Sunday, July 8, 2012

Meanwhile at KGOne, the Crazed NY Yenta Polluting the Airwaves

This is an up-to-the-minute update on Mighty Maureen.

You know? I've figured this witch out. She's a downer following Christine Craft who cleaned her clock tonight. Who was the dumb-effer who put Thurston, Craft and the NYC witch-queen one right after the other.

I'd rather have heard David Weintraub. Well, no, not really.

She's talking so fast, like the world is passing her by. Her first call was idiotic ... about, "Oh, it's not just FOX, I'll get to CNN and MSNBC, DARLING!"

She sounds like she's either self-medicated on speed or missed the chance to take a quick shower after leading for the Bay Area's switch-hitter --- Karel.

Actually, honest to God (whom she believes in, she notes -- unlike her asinine comedic partner who believes only in himself,) this Langen biatch sounds like she's having a talk with herself. She sounds like she's lost all human communication form. She sounds like one-way calls on a cellphone -- like someone on a cellphone walking the aisles at Wal*Mart talking to no one in particular ... but herself.

Maureen Langen is so bad, she's a bad reflection of herself. She sounds like she got the pink slip tonight and is talking so fast just hoping, "Get me THE HELL OUT OF HERE!"

The second call was supposed to be from Vacaville, but it turned out to be Joe from Carmel. You could tell she thought at that moment that she was working at a 500 watt daytime in some cornfield somewhere.
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  1. Damn you Rich! I was trying to avoid listening to this woman. Thanks to your post I am now tuning in to her horrible show. As bad as she is, Weintraub was worse last week. I give her credit, she is trying but she sucks big time. I do notice she is talking very fast.....

  2. Does she even know where Vacaville and Carmel are or anything about them? Must be weird doing a "local" talk show and not being a local or even close to one.

  3. God, Rich, you are RIGHT about negative posts catching more attention!

    Now I want to hear this woman!!!!

  4. Witch-queen? Did she do something to you? Is it her fault that she's working for assholes? She was OK, not nearly as good as the better (mostly ex-) KGO hosts, but that's beside the point. Why the vitriol? Should she turn down the work because John Rothmann would do it better?

  5. Who? I haven't listened to KGO in quite a while because, you know, they were going to a "news" format. And then they hired a bunch of new talk people?

  6. I tuned in for a few minutes and she is pretty bad and does talk a mile a minute. I know she was in town performing with Karel, but why a comedienne based in NYC? Can't they find anyone local anymore? At least Christine's from Sacramento, even though she does her show from her home at times like Karel does and Dr.Bill and Jim Eason use to.

  7. I enjoyed Maureen's show last night. She is starting to hit her stride with some very substantive and interesting interviews. There are things we all like and dislike about each other. Some hate the fact that I've been on the Mirkarimi bandwagon for so long. I understand that, but it's almost over, as due process nears the finish line. Now we have a mayor who allegedly committed perjury. This could utterly change the face of local politics, when all is said and done. I realize that many people don't want to be bothered with the minutiae, but the devil is always in the details.

    1. Hi Christine,

      Can we at least agree that if Ross Mirkarimi had the SF's interests at heart, then he would just let it go?

      Wouldn't that be the grown up thing to do?


    2. Good to see you around, Christine, but even better to hear you on the air.
      Count me as not particularly interested in the details of Mirkarima, but I surely enjoyed your second hour on Joe Walsh and Tammy Duckworth. That was a great topic with great callers.
      Now if we could just find a way to get KGO to have you on more often....

    3. Broadcasters shouldn't be merely "hitting her stride" after so many weeks on a 50,000 watt flamethrower in the 4th largest market in the country.

      However, many let their egos take over (ie: Karel) and because there is no "training" -- the station takes a hit. A big hit.

      Taking a hit from 4.5 to 2.4 is not about "hitting your stride." It means -- "A change is gonna come."

  8. Uh, yes, as a matter of fact - it IS her fault because working for assholes or not -- she shouldn't be on the air at all, let alone on the good ship Titanic known as KGO.

    When you're not only not as good as minor league talent, you don't take your ego just because you can for a reach to a market you have no use being in.

    If I heard one more time about how "I've been a comedian for 15 years and do TV, radio and standup" I would afraid of puking. Her "trial run" should be over now. She's horrible. Doesn't know local issues and has no grasp whatsoever on national ones.

    San Francisco is a major league city and there are, thanks to Cumulus and Clear Channel especially, thousands of real talented people "on the beach".

    Why do talk stations -- even part time wanna-bes like KGO, think that hiring bad comedians that people don't laugh listening to in this environment (ie: Copie) keep playing this shell game? It doesn't work!

    KGO is developing a comedy complex. This woman is no Kathy Griffin, that's for certain.

    I'd rather listen to Craft any day. And she does make me laugh.

    Either that, or hire Rick Dees for gosh sakes. He's on the beach (again). At least he'd be funny ... and a broadcaster.

