Friday, January 13, 2012

The 'Ginger Assassin' strikes at KGO; Veteran board op vents

The following words are from a current KGO employee, who works for Jared Hart, the producer of the Ronn Owens show and is a lower-management tool; (the person requested anonymity for fear of retaliation).

"One of the most despicable acts performed lately has been Jared Hart's refusal to man up and do his own dirty work. This week he took away hours from long termed board ops and gave them to his new guys. Obviously people who would feel loyal to him. But the 'Ginger Assassin' doesn't have the balls to tell the board ops to their faces that their hours have been cut and is trying to get other people to do it for him."
"What a gutless wonder."

Must be just groovy over there along the Embarcadero. How's the after-dinner mints at SweetJack Central?

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Come on people....share some Jared stories. I know you have them.

  2. Oh, man, I feel for those guys. I was a recording engineer and sound mixer for many years-now retired, bad demo-and this is the lowest thing management can do. The technical staff have NOTHING to do-except for limited stuff like Chris Hernandez (sp?) music selection. . This is just horrible.
    Phil Brown

  3. What is a "board op?"

    1. The person-sorry, many are women now-who sets the levels, cues the music, in general does the technical tasks. And it ain't easy. I did it at a low level many years ago and it was tough then, much tougher now.
      Phil Brown

  4. It had been some little time since I had listened to the Owens show at some length. On Tuesday in the 11 am hour I decided to give him a try to see just how things were on his end. What I heard was pretty grim.

    The impression I got was that Ronn's voice sounds kind of tired. He has always relied on the topic of the day, however trivial, as the basis of his show; on this day he tried to get listeners interested in Tim Tebow, and that didn't amount to much. Ronn then elaborately told a (very slightly) off-color joke he had been sent, and took a long time doing it, and it wasn't particularly funny. I was surprised by the relatively few callers the show garnered.

    When he offered the news that Hue Jackson had been fired, I imagine that most of those tuning in switched the dial elsewhere.

    Listening to the show sounded like ready-made nostalgia--as in "wow, are you still here?"

    1. See the facebook post on Former Listeners of KGO re: why Ronn suggested adding network news during his program -- to get some topics to talk about. The light or only local stuff just isn't that riveting to discuss, I guess. Too fluffy and gossipy, mostly.

  5. Careful, Rich; you don't want to out your sources and a verbatim quote like that could easily do that. You already know that all of the SF Radio community is looking to this blog to try and sort out what's happening up on the 3rd floor of 900 Front. Be careful to protect your sources! You know that CUMulous would be happy to fire...

    ...Oh that reminds me, I want to do a search and find out how many times "cause for termination" appears in the Cumulous Employee Handbook. If I manage to do so, I'll post the result here. I'm guessing it occurs several hundred times and related verbiage probably comprises a large percentage of the handbook's text. Did you know that wearing a hat to work at acCumulous could be "cause for termination"? So it sez...

  6. Jared Hart's methodology is not surprising. He is the same jerk who after the mass firings said taking calls would be "boring radio". Mattres guy and this schmendrick are kindred spirits in gutlessness and resort to the covert to attain their selfish goals. Continue shining the light on the coackroach Rich!!

  7. Jared, after the newly-gutted KGO crashes and burns -which it will- you are going to have a tough time finding work.

    Just saying.

    1. Jared will go to some other market where he will knife a whole host of employees at another Cumulus radio station!

  8. Isn't NABET (National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians) still representing the board-ops? Back in the day, NABET wielded real power and wouldn't put up with little girls like Jared. He'd need a bodyguard or six.

    1. I was a member of all three unions-IA, NABET and IBEW. Hours cuts are not against the contracts. Firing gets harder but if management wants you gone, you're gone.
      Phil Brown

  9. Don't listen to "the other station" or the mattress guy anymore but it is interesting to check in and hear how well it is going for them.

  10. Don't mess with Jared the Producer.
    He is one tough customer.

    1. Are you Jared masquerading as Anonymous, Jared's partner/friend, or his partner in the recent firing of KGO employees? If you know that Jared is a tough customer, is he sending surrogates and proxies to write his true role and what he really did at KGO's employees' terminations?

