Friday, January 13, 2012

Are you ready for some football?; Fox Sports invades the 415; Melanie Morgan-SussMan quagmire; Armstrong and Getty get meatier; I'm on KVON; Friday Media Notes

*The 49ers OWN the area, or did you already know that? Even when the Giants were World-Seriousing in 2010, the mass high-fives, the huge parade, the fat white guys wearing Panda jerseys, could never, ever duplicate the fact, that, this town, area is really a football town first and foremost, (sort of a semi Pittsburgh, except Giants fans fill ATM Park while Pirates fans wait until Big Ben and Troy with the Big hair have their first August workout).

The big game is Saturday, (KTVU/Fox 2, 1: 30 PM PST); Fox execs have invaded downtown hotels and one rather large party is the talk of the town, tonight at the W and a bigger one nearby at the Vitale. Rupert's boys' expense accounts have no mercy; save me some some of the shrimp.

Speaking of the game, extended post-game coverage on KTVU with Mark Ibanez manning the ship.

*Amaury Pi-Gonzalez, the Cuban Don Rickles, will be at the game for Telemundo48 locally:  "They hired me to cover the the game Saturday, I will have pregame live shots and post game live shots plus highlights and players interviews after the game. I'll have fun with it." We'll, damn, I would hope so, bro.

*Melanie Morgan and Brian Sussman have not exactly jelled together, thus far, on the new KSFO morning show. Sussman sounds overwhelmed by Morgan's presentation and Morgan sounds sort of out of place with Brian's bizarre chirping. Someone's gotta eventually go. Advantage, Morgan.

*Armstrong and Getty", the Sacramento-based morning radio guys, (heard locally on (Newstalk 910 AM), have grown on me. They initially caught me as midwest bumpkins whose corny humor and decidedly right-leaning meanders were a sort of deer-in-headlights content stuck in the Bay Area. That's changed.

Armstrong and Getty sound a bit more fresh and lively. They don't come off as mundane and murky as I had heard a few years back. Like I said, "fresh" and lucid goes a long way to respectability, not to mention, good, solid, caller-driven topics like pop culture, politics, and weird news of the day.

Quick shots:

*Would Jim Harbaugh be as "hysterical" and "quirky" as some media people have described him, if his team wasn't 13-3, and hosting a playoff game at Candlestick?

*I'm only audio-glancing every now and then at the two Cumulus SweetJack outlets, Knibber and KGOne, so if you ask my questions, I'll have to defer. 

*Keith Olbermann factoid: 5-year deal, $50 million contract, creative control, and you're one of the owners. Keith, why so angry and bitchy? Get some fresh air, have a drink at Tadich, mingle the mind, otherwise you'll be the Worst person.

*OK, I got it, Bobby Fitzgerald is a jerk. Feel better? Heah, I'm not a fan--he's just less-jerky and giggly on TV. Radio? Yeah, el-schmucko de masso.

*Tim Montemayor: "The Monty Show" has been subbing on KGOne. Monty: stick to sports. Shouting at night is not your brand, trust me.

*Ralph Barbieri could have used a more innocuous term referring to new Raiders GM, Reggie McKenzie opening presser as "he doesn't come off speaking well." Many people responded that Barbieri all but said that McKenzie was using Ebonics. Two things can be equally true: Barbieri isn't a racist, but it's curious that he's been particularly hard on Mike Singletary and McKenzie. The former, justified--the latter? Uh, a little too bizarre.

FINALLY, I'll be a guest today on Jeff Schechtman's Napa KVON Radio at 4 PM. You can listen live on their streaming audio.

*Follow me on Twitter



  1. Love Armstrong and Getty!

  2. Rich, I agree with you about Sussman and Morgan! The better decision would have been dumping Sussman and keeping "Officer Vic" to share the show with Melanie! Now THAT combination would work in my opinion.
    Also, I'm beginning to like Armstrong & Getty too - the loud excited one seems to have calmed a little, or maybe I'm just getting used to it.

