Saturday, July 24, 2010

CBS 'Early Show' nixes SF visit

CBS was planning a fall "Early Show" visit to SF, but at the last minute cancelled.

No official explanation was given, but you can bet money has to do with it. The networks are beginning to closely scrutinize their discretionary budget, and what with diminishing viewers, ad revenue, the routine out-of-town trips to special locales like SF are now on the chop block.

Wonder why the  Letterman Show hasn't taped any shows in SF? You may recall he brought his whole crew here back in May, 1996 for a week's worth of programming at the Palace of Fine Arts Theatre.

And while I hear Oprah is mulling a SF visit, the news that her ratings have begun to tank, should put a kibosh on that plan.

**Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and look for me on MSNBC in September. Also, listen to me periodically on the Alan Colmes radio show.

1 comment:

  1. CBS-5 added another young super hot Blonde to the news..missed her name-Maclovic or something? Any info on her?