  11. Jared is a punk. Who's his daddy??

  12. I have not listened to KGOne since last week when Ronn did a segment on a tragic bullying situation in Florida where (to make to long story short) the 14 year old bully victim wound up killing the 17 year old abuser & a judge ruled it self defense so no charges. Well Jared, apparently unhappy because Ronn and most of the callers agreed with the judge's ruling, came bounding out of his producer box and into Ronn's studio & pronounced speaking over Ronn that everyone was wrong. That how much of what is referred to as bullying is "gentle teasing" and that a 17 year should not have to die because of what he threatened to do to the 14 year old (Jared missed the part where the 17 year old punched the 14 year old and was slamming his head into the concrete). I never wanted to punch anyone in my life but I had never heard anyone so obnoxious and ugly--I really wanted to reach through the radio and punch that Jared character. Ronn just sounded tired and defeated like he really didnt want to take him on. That did it. KGO is no longer on my preset.

  13. I question the need for so much coverage of the new KGO. If a station is no longer worth listening to, shouldn't it also not be worth my time discussing?

  14. I fully enjoy the reporting about KGO. That station played a huge part in the lives of many, and following it's demise is almost cathartic.

  15. Do us all a favor Rich and stop piling on Jared Hart. He is one of the few young people I've worked with in radio who really 'gets it.' The guy understands our industry and works as hard if not harder than anyone I've seen. He's done a great job..A GREAT JOB at KGO and also producing a superior Oakland Raiders pre and post game show these last two years.

    Unfortunately for Jared, he's working for Cumulus, a company that knows or cares little about the quality of what their stations put on the air.
    The only thing of interest to Cumulus is ta fat bottom line. But at least they've hired a guy who understands what to do. To use Jared Hart as a lightening rod for the moves that Cumulus has made is not only unfair, it's misinformed and petty.

    I've worked in broadcasting for many years, and can tell you from first hand experience that people like working with Jared, he's supportive, and encourages creativity.

    Blame Cumulus and the suits out of Atlanta for all of the moves they made...they were classless, crass, and shocking. But stop piling on this guy who was given a chance to work in radio. What's he supposed to do..refuse his big opportunity to work in an industry he loves? He's a far better producer for Ronn Owens that the guy who proceeded him who didn't seem to have a clue!

    1. Jared Hart is the worst producer I have ever worked with.

    2. Again are you Jared Hart masquerading as Anonymous, or a surrogate/proxy for Jared Hart? If you are a surrogate/proxy for Jared Hart then tell us how do you benefit by shilling for Jared Hart? Listen, Jared Hart has not fared as a producer extraordinaire. He is an opportunist, and at the right time when asked to do the hatchet job by Cumulus he jumped on the opportunity! All of us are sure that at age 28, which Jared Hart is, one does not suddenly become the star radio producer, every radio wants! So write something credible and redeem yourself! Have a good day and GOD is watching all of us, including you!

    3. There are good and bad ways to handle every situation, and IMHO, Jared handles everything badly. Does he realize that if he had only let people on the air to vent that first day or two, most of this bad press would have gone away!

      Sorry - Jared is a clueless hack who has no interpersonal skills what-so-ever. He is most certainly not a journalist - most journalists would have gone for the most interesting story of the day and damn the management!

    4. ' The guy understands our industry and works as hard if not harder than anyone I've seen.' Jared? Really? Tell me, just how much does he understand about our industry? He's all of 25 yrs. old.

      He understands so very little about this industry - and the worse part is, he doesn't even realize how little he knows.

  16. 9:51???????????? Jared's mom,? Jared's dad? Ronnngone? Jan Black?????

  17. 9:51---Huh?

    For a replay of Jared storming into the studio (aren't producers supposed to PRODUCE???) and ranting about how "bullying" has become such a "buzz word," check the topic discussion on Facebook's "Former Listeners of KGO."

