Friday, October 30, 2009

Bridge closure hurts SF Halloween biz; Castro folks happy

You'd think the news that the Bay Bridge closure at least through Sunday, and more than likely into Monday, would be met with gloom with a lot of SF businesses. Think again.

While downtown and some neighborhood restaurants are indeed going to suffer temporary loss of business, borderline elation was evident in the Castro district and North Beach.

Davey Solomon, who owns a local clothing store in the Castro, is relieved. "I know this is sacrilegious to say, 'but I'm kind of glad. Even though there's no formal Halloween celebration, I'm just relieved that the bridge and tunnel kids won't be coming. They just look for trouble. They do."

Much of the sentiment was the same in North Beach. Pete Kellerer, who tends bar at a Broadway club, said a lot of the recent trouble was "the 'gang bangers from the suburbs--I don't think they want to hassle with BART. We can relax a little."

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