KNBR went a 'little KGO this morning, as Gary Radnich and Tony Bruno did the ultimate tap dance in defending Rush Limbaugh's attempt to purchase the St. Louis Rams.
Radnich, who admitted he wasn't "educated enough", (duh!) to make a pithy comment about Limbaugh's well-known racist and race-baited statements in the past, was made to look foolish by his own sidekick, Dan Dibley. Dibley even went so as far to produce Limbaugh's "top 10 racist statements", for which Radnich conveniently ignored. What else is new?
In 2006, Limbaugh, while working for ESPN, stated, among other things, that Philadelphia Eagles QB, Donovan McNabb, was being trumped up to perform well, "because he's a 'black QB."
While Raddy did his usual "He's, (Limbaugh) just a performer" crappola, Bruno did one better.
"I don't like to talk about politics. I don't even listen to my friend Keith Olbermann." Oh really? Which would be interesting to Bruno's "friends" on Facebook, where he routinely brings up political items almost on a daily basis. Bruno claims to be above the political fray; "I only talk about sports." Sure Tony.
UPDATE: Just got this note from a very savvy reader:
What's even more disgraceful for the so called Radnick's, (sic) ignorance of Limbaugh's racial statements (which I don't buy), he is married to an African American.
He has no balls and is afraid he will lose all those right wing white jock snifters.
Andy M.
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Is Dan Dibley aiming for a bigger role at KNBR? It sounds sometimes like he is just contrary to promote himself. He does not seem very knowledgeable on sports history.
ReplyDeleteJust listened to the podcast on knbr.com, that Bruno-Radnich episode was a train wreck.
ReplyDeleteRadnich blowing off Dibley and his list made for some awful radio.
Uh, I agree, but as I've said in the past, Radnich has been mailing it in for the past few years...Dibley's shtick is wearing thin, but the Limbaugh bit spoke volumes about Radnich' lack of insifgr in an arena he has no biz getting into...The incessant "he's just a performer" was truly nauseating, but Gary's on the clock, if you know what I mean. Train wreck indeed.
ReplyDeleteWell said Rich. Gary should have admitted his lack of "good knowledge" and passed on discussing it.