Saturday, May 6, 2023

Oakland A's Broadcaster Glen Kuiper's Racist Slur "Mistake" Career Killer? N-Word Slip in KC (Video)- Apologizes For Action; UPDATED: Kuiper Suspended Indefinitely


Think is the operative word here, or maybe you didn't catch this remark last (Friday) night in Kansas City, where the Oakland A's TV broadcaster uttered this ouch word:

My immediate reation was "what the hell?" shock.

If Kuiper's momentary racist slur bizarro was a mistake and came out wrong, wouldn't he have immediately apologized?

I'm trying desperately to give Kuiper the benefit of the doubt but I'm having a hard time.

Maybe I'm missing something but I can't see it.

A head-scratcher? More than that.

Kuiper might have committed a career killer.

Kuiper later apologized on air.

Too late?

UPDATE 3: 27 PT: The A's have suspended Kuiper indefinitely; that's usually a bad sign for things to come for Kuiper.


  1. He will be fired.

    The reason is while it is a mistake, to say it so clearly means you’ve used the word at other times. You wouldn’t mistakenly say a word you haven’t normally used previously; it flowed too easily.

    He’s done.

    1. @6:32 AM
      You nailed it.
      And he most assuredly should be done.

    2. @6:32 maybe he had just recently listened to *checks notes*...any rap song ever?

    3. This whole thing is overblown. If he meant to say the N word it would have come out as N Ih g... BUT he stumbled, he pronounced the beginning of the correct name NEGROE as N EE g (and here's where he stumbled) he inserted the R and trailed off of the O so it sounded like an N word variation. But he clearly pronounced the N EE G first part. Again if he intended to say the N word he would have begun the pronunciation as N Ih G...

  2. Only woke clowns think the man’s a bigot

    1. Look in the mirror if you want to see a clown.

    2. If “woke” means having consequences then I’m “woke”.

    3. @7:34. Yup, woke mob starting to eat their own, lol.

  3. Ouch !!!! Goodbye Glenn, sorry

  4. He'll get buried because: He's white. Whites have made themselves doormats for the black community. They have turned into wimpy apologists. Blacks despise you and you don't get it! It will never change. You idiots can pay for the 1.2 M in proposed reparations. Good Luck!

    1. We get it. You miss saying racist slurs in public. Just say that and save us the soliloquy on "woke-ism."

    2. I can't believe white people just can't go around calling black people the "N" word anymore. Man, America really has gotten terrible for whites...

    3. Oh poor baby. Racist much?

  5. Amazing how one six letter word can f$#@ up your career.

  6. I don't know. I have heard others mess up with the word. One NBA broadcaster said it instead of "DelNegro" and another said it instead of "Nuggets." Sometimes the mouth runs before the brain catches up. Can we allow an error to happen and give announcers a chance to apologize

  7. What is scary is now certain groups ate trying to make ''snegro"

    1. some groups are trying to equate using "negro" with the other n-word - which is scary!

  8. I don't know if he's a "bigot," but his career is as over as if he'd driven his Porsche into another car and pushed it into a light pole in the middle of the street in Oakland.

    1. LOL! No, I think he has a better chance of getting hired again than that guy!

  9. I can’t understand what he’s saying. Something about a museum?

  10. He is an idiot.

  11. I wonder what the punishment will be…fired? Suspension?

  12. 1042,
    He's trying to say:

    but the other "N" 6-letter version of the word was said, instead.

    1. Is Negro appropriate to say today except in the context of history like this historical museum? I would give the guy the benefit of the doubt that he mistakenly spit out the racist insulting word derived by racists from it and for some reason is ok to use by some rappers. Maybe Kuiper listens to rap…Ok, probably not. More likely he had a couple beers before going on air and he said the word we all know without thought.

  13. Glen's non apology was worse than the slur. His career was phenomenal 😂

  14. Glenn is a good dude. Many racists trying to cancel him.

    1. Swing and a miss.

    2. Spot on 12:40.

    3. @12:40PM and @5:07PM
      "Good dudes" don't use the term, only trash.

    4. @2:47 you just called the majority of the Black community trash. Racist much?

  15. So, I guess Glen's drinking problem is out there for public consumption

    1. @12:40- Glen Kuiper has a drinking problem?

  16. Cut the “woke” bullshit. Howard Cosell famously lost his Monday Night Football job back in 1983 for using a derogatory racist term during a broadcast. Later it was Jimmy “The Greek” and there are more. This stuff has been going for a while, not just 2023 you DeSanctimonious worshippers.

    1. What Cosell and The Greek said weren't slips of the tongue.

  17. He said it. He apologized. Now check the car fax. If Glen Kuiper has a history of such behavior then he's gotta go. Otherwise I think a suspension is in order. You're a broadcaster. This is your profession. You get paid to do this (quite handsomely, I might add) and that simply cannot happen under any circumstances.

    It's unfortunate for someone who's been the broadcast face of the A's for decades. Both he and his brother Duane (The Giants) seem like stand up well loved individuals. But as the song goes...'If you dance to the music, you gotta pay to the piper'. He screwed up. We all do. Some more egregious than others. Suspend him for a couple weeks. Another apology tour. Then we move on.

    And tell Giants announcers Kruk, Kuip, Miller and Fleming to be very careful when pronouncing player Mitch Haniger's last name. (I'm just sayin'. lol)

  18. Oh...and an apology should never include the word 'IF'. That's a conditional apology. I'm sorry. I'm sincerely sorry. I'm terribly sorry. Period. Own it. Then get back to your life and going about the business of being a good human whose learned from his or her mistakes.

  19. so he didn't say negroleague quickly? That's what it was

  20. Keyboard anonymous racists abound. Put your name on your it!

  21. Today is the birthday of one of the greatest baseball players I have had the good fortune to watch. Willie Mays. Wonder how many times he heard the word n****r?

