Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bay Citizen in Merger talks with CIR; Groundhog Day fetish with local SF Media; Dino Costa on Satellite Radio; Thursday dish

The Bay Citizen, a non-profit on-line news site, begun with $5 million in seed money from the late SF philanthropist, Warren Hellman, is in talks for a merger with the Center of Investigative Reporting, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Bay Citizen, also a Bay Area news supplement for the NY Times, has been plagued by editorial decisions, business model issues and two of its biggest inside execs have already have left or are about to leave.

Another black mark for BC? Not a peep about the KGO Radio format change that took place last Dec. 1; perhaps due to the fact that BC is a news partner with KGO. Coincidence? Perhaps, you be the judge.

*Speaking of KGOne, their illustrious morning news presenters spent a good thirteen minutes on that huge, huge Groundhog day "story" at the OPENING of the 7 AM news block, including a "live" phono that took place in actuality an hour earlier. (Why do I torture myself?); To be fair, KGOne isn't the only doofus dept. that spends too much time on the stupid Groundhog deal--seems the pack mentality continues to spread this wasted February minutiae that's worthy of about a five-sec mention, if that.

**Dino Costa, or "DINOCOSTA", as he proclaims himself on his Twitter account, is worth the price of satellite radio alone. The NY-based  sports-radio host is an entertaining, funny, and multi-faceted mix of pithy sports items, shop talk and inside world, funny and reliable. Moreover, real honest sports radio as opposed to the posers here in this town.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. oh is that why the bay citizen isn't doing any enterprise reporting on the Mirkarimi case? the influence of Phil Bronstein at the the center for investigative blah blah...just as long as they don't investigate his friends including IVory Madison?

    1. Ivory Madison-must feel entitled and thrilled with herself knowing she destroyed a family and career. But-we all know HER name now. What she really wanted.

  2. I have also found it very interesting how little the KGO story was carried by the old style medias. It seems non of them would touch it with a 10' foot pole. If you do a google search you can find some short stories in papers like the Cron and CC Times but nothing after the initial change. I can see news media reluctance as there are so many cross connections plus I am sure many figure "But for the grace of God go I!" as most print and other media types think it could also happen to them.
    It seems to me that some enterprising reporter could have written a story from a human interest angle. I find it fasinating reading through the various internet sites the comments. It shows what intense loyality listeners had for KGO. Perhaps unprecidented in local radio today. Surely there is a story there? Man they can make a story out of anything and then beat it to death and here is something that has really had impact on many, and no one will talk about it. We wonder why main stream media is struggling? We don't need them anymore to get what we need nor can they control a story anymore as there are many options on the internet to discuss. The KGOne story is a perfect reflection of this change.

  3. I actually had two different people wish me a "Happy Groundhog Day"! Just shows that the media has complete control over our lives. It won't be long before we'll start seeing Groundhog Day cards in the stores, and this insignificant event will evolve into yet another "Hallmark Holiday".

  4. KNBR/Bruce1050 and THEGAME are killing me with boring SB interviews...old former players,unknown writers. Even somebody I thought would make a good interview-Jay Glaser- was terrible. Who knew he was so unfunny and dull?

  5. Speaking of KGO morning news, did anyone notice that after the news on Ronn's show that the Sleep Train commercial was prerecorded by Jen and what's his name (other anchor). Although I'm not listening very much these days, I haven't heard Ronn have a guest do that commercial for awhile. Maybe I just haven't heard it. However, I don't remember prerecorded commercials for that company before by the a.m. news team and not Ronn especially during his show. Maybe the 'mattress man' comments got to them or I'm making up the whole thing!

  6. A merger between Bay Citizen and CIJ might be good news for both of them. Allowing them to share administrative functions and not to compete for grants and donations.

    As to Bay Citizen not doing more coverage on the changes at KGO. You'll find that most newsrooms don't spend much time on such stories considering them "inside baseball." Look at the decimation of the Chronicle News Room or the struggles of the Examiner or the collapse of KRON or for that matter the recent departure of the KGO TV news director.

