Thursday, May 4, 2023

Castaneda/PIX Idea Makes Too Much Sense; Sort Of; KNBR "Copie" Giggles Through Tolbert Salient Warriors' Point; Chronicle Printed Paper Darkness; The "SF Standard" Has Meat and Potatoes; KTVU Andre Senior Mean Streak; Thursday Happy Hour


Sal Castaneda will probably stay at KTVU because KPIX people don't know creative action if it hit 'em on the head.

Yes, the media biz is tough these days; lots of demands and relatively low pay compared to the good old days but every now and then, you can make a preemptive strike and hit home. The Sal-to-PIX idea isn't nirvana but it would show some industrial girth on CBS's part.

That's a tough sell these days.

*The KNBR co-host from 2-6 PM who now laughs every minute took a direct jab from his partner today, (Thursday) --Tom Tolbert told the laughing hyena, (Adam Copeland) that, no, the LA Lakers didn't "steal" Game One of the Second Round/NBA playoffs against the Warriors.

If anything, Tolbert said it was the Warriors who would have stolen the game.

The remark went by Copie's head as he used the term another three times without any consideration of what Tolbert just said.

Copeland can laugh and giggle, he does know that, but other salient points? Fugeet about it.

*If the Chronicle stops publishing its printed newspaper this year--maybe sooner rather than later, don't be surprised. I won't.

*The SF Standard: good, local on-line paper that actually coverLOCAL NEWS. Moreover, it has, apparently, wads of cash and resources so it's not going away anytime soon, much to the chagrin of the Hearst people who run SFGate and its red houses and purple burritos fetish.

*MEAN STREAK: a few spies at KTVU tell me, morning anchor, Andre Senior, has developed a new attitude of "real mean ness.-- a jerk," says a veteran EP.

"He seems to believe he's entitled."

Senior should check his ego at the door.


  1. Opps, maybe I shouldn't compliment Andre Senior, went to his head

  2. I worked with Andre. He's a good guy. And he has every right to be pissed off after being passed over so many times. Again it all goes back to amber eikel eikel and the gm. They have destroyed the station. How they still have a job is boyond me.

    1. Is amber eikel the John fisher of TV news,rotting and destroying morale,pissing of an entire region of citizens and then trying to scam and fleece her way to another market??

    2. Nailed it! Perfect analogy.

    3. Incompetence is rewarded everywhere these days. Kathleen Kennedy, who destroyed the Star Wars franchise, Just saw her contract renewed. She’s going to destroy it with three new films. Remember, The Force is Female!

  3. Nothing is done without corporate approval

  4. Copes laughing?? He reeks of frat-rat loudmouth antics. Folks who make noise just to insert themselves into everyone’s life.
    When I listen to music, I can listen to one of those guys, or gals, who put 60 notes in 4 beats (think Bonamassa) or listen to one who plays a suite melody with 20 notes in 4 beats. (Think Eric Satie).
    So it is with Copes - his verbosity is tiresome, and his laughs, chortles, giggles got old by show 2. Copes- say less, laugh less. Listen more.

    1. Copeland reminds me of Dave Chappelle in Nutty Professor.

      “Get that shit off your head!!”

  5. Andre “Mr. T” Senior’s ego is so big I’m surprised his head can fit through the door.

  6. At the anchor-levels, whether it's considered a higher-level vs. various reporters and whether it's somehow higher than traffic, weather, or sports would someone here explain or describe:
    -are there managers & agents as in entertainment/show-biz;
    -or is it more corporate with reviews, raises, and bonuses with the usual benefits of 401K, health, life insurance, dependent care, vacation/sick/PTO leave, holiday pay, shift differential pay?

    With any "job" folks will sometimes move away and take a position, perhaps, in other markets/cities/states. I don't quite understand to what extent a contract can limit movement or soliciting oneself for another job at another tv station (forget about radio or public info officer jobs or other entirely different industries). I am aware of several on-air folks who have moved to other non-tv industries, but might still occasionally be seen representing another organization/company/government entity.

    1. Sid (Maria) Medina is a good example of that. She was run out of KPIX and because she had burned all her bridges in broadcast media, she had to make the move to the private sector to find employment.
      Interestingly enough, once she left the TV biz she started an OnlyFans page (which at last check had over 900 subscribers). I'm not sure what sort of subscription plans she offers, but she could very easily be making 2-2.5x her KPIX salary between her OnlyFans page and her job as a corporate desk jockey

    2. 11:48, do you know if any of the current anchors have onlyfans pages? I wouldn’t be shocked if Donkey, the LT, and/or Starantino have one but wondering if you or anyone else knows for certain.

    3. Based on her outfits…gotta ask…is she offering Alaska Air Miles if you give her a ride?

  7. The Comical is a crappy rag with egotistical sports "writers" who don't even know how to write. Can't wait till they declare bankruptcy

    1. You took the words out of my mouth.
      The only thing worse than the Comical is SFGate, their online clickbait rag, more commonly known as SFBait.
      i stopped visiting SFBait when the majority of their stories were revolved around the "most authentic" burrito and the latest bright purple house in San Francisco.

    2. a couple weeks ago there was a new reporter on ktvu mornings on 2. I forget his name (I think "Dan") but he was a heavyset guy in his 30's with a beard. Well apparently he's already left ktvu. You can't make this kind of stuff up.
      And then just yesterday they rolled out a bubbly bleached blond in her early 20's, presumably the heavyset guys replacement.
      Only a matter of time before she makes her way to the KPIX morning show.

    3. It’s not even a newspaper anymore. It’s a pamphlet.

    4. Say what you want, but in my book Scott Ostler is a fantastic writer! Talented, witty, and on point. He is a fine journalist

    5. @10:45 AM
      Bruce Jenkins is an immensely better writer. Scott meanders and often tries too hard to be funny.

  8. The Standard needs a sports section or page.

  9. Why does Andre look all pissed off in that photo? The guy needs to lose the faux intensity and lighten up.

    1. He must’ve taken that pic right after he found out he was passed up for a promotion he wasn’t even remotely qualified for, when the job went to the one person even more unqualified than him.

  10. For the amount of bullshit Andre Senor has had (and continues) to put up with to get where he's at, I don't even blame him for being an asshole, IF he even is one and it's not just a bunch of jealous unprofessional incompetents whining about him.

  11. Didn't KCBS report that the Oakland teachers strike was over today?

  12. If I got passed up for a promotion at a position where I was already working as a fill in on the 10 o'clock news for a guy who has worked the morning shift for all of his career and then they put me on his former shift in the mornings, I'd be pissed off too!!

    Newsflash: Mibach sucks. And Andre Senor would have been a better fit (unlike his Just another Amber Eikel screw up!! FOX 2 is a shell of its former self. No wonder no one is watching.

  13. I don't get the H8. Andre is a good dude. I work here--I've never seen him act uppity. Have I seen him pissed...or angry? Hell yeah-but I would be, too, considering he's been yanked every which way here at the Deuce.

    1. Gee, I don't get the hate either; he seems like a nice guy, he's nothing like those uppity blacks, white could it be???

  14. Fox Corporate likes to break everyone if they can! Why, because the people at corporate are broken and they envy people that aren't!

  15. The SF Standard does good work but it is all funded by one billionaire and while it is a for profit, has no business model. If and/or when said billionaire gets bared with paying the bills, the paper will disappear overnight.