    Mo' ... she don't know.

    1. When you're a freelancer, you take the work you're offered. There are more articulate comments than yours, but that didn't stop you from posting. Should Langan refuse to earn a living because she's not as good as other hosts?

    2. Frankly? Yes. And Cumulus should be choosier in picking good talent. She doesn't need the "living" ... she already is a "comedian" in NYC. It's Cumulus fault at worst for thinking that SF is as good as, say, Roanoke, or Augusta. She should have better sense to know that she's not ready for prime time in the major leagues.

  9. Yes. With the lack of talent she has? Yes. She should have turned down the work because whomever the braintrust at KGO / Cumulus that hired her obviously doesn't know broadcasting and didn't have the heart to tell Maureen that her New York screechiness won't play in San Francisco or on radio, period. Maybe you need to go listen to a few podcasts.

    1. Do you blame the teller for the $35 overdraft fee?

    2. No. I blame myself. I know the rules. You?

    3. Thanks for that. Next time I have to pay an overdraft fee, I'll blame you too. Also, next time I completely miss the point or return a reasonable argument with emotional incoherence, I'll think of you. Following your logic, you blame yourself for listening to her. My point is that the fault lies with those who make the decisions. If the KGO higher ups cared about quality, they would give those hours to Christine Craft. They choose not to. That's the problem.

  10. Rich,

    500 watt teapot daytimers are often more entertaining than corporate monsters.

  11. "Crazed NY Yenta" ? What are you saying here, Rich?

    I agree with 7:35 AM - why the vitriol?

    I listened to her show last night while driving to pick up my kid across town. I heard the conversation she had with an extremely successful women (sorry, I don't remember her name!), about women/power/success/family - and I thought it was very interesting.

    And no, I do not work for KGONE; I'm just another pretty much ex-KGO listener who sometimes checks it out while I'm driving.

    As Ray T. says, "It's nice to be nice!"

    1. Ray T. said "It's nice to be nice?" He must have said it with his fingers crossed behind his back.

  12. The fact that this rank amateur is polluting the locala airwaves speaks volumes for the direction that radio is headed to these days. I don't blame the woman for taking the gig, but if I were her I frankly be embarrassed after listening to a replay of the show. She sounds like a self-absorbed, medicated, dysfunctional moron. Oh, I forgot, that's what radio management is looking for these days for their on-air talent.

  13. She picks good subject at times, she interviews intersting people at times. However, she has problems holding my attention, her voice, her laugh, her use of the english language. I think back to Gene Burns and John Rothman who could make almost any subject interesting. I don't think she is improving, if find even if I leave the radio on while I'm surfing the net it just becomes background noise, she cannot hold my attention. Wish they would at least put Peter B, Stacy Taylor or Christine on, they were already know to KGO's fans.It is almost as Cumulus wants to punish the old listerners and really stick it to us with bad hosts, like Maureen, and Montemayor, who I don't think is much is better than. I find his vocabulary rather deficient, and his stands weak, especially since he does not seem to take a firm stand
    on many of this subjects, unless it is immigration. Keep remembering how Gene would open up with his subject, what a genius he was in setting up the argument, how eloquent and interesting he would be in his monologue, John Rothman too, and yes Ronn, he is still a very talented, intelligent professional.

  14. Remember, after 7-1/2 months it is STILL "The NEW KGO". Sad.

  15. KGO today, 11:11 AM on the Ronn Owens show during an interview with Jon Miller.

    The interview was interrupted by one of this loud, prolonged beeps that is part of the emergency warning system. Then, I heard a few words, including "this is KCBS"... and then back to the Owens interview. (I didn't touch my radio.)

    I never heard that happen in over 25 years listenting to the "old" KGO.

  16. KCBS is one of the EANS stations that KGO and others monitors for emergency messages and broadcasts. It tests every week at different times throughout the day and night. The state does it's test every Thursday in the 11 a.m. hour.

    KGO can also trigger such messages and alerts, being monitored by KCBS and others as a "redundancy."

    The fact that KCBS was mentioned probably means that a board engineer at KCBS didn't exit the test until too late -- shutting off the feed to the EANS "network". It could also mean that a KGO board op didn't cut off the test manually from the board after the three beep "exit relay closure" and that the encoder got stuck which happens more than you'd imagine.

    Remember -- the national EANS failed miserably three months ago. Some stations heard it, others didn't and the audio was horrendous.

  17. "Who was the dumb-effer who put Thurston, Craft and the NYC witch-queen one right after the other."

    The world is not coming to an end. You will live. I'm sure you never had this complaint before when three male talk hosts were on back to back on KGO (which was the majority of the time)? Sounds a bit sexist to me. I found the line-up refreshing and now with Ms. Crime Time, I must say, I do appreciate the fact that KGO is giving air-time to more women now.

  18. anything is better than canned bloomberg news that recycles every 3 hrs or so.
