doubt, a much needed quick shower.

    Christine Craft will have duties filling in for the self-named "moron" from 7-10 on Sunday -- a pleasant, witty, refreshing change from Karel. Then the which queen returns.

    How noble a notion, Rich. I'm saying one listen to KNBR and it will be back to rippin' and tearin' lungs apart. Or will it be Monty, Ronnn or any number of Bay Area media slugs?

    1. Just for the record -- it's Maureen Langan. I listened once, googled her, and found the correct spelling.

    2. She is not worth Googling...

    3. Thanks for the heads up on Christine Craft. I had given up looking for her on the schedule.
      When Karel is on and then that Feature Creature Langan, I just have to turn off the radio and set my hair on fire.

      But Christine I always find entertaining even when our views are in opposite directions. She should have a permanent slot.

    4. Did anyone catch Karel hustling tix last night for tonight's show? He was running a 2 for 1 sale AND he was throwing in a copy of his book lol!

    5. I tuned into Maureen Langan to check out how bad she really is. I'm listening now, and I don't hear a problem. Is she better than usual tonight?

  2. Hey Rich, you have trouble keeping score.

    Trying to salvage your post about Lowell Cohn, you write:
    With regards to Lowell, I like his work. He writes a tight, neat blog and his columns are mostly first-rate. Some of you disagree.

    Some disagree? Just about everyone disagreed! Of the 15 comments as of this morning, only one said Cohn was good, one said he might be decent, and the rest generally detested Cohn or spoke to some other issue.

    If your going to be an observer you need to be accurate.

  3. Rich, this is what life's about. Build them up, only to knock them down. I love your approach! It's your truth...,.

  4. Your piece on Cohn was great. I disagree, but you made your case quite well. Keep up the good work.

  5. Good for you, Rich!

    I had no idea who you were or that you wrote this blog until the December 2nd rally in SF to protest the KGOne bloodbath. KGOne has certainly provided ample material for you to "rip" on.

    In fact, Bay Area radio in general (with the exception of KQED and Gross/Tillem on 910) sucks big time!

    To think--I am old enough to remember walking around with a transistor radio against my ear. When night time hit, we even had Wolfman Jack!

    And my clock radio woke me up with music!

    My car has been stolen four times and of course, they took the radio.

    Luckily, I got the car back each time and I haven't replaced the radio. All I miss is the traffic reports.

  6. re: July 7, 2012 9:04 AM

    But that is the genius of Cohn. A lot of people dislike him, but they know of him. So, he's won the battle. A lot of better sports writers (IMHO) such as Monte Poole, Mark Purdy, and John Shera toil in anonymity.

    And his kid is following in pop's footsteps.

    1. If you think distinguishing yourself by being obnoxious constitutes success, than you're right.

  7. As I wrote in Rich's previous Blog subject about Lowell Cohn, I personally like his blogging style of column. But as I wrote b4, Lowell does not cater to "Sheeple." Lowell gives you substance to mull over, and to come to an objective answer....

    If you like "Preach To The Choir" types journalist....Go See Mark Purdy. But remember U have the right to NOT Consume Lowell Cohn's blog if you don't like him...IMHO

  8. I definitely like the notion of balancing out the negative with positive posts. I know some people just thrive on the negative, but a little bit of "good" medicine is good for the soul. Hold your nose and swallow it, you'll feel better!
    I very much appreciate the heads up about Christine Craft being on this evening. Please, when a radio host many of us enjoy is scheduled, send a post.

    1. I no longer care who is on KGO. I don't listen anymore. There is no continuity with the fill-in hosts, so even if I used to like them (Christine only some of the time), I can easily live without them for 3 hours here and there. KGO is but a memory now, a once-great station that is mostly a bore.

  9. If you're going to rip anyone on the air, start with that pathetic little weasel Bob Fitzgerald.

    First, the guy wormed his way into
    KNBR by having his dad buttonhole the KNBR PD on the golf course to give his son a 'tryout.' Then as soon as Fitzie got into the building, he went straight to Salvadore's office and started shamelessly brown nosing his way into favor.

    Next, he was befriended by Greg Papa who helped get him on as a backup on the Warriors' radio broasdcasts. Then Fitz hired an agent who went to the Warriors legal eagle (a douche bag named Robin Baggert) and told them that Fitzie would work for half of what Papa was asking for if they gave Fitz Papa's TV job. Baggert went back to Fitz and his agent and told them that he wanted to make the deal, but that Fitz couldn't tell anyone (including Papa) how all this went down, or he wouldn't get the job. Fitz made his pact with the devil, and ended up stabbing his friend Papa in the back.

    This is the kind of behind the scenes nonsense that went on during the regime of Chris Cohan, probably the worst owner in the history of bay area sports (one playoff berth in 16 years!) This is the same Chris Cohan who's chief henchman for a number of years was Robert Rowell, one of the most contemptible and unpopular front office people in pro sports who finally got what he deserved
    (getting fired) when the new ownership took over.

    Fitz is a master at sucking up to all of the important people, and it's stunning to many who have worked in the industry for awhile that people in management haven't caught up with his game.

    But the fact that he's still working in a prominent situation at both KNBR and with the Warriors doesn't say a lot of either organization, does it?

    1. What are you so angry about? Are you the same fellow who claimed Fitz is nuts?

    2. No, but this guy is telling the truth! Makes me laugh every time he says "fatnich".

  10. You have it wrong on Dana King. Much more than a relentless worker. She's a goddess. Flat-out the sexiest kind of professional and intelligent.

  11. Fitz isn't nuts, he's just very duplicitous and has a terrible
    reputation in the profession. What that guy was saying about Fitz is probably true, I've heard enough bad stories about him too.

  12. Fact is Fitz also shilled for the organization, and then got a last minute 3 year extension just before the sale from Rowell and Cohan, and I believed they are guaranteed.

    He has two more seasons left, and I'm not sure that ownership wants to pay for two simultaneously.

    Truth is while his commentary and analysis is horrible and homerish, his actual play by play is not bad. In fact well above average if you flip around League Pass. That being said, Papa is much better, and I think will likely get his gig back when they are done with Fitz. We can only hope.