    Somehow I can't copy the link in here.

    It's a rather amazing tirade!!! yeow.

    1. The link can be found by going to the KGO website, click "on air", click "Ronn Owens", find his podcasts and click on January 6, the 9:00 hour. The whole hour is about bullying, but Jared comes on at about 43 minutes after the hour.

    2. Well, you know what 9:51. Gene Burns, Ray T, and company were sure bullied by Cumulus after what happened. They were one of the few people in radio who truly "gets it." Those people understood the industry and worked harder than Hart or any other radio personality by razing 20 million dollars for charity. And their reward? No more charity. It's all gone. KGO's station managing has been TH WORST it's ever been since the changes, with fumbling words on the air and dead air. Sorry, but it doesn't fly!!!

  18. What is it exactly that Jared Hart so adeptly "really gets"? ("He is one of the few young people I've worked with in radio who really 'gets it.'").

    Cumulus was not responsible for his butting in on Ronn Owen's program the other day so that he could proclaim, on air, how vehemently he thinks the term "bullying" is nothing more than a politically correct label which is overused and meaningless, in his opinion, and that he had never considered his own hostile behavior towards a select few in high school as "bullying". Guess he's still working on "getting that". But he sure doesn't get what the real issues about bullying are, despite the fact that it has received widespread media coverage and even White House comments and condemnation. He clearly does not see bullying as a "serious" issue, only as another overblown politically correct preoccupation.

    "He is one of the few young people" ... SO WHAT. Older people don't matter any more? "The guy understands our industry and works as hard if not harder than anyone I've seen." So he's a good little soldier? " ..."he's supportive, and encourages creativity." How can that possibly be? They fired all of the creative HOSTS, so who gives a damn how much supposed "creative license" Jared now "encourages". Young Jared is an insult to anyone over 30, and especially to those of us over 40, 50, and older. We don't need to thank a young-blood for giving creative permission to his olders and wisers and more experienced as if he knows more than they do. It's disrespectful. And it mirrors the same level of insult and disrespect that Cumulus showered upon it's former demographic audience (and employees) by devaluing them.

  19. I am another person who has worked with Jared and know what a good guy he is. You may keep taking your shots at him, but the folks who write these posts probably don't work at KGO, and don't know what the heck they're talking about.

    I guess you have to have a whipping boy and Jared is a convenient target.
    The bile I read from some of you folks who have obviously not worked at KGO and probably have never worked in our industry is astonishing. Rich has whipped you all into a froth with his hysteria and nonsense.

    I agree that Cumulus is a classless, bloodless company that has already downsized several other stations in the market (KNBR, KFOG among others),
    and why was there no hue and cry over the crap they pulled there some five years ago from any of you posters? It's like this is a sudden revelation that Cumulus is a bad company? They've been doing this sort of thing for awhile, and right here under your noses.

    Wake up people!


    1. Jared masquerading as Anonymous, UNABLE TO TAKE THE HEAT UNDER YOUR SEAT BY THE FORMER LISTENING AUDIENCE of KGO! If you think that you are that smart, and know what you are doing, then write some thing that is factual, truthful, honest and finally redeem yourself for humiliating the great radio personalities of American Radio!

    2. Hey - stupid - Jared had many ways to handle this, even sticking within Atlanta's guidelines, he had the opportunity to take a higher road and be a more positive influence. He would have had a better outcome, too.

      Jared is just as F*-U* as Atlanta and loves to rule by intimidation - I know, I've worked with him in the past. He really is no good.

  20. Maybe we don't work at KGO, but we can read accounts of what Jared is doing from people who DO work there.

    And Jared's outburst about how bullying is so much "P.C. hype" is making the rounds....word for word, as he said it. He deserves outrage!

    Sorry, he's made himself a target of "bile," and Rich is merely reporting on it.

  21. you ire and your frustration at Cumulus, Atlanta. Specifically the Dickey brothers; Lou and John. This tandem and their local henchman Bill Bungeroth, know collectively as much about what a good on-air broadcaster in radio work as an unimformed 16 year old.

