Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Leland Yee is running for SF Mayor and Don't You Forget It!

So, Sen Leland Yee is running for mayor of SF. Wait... SEN.LELAND YEE IS RUNNING FOR MAYOR OF SF!!!

Must be a real slow news day.

Even by SF standards, this is a joke. What's the fuss?

The Bay Area media must be hard up. The commotion you see is evident, but like Joe Eskenazi of SF Weekly, I'm a bit astonished by all of this.

In the old days, Harry Denton running nude up Nob Hill wouldn't have generated a quarter of these cameras, laptops and mikes.

Hell, even Willie Brown buying a suit at Wilkes Bashford or Larry Flynt having an open bar for VIP guests and select press freeloaders wouldn't have caused this phenomenon.

Not to denigrate Mr. Yee, but THIS is news?

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  1. I think Rich,that you have to look close-fully half the faces are Asian. And that community would be rightfully proud and excited of one of their own as the Mayor.
    And he's not one of those Republican ethnic sellouts...

  2., he is just another tired, old worn out liberal. I wonder if he supports tyranny by banning toys in Happy Meals?
