Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Letterman Show mulls SF; CNN's 'LK Live and 'AC360' record record low ratings

Is the 'David Letterman Show' headed for SF? Maybe.

A prominent "Late Show" staffer told me that the show is considering a west coast trip in May for sweeps week. The staffer, (who requested anonymity because nothings official) said Letterman and staff are considering either a "pit stop" to refresh the show and that both LA and/or SF would be on the coveted list.

No official word has been announced; stay tuned.

Letterman taped a weeks worth of shows back in May, 1996 at the Palace of Fine Arts Theatre; among the guests: both SF-area regs Robin Williams and Dana Carvey.

Letterman's ratings have been through the roof; it didn't hurt that his much-pubbed "I've had sex with female staffers" lit up the appointment TV menu.

**CNN RATINGS hit all-time low--

CNN has had better days. "Larry King Live" and "AC360", (Anderson Cooper) had bottom of the barrel numbers on Election night...LKL recorded a mere 391,000 viewers and AC360 barely over 267,000.

Even MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann beat CNN combined. Fox News shows in prime time continued its dominance.

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