Monday, January 16, 2012

A Tribute to My Brother; RIP Michael

Twelve years ago today, 1-16-2000, I lost my only brother, Michael. He was the father I never had; the very best friend when I needed a friend, and a funny, charming, sincere and compassionate patriot. I miss you, Michael.


  1. Lost my brother a few years before yours, Rich. He saved my life twice from an abusive situation. My prayers are with you.

  2. Hey Rich...I know how you feel. I was very close with my older brother.
    We grew up as we were only about three years apart. Unfortunately in the 1960s, he heeded the advice of the late Timothy Leary to "drop out, tune in, turn on," doing just that. There were many others from my neighborhood and school that did the same, and many of them are also
    long gone!

    But it took my brother nearly 18 years before the drugs finally killed he was very strong It was a difficult time for our family as he spent time on the street, was nearly killed twice in drug deals, had months in mental hospitals, was sentenced to jail terms, and even spent a year in prison for using and selling illegal drugs.

    Not a week goes by where I don't think about my crazy, wonderful, charming, smart, passionate, mixed up, loveable brother.

    Everyone in my family misses him..even though he's been gone for
    25 years. It just reminds me of one thing: Life is short, so do the things you want to do, try to treat people with kindness and respect, and
    enjoy the journey!

    My good wishes for better days for you too Rich...I know the hurt never truly goes away...but does recede over the course of time.

  3. I"m sorry about your brother and am touched that you honor his memory. So I am one more person, who although I never met him, will also honor Michael's memory.

  4. Much respect for you and your late brother.

  5. I had a similar loss and I know how lonely one can feel, especially on the anniversary dates. Peace to you.

  6. I understand the feeling, lost my brother Bob last March.

  7. sorry for your loss Rich. May the memories never fade.

  8. And I have no doubt that his spirit is with you always. Take comfort in knowing that he is just a whisper away!

  9. Sorry for your loss.

  10. That was a very touching tribute to your brother. I wasn't expecting it.