  22. He didn't apologize because he didn't realize how it came out because he is not a racist. Someone in the sound booth told him. You people are something else, with your own tormented lives

  23. When everything is racist, nothing is racist. I don't pay attention to any of this shit any more, in one ear, out the other.

  24. Even if Glen was the Grand Wizard, he knows not to say that word. It was a slip of the tongue and his poor apology was probably due to the panic of knowing he was going to be crucified for it.

  25. The A’s are currently 7-26 and headed to Vegas soon. I’m surprised anyone was watching. What a sad demise of what once was a decent franchise. Karma? Oakland deserves better. But seems everyone is pulling out except for Nick Cannon these days.

  26. There are many many many video clips of "The Louisville Slugger" Mr. James E. Cornette using it regularly in conversations and he still has one of the most listened to podcasts. Making millions. Only people on Twitter and cancel culture give a shit. Glenn will be fine.

    1. Quentin Tarantino uses the word regularly in his movies, and no one seems to object much. BONUS: He regularly pulls in high-powered black stars for his films. How he gets away with it is beyond me. (Personally I don't like him much, not just because of the N word but because of all the violence in his pics, along with his "Oh-I'm-So-Hip" style of writing and directing.)

    2. In Blazing Saddles Mel Brooks conferred with Cleavon Little about the n word and Cleavon had no objections and it was one of the funniest movie ever! Nobody got hurt because people were lot smarter, it all depends on how and what context it's used for

  27. When I first heard it I had just listened to Draymond Green's podcast and thought that I forgot to turn Draymond off.

  28. It's a word with 2 meanings, depending on how you need to use it.
    It's a word of victim hood or empowerment...
    The use just depends on who you are arguing with, or virtue signaling to.

  29. Larry David had an entire episode of Curb your Enthusiasm dedicated to this topic.

  30. always thought duane kuiper probably said this when youger you cann hear the snarl in voice.but so did ever white kid in the 50 and 1960's.theres a lot of cops who are just as bad and many citizens.its not just this it is everywhere ingrained. suspend most leaders too.all racists all the way,just look at law system

  31. Suddenly the A's care about PR? Laughable.

  32. Maybe Kuiper had a stroke? Or: Sometimes when you're trying to avoid saying something , that something slips out. I don't think that Kuiper is a racist -- he didn't direct that word against anyone.

  33. I agree with Rich, on this one.

  34. He seemed way too comfortable and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the first time he’s used the epithet. And what can make it worse? A partner who looks like a Civil War re-enactor.

    1. Projecting much? Dallas Braden always reminds me of a young Sam Jaffe with a beard. Google the actor sonny!

  35. Comments prove again Scott Adams is right.

    1. @8:44PM
      With the exception of you and 7:25AM, no one takes him or his fringe mutterings seriously.

  36. I'm not an A's fan, but the few times I've bothered to watch their broadcasts I was unimpressed with the PBP guy. As for the apology, it was awkward and 6 innings into the game. Maybe the production crew isn't watching either.

  37. A's management knows A's fans will be angry if Kuiper is fired, which means they'll probably fire him. Anything they can do to drive local fans away in order to justify moving the team.

  38. RIP VIDA BLUE !!
    Whether with the A’s or Giants, he was the real deal !

  39. Reminds me of the time the The Colorado mascot was involved in a controversy a couple years ago when a fan was yelling his name and the broadcast microphones picked it up behind the plate:

    "The Colorado Rockies said Monday that a fan suspected of repeatedly yelling a racial slur at Miami Marlins outfielder Lewis Brinson was actually hollering at Dinger, the club's purple, polka-dotted dinosaur mascot".

    That word. From its the invective it its modern use in every other hip-hop song under the guise of 'reclaiming the word'. Another fine mess brought to you by the legacy of racism and WS in America that I don't think we'll ever be healed of.

    Glen got caught up in the blender through his own failure to enunciate or worse (though he doesn't have a reputation as being a bad character guy). He apologized again on Saturday, saying, "I could not be more sorry and horrified by what I said. I hope you will accept my sincerest apologies."

    And as the Negro League President said..."The word is painful and has no place in our society. And while I don't pretend to know Glen's heart I do know that my heart is one of forgiveness. I hope all of all you find it in yourselves to do the same!"

    Fair enough. Suspension. Forgiveness. Then...Play ball.

    1. We should all try to be as graceful

  40. Kuiper knows better than to say that word and no sane person believes he said it on purpose. So that leaves us with an awful slip of the tongue - the worst type imaginable. But at the end of the day it was just that, a slip of the tongue.
    Context matters. Firing Kuiper over this seems very heavy handed and utterly unnecessary when you step back and think about this objectively.
    What would firing him accomplish even accomplish? What wrong would he corrected?
    He didn’t go on some racist tirade, he didn’t use the word on purpose, and the irony is he was describing the great day they had in Kansas City, which involved touring the Negro League museum. What should also be considered is the president of the museum, who provided Kuiper with the tour, indicated how gracious, interested and appreciative Kuiper was.
    The truth is, I don’t know the appropriate punishment for an honest slip of the tongue. But ending his career is a punishment that doesn’t seem to fit the crime.

  41. Dallas is like awee shit.

  42. If they gave out medals for the mental gymnastics being used to excuse this guy, most of the pot-bellied bigots who comment here would get the gold.

  43. Who's the ZZ guy next to him who doesn't even flinch?

  44. Funny, accurate, and sad JJ.

  45. Dallas Braden's bullshit non-apology statement on Twitter was as weak as Glen Kuiper's.
    Unfortunately, since Braden didn't technically do anything wrong he gets a pass but he's just as guilty.