    Get mad if you wish about people like Jared Hart, but realize this:
    if Jared Hart wasn't your target locally, Rich would find someone else for you to dump on.

    Cumulus in Atlanta is the problem. They don't give a whit about the Bay Area or any other city for that matter which is the home for one of their many radio stations. All they care about is a big fat bottom line.

    That's also why all this talk about the 'liberal' media is absurd.
    Who owns the media? Conservative, mega-companies like Cumulus, Clear Channel and Infinity, who are more interested in syndicated programs than local programs. Public service...What's that?

    So get used to more right wing, big-business apologists such as Limbaugh and Hannity and nut cases like Michael Savage, who are so far out of the mainstream that they would in any other era, have been considered
    John Birch Society members. (Anyone who is over 50 should remember tthe John Birth Society, and if you don't, they were the ones who deified people like Senator McCarthy and his witch hunts of the 1950s, and who used to scream about how there were "hundreds of members of the Communist party in the state department!"

    How soon people in this country forget their history, or worse, don't even pay attention to it! And how quickly we look for scapegoats and target the wrong people. I'm as upset about what Cumulus did to KGO, KNBR, and all of the other local stations that they own as anyone, but I think that getting mad at Jared Hart and blaming him for the problems is really off base. Instead, why don't you e mail or call Cumulus in Atlanta and do some real bitching!

    1. Either Jared Hart masquerading as Anonymous or a Jared Hart shill working as a surrogate/proxy!

  22. Uh, disliking Jared and disliking Cumulus are not mutually exclusive!

    I don't get that people are "blaming Jared" for the larger problems.

    They are simply pointing out what an ass he is!

  23. You're the ass...I'm yet another one who knows what's going on...but obviously you don't. I happen to work in the KGO newsroom so I see what's going on there. I also interact with Jared Hart from time to time. He's a very bright, passionate, likeable young man who works his butt off and understands radio.

    All of this vicious, acidic talk that impugns this young man's reputation is deplorable. None of the folks I work with...repeat...NONE of them have any problem with Jared Hart. Instead, we're more concerned with us with what future cuts Cumulus is going to make next.

    People taking pot-shots at Mr Hart reminds me of a bunch of whiny little school girls who like to spread rumors and revel in bitchy, bratty behavior. Grow up folks!

    1. Another Jared Hart surrogate shilling for Jared Hart! You have lost all self respect! Go get a real job rather than sucking up to Jared Hart. Tomorrow you may be knifed from the KGO Newsroom! Why will anyone at the KGO Newsroom tell you that "they have a problem with Jared Hart," after what he did to veteran talk show hosts? These people who you believe have no problem with Jared Hart will never tell you because you could be one of Jared Hart's snitches in the KGO Newsroom, and plus you are untrustworthy! Also this shows your naivety of workplace dynamics. It is you who needs to grow up and conduct yourself as an ethically responsible professional and not as a Jared Hart sycophant!

  24. Hahahahahahahahaha!

    Yes, Jared's mommy!

    "I am the ass." Really?

    I didn't jump into a broadcasting studio and tell everyone they are "wrong" about bullying! How he used to do it and "didn't realize..."

    I don't work at KGOne (thank God) but I have ears and Jared's latest outburst was deplorable! "Obviously," I DO know what's going on--I know the effect he is having on the public. This is not a "rumor," this is FACT.

    And it's not good.

  25. Keep up the nonsense...obviously you've got nothing better to do with your time than whine about someone who you don't know, and are getting false info about. Thank goodness we don't have idiots like you in our profession. There are enough dysfunctional people in the world already, so I guess this blog serves a good purpose to divert nit-wits and twits like yourself!

  26. Hwey 10:41...a QUESTION for you...what did Jared Hart have to do with firing a bunch of talk show hosts?
    That was Cumulus radio...not Jared Hart that made that call. he doesn't have that power, nor did they give him the duty of giving those folks the bad news. Bill Bungeroth, and a couple of Cumullus' henchmen and henchwomen from Atlanta had that honor. I sometimes wonder what a deplorable, uninformed bunch of idiots some of you people truly are.

