Monday, January 15, 2024

KPIX Mystery Box


  1. He's not on an extended vacation. I've asked him and he has not even responded. He's never done that before. I've asked coworkers of his I'm friends with. They have not responded either. This has never happened before.

  2. Where is Betty Yu? Haven’t seen her for a while!

    1. Oh dang forgot about Betty Yu but the answer’s on her Instagram but no details shared just a pic of her under an IV and some bandage.

  3. Veronica de la Cruz is in an entirely different stratosphere of drama and weirdness. If a random person passing her on the street looked at her the wrong way for a split-second she’d take 4-6 months off for stress leave.

    Andrea Borba is way back in the distance with the silver medal.

    At this point KPIX should go for the trifecta and hire drama queen and missing in action extraordinaire Emma Goss.

    1. Drama queen and MIA Emma goss. This is the second story I’ve heard about her like this, must be out of the loop. Something happen with her?

  4. Or a different note, I saw Kristen Sze's 3:00pm show for the first time today.

    Oh. My. God! She must think she's Diane Sawyer. She's more like Les Nessman.

    1. Kristen just comes across as fake. Some of her on-camera banter seems contrived as well.

  5. We lost even some recent anchors too who have been with KPIX for only 2 years; Jocelyn Moran who is now with NBC Bay Area, Justin Andrews who moved back to his hometown in Missouri, and Amanda Starrantino who moved back to LA.

    This year really marks 2 years with Sara Donchey & Ryan Yamamoto. Is it possible these anchors are on 2 year contracts or something like that and just leave after that?

    1. Don't get my hopes up.

    2. I like Sara Donchey. She’s reads the teleprompter without gaffes, interacts well with the sports and weather anchors and his a sense of humor. She is also hot!

    3. I like the Donkey news.

    4. The Donkey News is filled with dysfunction. Weekend 11PM news & pre-Sara Donchey at 11PM was much better.

      I would hope at some point that KPIX would consider going back to their standard Afternoon Edition (12pm, 3pm) & Evening Edition (5pm, 5:30pm, 6pm, 7pm, 11pm). Primetime Edition is fine with me though.

  6. Brian never seemed like the M-F anchor. He's seems like a better fit on Evening Magazine.

    Regarding Original Joe's, I didn't know they served hamburgers, but they do look legit based on Yelp pics. BTW, Marty is the best. Nothing like reading the Sunday paper while listening to Marty.

    1. Marty is a shameless shill and Original Joe's is overrated and overpriced.

  7. Rich loves it when media people have personal problems. He thrives on other people’s personal problems.

  8. Hackney is a smug over rated ass and Borba was NEVER a "star reporter"! WTF is wrong with you Rich?

  9. The only mystery in the news box is at KTVU and sumptin don’t smell right. It’s a ceasefart.

  10. Does it rhyme with story? Cory? Maury? Roary? Oh wait….

  11. LOL I have not seen Tory gabes on the air since she said ceaseFART on live television

    1. CeaseFART? I must’ve missed something. What is that?

  12. Throughout the weekend, Kelsi Thorud was filling in for Max Darrow and there had live meteorologists; Darren Peck on Saturday, Paul Heggen on Sunday.

    Sometime back last year I mentioned Kelsi’s personality is almost a female version of Paul Heggen, however she has warmed up significantly as a reporter and fill in anchor.

    Many of you mentioned watching Paul Heggen is like watching paint dry so it was interesting to see Kelsi & Paul conversate but if anything Paul did a great job with the forecast in a direct way and took less time than wasting minutes on the radar which is the trouble with Peck (he is good, explains well but he takes a long time that it sometimes is hard to follow).

    It was nice to see him on a normal set. Also it looks like weekend weather on CBS News Bay Area is slowly switching to virtual 3D weather. I really preferred to know what days were red alert days than see the tubes.
