Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is Keith Olbermann 'Hurting America?; KNBR's Bruce strikes again, Radnich too

Bill George, author, former Medtronic CEO, Harvard Business School professor, blogger, thinks Keith Olbermann is hurting America.
**KNBR's ace strikes again; Warriors post-mortem...

While the Warriors lost a very winnable opening game last night in Oakland by a single point to Houston, after the game, KNBR post game host Damon Bruce grilled coach Don Nelson and systematically opined that as long as Nelson guided the ship, the Dubs were going nowhere. He was also very pointed about Stephen Jackson, the $32 million bitter man. "I don't want to hear any highlights about Jackson."

A little early cynicism? Yes, but Bruce had plenty of ammo to deal with. Earlier in the morning, Gary Radnich said Nelson looked as if "I don't want really be here." Again, its only one game, but the ripping was warranted.

It beats the 12-3PM guy, "Flunkster dude", (aka: Bob Fitzgerald) To paraphrase: "Hey, the Warriors outplayed the Rockets three out of four quarters!...Monta, (Ellis) looked great...the Warriors are 'young"---blah, blah, blah... another words, the same old shit from "Fitz" who'll never be accused of biting the hand that feeds him, only its getting more nauseated by the moment.

By the way, YES, Stephen Curry is going to be a star.

**Follow me on Twitter.


  1. Fitz may be the "Flunkster dude", but it's understandable given he owes part of his living to the Warriors. Fitz is not nearly as nauseating as KNBR's own Ralph Barbari (aka the dull razor) who fawns over Don Nelson like a schoolgirl. I think the dull Razor even vacationed at Don Nelson's Hawaiian estate last year. How's that for journalistic integrity?

  2. Good point, Kev; forgot about that. May have to write that soon.