    And while we're on the topic...why this sudden outrage and surprise over Cumulus and their practice of cutting costs and firing people? They did the same thing at KNBR six years ago...but I guess you weren't paying attention. This latest bloodbath at KGO is nothing new!

    If you were really interested in radio, you would have noticed that Cumulus has gutted a number of stations around the country, devaluing their 'properties' (as they like to call them).

    Taking shots at one of their hires is like blaming some low level official in the government who happens to work for a corrupt party for all of the faults of that corrupt party.

    Plus none of you, as far as I can tell, who have taken these cheap shots have any real credible information to base it on. You all seem to be reacting to Rich's diatribes with a gut level response, which is exactly what he is hoping to get from you.

  27. No.

    You don't get it.

    We keep commenting on this OLD post--because it's so fun to see you react and react and react. And...squirm!

    Like a worm. Ha ha!

    I have NO investment in all this, except the entertainment factor, which KGOne overlooked. Thanks to Jared and his babysitters, the fun continues!

  28. Rich's original quote was from an employee who still works at KGO.

    Jared sounds like quite the ass to ME!

  29. Alright, 7:53 p.m. Tell us exactly why Jared Hart is good. Be specific. Give examples. What don't we know that would change our minds?

  30. OOoh. Jared Jared Jared.

    To be so young.

    And to have invoked the ire of so many people you've worked with already!

    Better look into another career. I think word has gone around the block about you in the radio world.



    1. 2:10, why are you shouting? My hearing may be going but my eyes can see just fine...

  32. Yeah, you're "new" and checking comments on a post almost a week old!

    How are you today, Jared?

  33. This is Jared Hart speaking. I approve of those messages that supported me but am angry about those who took shots at me. To those of you that don't
    like me or what I do...TOOO BAD!

    You're probably all jealous old fogies who want to go back to the 'good old days,' of radio. Well guess what...this is the 21st century. Times are tough and someone has to kick butt to get KGO back into the pink.

    If it's gotta be me...then that's okay! So stop your whining and get outta my kitchen, before I throw you out.

    1. Wow a what professional. What college did you attend? You sound like you are in the 8th grade. Have you ever heard of a bully? You are such a classic case. You cleaned the kitchen. It was a gourmet kitchen, the problem is you burned it up. The kitchen is gone,now you have a 20 yeaar old toaster oven and you have to scramble to boil water when all of your appliances are gone. You are left with what you can cobble together. I would hold on to your 2 minutes of fame. I am sure your mommy and daddy, "the old fogies" are so proud of you. When you grow up you will understand that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Enjoy!

  34. the galloping gourmetJanuary 20, 2012 at 1:58 PM

    I've become quite a good cook in the kitchen. My latest concoction:
    Beef Stroganoff. Check it out....first you cut up some lean steak into
    inch long strips and then you cook them lightly in either olive oil or butter.
    Then you boil some thick egg or spinach noodles, depending upon your preference.

    In a separate frying pan you cook some mushrooms and onions.

    After the meat has simmered lightly, you add your sauce; light sour cream, mustard, some garlic power, and then you pour in the already cooked
    onions and mushrooms. Let the whole thing simmer for a few minutes and then serve over a bed of noodles.

    I would recommend a steamed vegetable such as Broccoli or green beans to
    accompany the main dish.

    A little on the calories...but sooo good!

  35. You folks need to get a life. Bashing some poor schlmiel named Jared Hart, because he represents everything 'bad' about the new KGO? Sad!

    How about bashing those idiots at Citadel, who ran KGO into the ground, never doing anything to upgrade the station when the ratings started plummeting. Or how about going after Cumulus for buying the station and then immediately conducting a purge of talk show hosts that would have made Chairman Mao proud.

    I guess it's easier to pick on one person as the root of the problems, especially when you have a bunch of whiny little adolescent types who like to obfuscate and sensationalize things because they're not happy in their own jobs.