    In other words Rich, this may be a big story for you as a media critic, but it simply isn't considered the type of story that ANY newsroom was going to go on and on about for weeks at a time. That after all is your job! ;) And we all find it very amusing.

    1. This IS a big story and Rich is keeping thousands of us in the loop.

      There is nothing funny about what happened.

      Thank YOU, Rich.

    2. I spent many years as a managing editor. Reporters don't usually follow stories they are not assigned. It is the editorial management of The Chron, Bay Citizen, The Merc, etc. that are disconnected from reality.

      And, Mel, I believe you are wrong about the ignore "inside" business in regard to KGO. With regard to the others, yes, I agree with you that that is the perspective of most newsrooms. There is also, as one person said, a dose of "but of the grace of God...."

      However, KGO was a San Francisco icon going back to Ira Blue. It kept people informed in wartime, etc. My grandparents listened to it. That's how I got connected, at the age of 13. I'm in my 50s now.

      Do I think KGO was doing a great job? No. When it switched to so much news on a talk station, I told my wife something was up and something was going to change.

      I cannot believe that no one at KGO saw this trainwreck coming. Perhaps it's my experience in the industry and I know the telltale signs.

      I also think the newspapers' layoffs should be covered by those newspapers and other newspapers. Newspapers report. They should not hide. That they ignore these stories shows how much print has changed. It is now mostly irrelevant, and they make it even more irrelevant by dissing their readers by avoiding stories on their own industry: media.

  7. I thought Ground hog day was the Northeastern Seaboard phenomenon where winters are prevalent with permanent cold and snow where anxious inhabitants looks to fury creatures to see the end of this cold captive semi hibernating state. Here on the warm West coast it is not an issue so why on KGO... I guess they are grasping for anything to call it news.

  8. re the whatz his name comment...the name you didn't know...Jon Bristow...who has been covering murder,mayhem, politics,floods, famines..etc...for many many years at KGO before Jennifer Jones met her first microphone..great giggly.

    1. Sorry, I didn't mean any offense by not remembering Jon Bristow's name. I do remember him covering news...just forgot his name when I was typing. i do like him and I do like Jen. I like cheerful, upbeat people who are also smart and giggly and both do a great job doing the morning news. Too bad they have to start at 4:00a.m. Too bad they have to work for KGO, but people have to make a living.

  9. Mel,
    Beg to disagree. KGO's drastic decisions were NOT inside baseball this time! Thousands of listeners were outraged; KGO's rating reflect this. The format was turned inside out. This is not so true when other local media rampages take place.

    I hope when you say "We all find it very amusing," that you are referring to Rich's blog, not the terrible outcomes from the KGO bloodbath.

  10. I had a friend who was a program director for a classic rock station back east in the late 80's. Times were changing back then with AM & FM and I always enjoyed teasing him that someday he would be programing a C&W station and he assured me that would not happen. I woke to C&W music one morning and had to tell my unemployed friend I was only kidding! The station said their market research indicated that there was a hole in the market for C&W. That change lasted less than 1 year and then they become News/Talk. I often wondered how much money the company spent obtaining the market research that indicated there was a hole? KGO's statement after the change said the research indicated their listeners wanted more news. How much did that research cost them and who did they talk to? They may have missed the mark just a tad!
    The other night I was watching TV and there was an Ad pushing tourism in the Gulf States. At the end of the Ad the BP logo ended the segment. I immediately thought of the similiarities to Cumulus. Create a disaster then spend a lot of time and money telling people you care! The KGOne staff are professionals who I admire and I am sure they are holding back their gag reflexes when they have read the latest blurbs that are popping up on TV and Radio. They have to make it sound like they are happy! Both companies remind me of someone who stabs you then offers and bandage and hopes you forget why you needed first aid in the first place.
