Sunday, January 22, 2012

KRON's Newsroom once again mired in Angst and Dread

Things seemed to have begun brightening up at the once-mighty KRON; the independent news/infomercial  station had just emerged from its corporate bankruptcy to show a modest profit, hire more staff, and beef up its meager news department.

That produced a more stronger, (by KRON's standards), morning news block dedicated to traffic reports, weather and an abundance of quickly-paced local news. The formula seemed to catch on, with significantly better ratings in the key morning programming. And a re-energized staff.

That energy and nirvana at the local albatross has, according to three different sources, taken a180-degree turn and reports now indicate, (and confirmed here), that the situation inside the newsroom has become strained, (at best), and infinitely toxic, at worst.

"In the past two weeks things have gone from bad to worse. They, (management), have taken to screaming constantly at everybody and it has become an endless barrage of criticism and negativity", stated one source, who like all, requested anonymity because they feared retribution.

Most of the angst was directed at KRON's News Director, Aaron Pero. Pero appears to be the prime screamer and yeller. That's not that uncommon in TV newsrooms--why such a fuss, I asked one of the sources.

"Because he, (Pero) is relentless and mean-spirited--and it's just plain bullying, non-stop too."

"People are calling in sick endlessly, and the ones that show up are talking about quitting, staging a walkout or filing lawsuits. There's even been a few people who have admitted that they've started drinking before and after work just to keep calm."

"Things are bad, Rich."

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  1. Pero is a weasely little scumbag, and his boss is just as bad if not worse. Last I heard there was also no HR dept. at KRON, just some lady who hangs out with both pero and the general manager who can't be trusted. Even in this economy and job market you can't blame the staff for thinking about walkign out. Somebody get rid of those scumbags.

  2. So why the twisting of the screws? Is it about the move?
    No HR? No wonder Radnich gets away with sexist "teasing"...and also explains why Radnich has survived by playing along with the Pero's and the Bungerholes and Hammers. He's a wink,wink-one of them.

  3. Life is too short to work at the current KRON... yelling in a newsroom is not new... it wasn't personal back in the days when Kron was a solid station and news dept., but even if half of what you write is true.. no one should put up with a bully and that's what management sounds like. I know from talking with some people I know who work there that there is a constant underlying fear of Aaron Pero...
    I don't know who he thinks he is but if he reads this.. know Aaron... What goes around...Comes around... you will get yours for the way you treat people... whether it be good, bad or indifferent.

  4. Darya and Aaron? hmmmmmm?

  5. There has been no on site HR for nearly 2 years now. "Hostile work environment" only scrapes the surface of how bad it is and not just for the morning news. Greif and Pero and Baier should be publicly stoned for the emotional pain and stress they put on their newsroom staff. Bullies, all three. At least Pero has some news cred. The other two? Posers yelling the loudest because they don't have two legs to stand on. It should tell you all you need to know about Greif the GM, who directed the news dept to hire interns to begin doing the weather and VJing. Only reason people stay: can't get hired across town. KRON is the scarlet letter on a local resume.

  6. Sad...KRON used to be such a proud NBC Affiliate, they should have never relinquished their ownerhip of NBC...jmo

  7. How Aaron Pero can be seen as a bully is beyond me.
    He is a whiny, gossipy little girl at best.
    Not sure why he wields so much control, and instills so much fear.
    Sure, a paycheck is important.
    But anyone with the slightest bit of intellect, pride and self-worth, can easily outwit this feeble, manager want-a-be.
    Remember, he only has his job, because no one in their right mind would take it.
    Like any bully, one minor bloody nose is all it usually takes for them to show their true spineless colors.
    Plus, Pero has so many skeletons in his office closet, they often spill out into the newsroom, the green room and all the other places those skeletons were created in the first place.

  8. From the kron source I heard the story from, pero only got the job because the two candidates who were preferred over him ended up taking other jobs after dealing with the usual kron/young broadcasting negotiation style; the same one that led to nbc bailing out from the affiliation, nbc bay area deciding to opt out of shared services agreement and most recently causing a big problem with the mediacom cable licensing negotiations. Pero was all that was left in a pinch because he had no other options, and the person who gave him the job later stated publicly it was the worst decision they ever made at kron. Bullies hire bullies and that's who's managing kron and young. If there's any justice when the time finally comes to oust them from the building they won't be able to find jobs managing a pizza hut.

  9. If it is so bad there, why don't all the workers get together and plan a silence protest. If all participate, there will be nobody to turn the crank and the station goes dead until Pero and managment meet their demands. I don;'t know, could something like that be pulled off?

  10. It's not all Pero. The guy took an ugly job with a station in a world of Hurt. It's tough to manage and compete when your resources are constantly being slashed. Just a bad system and a bad situation all the way around at KRON. Would be nice to see another owner come in and help the station rise from the ashes and rebuild the legacy KRON brand.

    1. Completely agree. It seems that Aaron Pero is doing a very difficult job at a station that has little money and few resources. The demands of the job don't diminish with less funding, the pressure is on and they're doing a good job with what they've got. Now that KRON have begun to make some money again, there should be reinvestment to at least build on the output and help it reassert it's brand.

  11. This guy Pero sounds like a first class-douche bag. Unfortunately, we've all had to work for idiots and ass holes like this guy once or twice in our careers if we've worked in the industry long enough.

    He obviously fell into this position by being in the 'right place at the right time,' but also because he probably sucked up to the right corporate jerks. To get ahead in virtually any business today, there's a certain amount of 'kissing ass' that has to go on, and that's unfortunately why we see so many incompetent people in high positions. I guess many higher ups are so insecure that they have to have someone always buttering them up and telling them what geniuses they are.

    It's a sad human condition, but until we eliminate it, the business world will continue to be a venal, barbaric and Darwinian place. Woe to those who choose to embark on a career where
    'schmoozing' and knowing how to use 'snappy patter' are requirements for advancement!

  12. Even in tough situations there's no excuse for bullying and pushing around your employees. Every manager needs to chew some people out occasionally but pero takes it to an unnecessary level, either because he doesn't know how to do it better or because he enjoys being a bully. There's no reason to have any sympathy for the man. He made his bed and he gets to lie in it, including his dirty laundry with a certain loudmouth female anchor.

  13. It's so sad that our industry has lowered it's standards enough to allow fools and incompetents such as this dim-wit Pero to have a position of responsibility.

    There are very few other professions that are run as foolishly as broadcasting. Can you imagine a law form or a medical group hiring a lawyer or a doctor if they weren't considered experienced, professional, and competent? It beggars the imagination why
    the broadcasting industry continues to commit hari-kari by putting
    these fools and neophytes in chsrge of newsrooms. Astounding!