  3. Told you Armstrong & Getty were good. Not a big fan of Barbieri but Sing and McKenzie are hard to listen to. He was pointing out facts.

  4. Barbieri regularly belittles minorities, especially blacks and asians. i am not surprised at all,

  5. What language does Ralph speak? Ralphpeak?

    What's KNBR?

    I listen to Sirius NFL for real NFL news and commentary.

    As far as Radnich is concerned? KRON's downfall started when Radnich came there to replace a great sports guy in the 1980s. Radnich is proof that not all little boys grow up.

    Suss is a racist. And he's stupid. He used the same terms in two postings here that he has used on-air. They are only terms Suss would use in the context he used them, like getting booted off a local TV station.

    Melanie is far more intelligent.

    Suss is an ass-kissing sycophant.

    I'd trust about as much as I trust a weather person's forecast.

    1. Morgan is also a ruthless panderer and bigot, wrapped in a Plastic American Flag. What is more repugnant than a fake patriot with a fake agenda?

      Nothing. Except maybe Sussman, the prince of repugnance.

  6. i don't feel better....quit blowing kisses to fitz. warrior spin permeates every call he makes. you know the narrative: "they are young and exciting...its not their fault they lose".

    tighten the ship up, or change the name of the blog to "Sweet Rich dot calm"

  7. I noticed in the paper today that the radio broadcasts of this weekend's football games are on 107.7 fm. Is that a cumulus property? Usually those not on 680 were on 1050. Are they trying to introduce another cumulus station to new listeners?

    1. 11:30---107.7 is a Cumulus property and is used for these football games when 1050 has either a Warriors or Stanford conflict.

  8. Barby is bigoted. His take that Latinos get jobs in the media because of their last name is pretty much straight out of the John Birch society manual.

    Hey-Raddy must have put his foot down on Krueger who was ranting and panting yesterday for the 49ers to "Hurt Drew Brees"..and Kreuger the demented one,insisted he was serious..for hours. Today? Not a word of hurting Brees,not a caller or email read on air advocating that dirty play win the game.
    Krueger is a despicable man-racist rants,already called down on the carpet at KNBR in his second chance twice now.The first was doing his sports gambling bets-on air- while Radnich was talking!..Kreuger would yellow line newspapers. Even Radnich asked him to pay attention!..Now this bizarre and twisted call to hurt a star player.
    But Larry is a true stooge-Raddy tells him shut his yap,laugh at all my jokes..he does. Until his mind loosens once again...

  9. Hey Francis (Stan)... lighten up!

  10. But,I have to give Raddy credit. He did the right thing..even if his crew went for Kruegers ugly message that you would never want a kid to hear on Sports Talk radio-irresponsible.
    For all the dislike I have for some of Radnichs views,he did the STANd up thing.
    What gets me about Raddys ending career days? That his idiot boss Lee Hammer pairs him with people who aren't complimentary at all. Dibley,Bruce and Kreuger..THAT'S all Hammer can find?
    Who do I think would add to the show? Vern Glenn. Vern was great on THEGAME in May with Stubblefield. I think Glenn is the only person I have heard to talk to Radnich,disagree with Radnich..and it wasn't painful to hear.
    But-either Vern doesn't want to be on Comcast either,or of course KNBR has one black man..and for Lee Hammer and Bungerhole..that's enough.

  11. And-for getting their shit together (John Fogerty unedited) Teirney and Davis. As close to real sports talk as I have ever heard..none of that "In character shit" that sports hosts like to do. Just some real sports talk. You all wonder what kind of sports talk show I would like?..they are closest right now. Some real disagreements-both sides making sense. And Teirney has got over that backing down that ruined the young show. Now,its jelling. I didn't think they could do it-but they are doing it.
    And nothing about hockey-PTL.

