I'll never forget that day. Has it been a year already? Seems like literally yesterday.
I recall exactly what I was doing; at the computer naturally writing about something or another, with KCBS in the background. It was eerie. An otherwise innocuous traffic report with words "police activity in the 73rd ave. area."
I didn't miss a beat. I heard it, but never would think anything other than that's a bad part of town and that "police activity" was nothing unusual. Then things quickly changed and the horrible day that would see the lives of four Oakland police officers end in the most violent manner was upon us.
I was scared. One of my best buddies is an Oakland cop. I called him on his cell and he was quick and to the point, but he had to go. He told me at least two guys were dead and "a lot more" later. he hung up. He had to go.
I was stunned, obviously, and went outside. I raced to Highland hospital in my car, and quickly determined that one more officer was dead and that another, a dear friend, John Hege, was brain-dead, and his body was being harvested for organ parts.
Oh my God.
John Hege was my buddy. Hid dad is is an Oakland doctor. I saw John only a few months back at the Starbucks near the Oakland Coliseum. He was as cheerful as ever and we talked sports. That was the last time I saw John.
I went home and began calling people. I phoned my friend, Phil Tagami, an Oakland developer and philanthropist who was down south in LA on business. I told him what had happened and he was in utter shock, like all of us.
Later that night, I met Phil at Crogan's, a local bar in Montclair. We drank as much as we could to try to ease the pain. I recall Phil texting Jerry Brown, who immediately went down to OPD hdqs. to console the various officers and families.
As I meandered outside, I was still numb and couldn't comprehend what had taken place. I wasn't angry, more numb and in total shock. The enormity of the day's tragedy was too overwhelming.
This anniversary is a day i have been cringing for some time. I don't recall anything quite like it and hope to god that i will never encounter such terrible news as the events of March 21, 2009.
Indeed, the darkest day in OPD history.
Never again.
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