    1. Well,little of "In character"...

    2. Eric Davis is fine, I like the perspective he brings to the show. I simply find Brandon Tierney unlistenable.

    3. I agree, Tierney is absolutely unlistenable. As for the above comment that there is no "in character shit", I think you should think about that, because Tierney's whole "yo yo, I'm from the east coast and can yell louder that you, rip bay area players and teams because I'm the anti-homer" act is not only tired but it is total shtick. It's totally "in character" and I for one just cannot listen to it. Its a shame too because Eric Davis is pretty good.

  12. I agree with ralph, Mackenzie does not sound very smart and did use Ebonics terms. By him
    Stating the obvious does that make him a racist ? or someone who is stating his opinion
    which I also agree with, and I’m African American…anyway Bob Fitzgerald is the worst
    most obnoxious media personality in the history of the bay area..

  13. Brandon Tierny loves to enunciate the last letter of every word and it drives me crazy, I can only listen to him for 30 seconds! "CominG uP iN the nexT seGmenT, Ronnie LotT intervieweD by EriC DaviS!"

    1. yeah tierney sucks. how did that moron get a job in the bay area? was it because he worked for espn so The Game thought that would bring a little credibility to the new station? whatever the reasoning is it was a huge mistake. almost every other show on the new station is better than it's equivalent at knbr... except tierney's. yo yo you blow, please go back to where you came from.

  14. I too love A&G, but since 910 "dry-shaved" the last hour of the show I now listen to the streamed version on Sacto's KSTE. Take that 910 and your sponsors!

  15. Hey Rich..How about some more evaluations...critiques on the 'Game' hosts? They're starting to make some traction as they almost got a 1.0 in the last book. I love the fact that they skewer KNBR any chance they get.
    It will be difficult to make any kind of an impact on the listeners however, simply because no one listens to the pathetic Oakland A's, and most of the hosts on 'the Game' are either youngsters or newcomers to the area.
    But at least they're trying, and that's more than can be said for the once proud 'sports leader.'

  16. Loved hearing Murph starting to big dog it today and totally ragging on king Gary. Welcome to the big time Murph!

  17. T&D are the ONLY show on THEGAME to call out Beane's destruction of the A's. The rest are Beane sycophants all the way...

  18. Reggie doesnt speak as well as Beane does he?..

  19. Melanie Morgan is taking control and overwhelming Sussman...who absolutely thought he was 'The Man' and god's gift to San Francisco Radio. I love it...finally someone putting the Suss-man in his place!

  20. Larry k. he runs too hot with the radd
    even with gary holding his hand mr. k
    is going to stick his big foot in his mug.

    Krug is cool when operating in normal
    Temp. Range,somthing haps when he
    over heats not sure what will come out
    Of pie hole.
    Even the little girl they have on with them
    gets alittle wierd vibes from the two men
    You can tell even gary gets flabergasted when
    Krug gets a head of steam,i wonder how long
    long before krug blows a gasket

  21. I'm sick of the 49ers. The Yorks are crooks and CSN Bay Area is the ultimate shill for them. The SF logo might as well be a swastika cause it looks like total propaganda. Drew Brees is an awesome quarterback and I hope he leads the Saints to victory!

  22. Glad to hear you've come around to Armstrong and Getty. They have been starting my morning for many, many years. I think their show is hilarious. It helps me get motivated for my day as I listen to them on my way to work. I often listen to their podcasts on the weekends of the hours I had to miss.

    I've listened for so long, I was there before Jack got sober. Now those were some interesting times and stories!

  23. 49er security should keep an eye out for that crazed nut Larry Krueger. He might pull a Tonya Harding on Drew Brees. Those degenerate gamblers like Krueger will stop at nothing...

  24. Nice of you to imply that Barbieri is a racist without any proof. Pretty despicable, even for a blogger. Your evidence is that he was hard on both Singletary and McKenzie. Well, he was probably a little hard on Singletary because the man was THE WORST COACH IN THE HISTORY OF SPORT. And then apparently Barbieri noted that the new Raiders GM didn't speak well at his first press conference. Even you know that's nothing, so you just wink and say it's "a little too bizarre". Weak.
