Friday, May 19, 2023

All-Sports 95.7 FM "The Game" Makes Morning Drive Strides; "Shasky and Bonta" Destroy KNBR's Doofus "Murph and Mac"; Friday Pulse


THE APRIL ratings are out, beauty contest numbers --95.7 "The Game" continues to make great strides and KNBR continues to dive deep into the abyss.

Sure, KNBR had a modest bump -marginally from Giants' baseball. But 95.7 FM had a HUGE recall --thanks Warriors, and that's not even the BIGGEST news.

The Game's morning drive duo, "Joe Shasky and Bonta" --The Morning Roast--devoured KNBR's sophomoric crapfest, "Murph and Mac"--it wasn't even close. And it's been a three-month trend.

While Morning Roast was at or around the Top Five in overall performance, Murph and Mac bottomed out and fell near 15th!

BOTTOM LINE: The Game has finally caught its stride and is making waves. If it had KNBR's reach, it would absolutely DOMINATE. As it is, The Game seems more innovative and creative while KNBR is old and sappy.

KNBR is so desperate they've begun to COPY some of The Game's virtues like placing a camera in studio --something 95.7 has featured for months now. Welcome to the real world, KNBR.

While Shasky and Bonta are not super-duper, they at least try and their rapid fire mix of sports, banter, info, interviews and entertainment is mostly solid and fun. There's a good ebb and flow.

KNBR's Murph and Mac, by contrast, is artificial and bland with lame attempts at humor and dull, idiotic song drops. A horrid radio show that lacks heart and passion, talent too.


  1. Bonta sometimes rambles too quickly but for a guy that hasn’t been in broadcasting that long, he’s creative, likable and passionate. And he knows what he’s talking about. He also does nice job on the Warriors’ pre and post game shows, on NBC Bay Area, complimenting the solid work of former Warriors Chris Mullin and Festis Ezelie. I cannot, and will not listen to Murph and Mac. Brian Murphy was s terrific writer but falls into the trap of trying to be funny and hip. He’s neither It doesn’t work. How Paulie Mac, a former second string DJ has lasted this long is a great mystery., he probably comes pretty cheap, knowing the shoddy company that owns KNBR, Cumulitus, ( Cumulus.) You’d think after all these years of being around sports he’d have picked up something. It’s embarrassing when KNBR fills time in the mornings on weekends playing his w clap-trap juvenile podcast. He’s a male version of Amy G. Like Amy, who thankfully was removed from the Giants’ TV broadcasts, he hasn’t improved his broadcasting skills since he was paired up with Murph. He should go back to Sacramento and do what was good at; disc jockeying.

  2. It was only a matter of time before ratings finally showed what a FRAUD KNBR truly is.
    The best show on The Sports Leader 10-2 is still Krap-pay on its best day. And there are those whose voices demand an immediate change of station - the morning Ass-Hats, the afternoon Ass-Hats, and the evening dreck.
    I look forward to the day when you report the mass layoffs at KNBR. They, literally, cannot be any lousier than they already are.
    Bone Up on your insurance quotes Smurf !

  3. Pass on both, boring...I stopped listening to sports radio 5+ years ago, now I listen to NPR, much more informative...

  4. Knbr hates sports.

    1. How can they call themselves "THEE SPORTS LEADER" when they don't take calls from fans minus Francis Paul on Sportsphone 68 or after Giants games. Oh and Bill Laskey does a really good job on the weekends & takes good calls after the game. But the rest of the clowns they have on are dreck. I agree with the other person who said we can't wait for the day you announce massive playoffs at KNBR. Let's ta throw a party. Maybe Pat Olson, voice of your USF Dons basketball can MC.

  5. I don't understand the general hatred of Murph and Mac here, but to each his/her own. Regarding the ratings, though, of course 95.7 benefited in April from the Warriors playoff push and run. I don't think this is any kind of endorsement of 95.7's overall programming or their morning show. Let's see how the ratings look in a couple of months.

    1. @1:59- I think Paulic Mac may bother some because of his songs that he does, and it seems like he doesn't really add value to their show or KNBR, even though I do admit, Murph and Mac have had their run. Paulie Mac's songs were funny back in like 2009, 2010. Now they're not as funny anymore and seem kind of weird. Don't have the appeal they once did.

      At the same time, Murph and Mac have gotten kind of stale. They've been on for what, 16, 17 yrs now? They've kind of reached their shelf life as a pairing. Most pairings, especially in sports talk radio as we've seen, don't normally last this long. Look at all the pairings 95.7 has had since they've become a sports station. Even some of their best pairings over the years didn't last this long.

      Bonta and Shasky, although they've been on in the mornings for 2 1/2 yrs now, it may be the new and fresh Bay Area weekday sports talk morning radio show that some here in the Bay Area may be seeking. It's just nice to have a better option than Murph and Mac.

    2. Agreed. I regularly listen to Murph and Mac, but during the Warriors playoff run, I checked out 95.7. Playoffs are done...and so is my checking out 95.7. Have to assume KNBR will rebound, especially if the Giants start winning.

  6. They day i change morning from the KNBR losers was great.

  7. I’ve caught a few minutes of the M&M streaming….what’s with “ Paulie”? The man have a problem? He’s constantly moving in a wave or something. Moving his arms all the time. What gives with that?

  8. Agreed that Shasky and Bonta can sometimes ramble but have an energetic flowing show with actual consistent sports talk and a minimum of nonsense. The two AM morons please come to cumulus HR for your final paychecks. Maybe you can wear the Lou Seal outfit sometimes LO-SERS! They remind me of pathetic Bruno Kirby trying to replace Robin Williams in “Good Morning Vietnam”

  9. Agree with 4:08. I think it’s a Marin coke thing.

  10. Sports talk radio in this market? It doesn't exist. They don't need make up and red noses to be clowns. They do it on their own. Sad part is many people think they're the last word in sports around here.

  11. Bonta and Shasky have been killing it! Murph and Mac in a sense have had their run. They kind of peaked during the Giants championship years last decade where they were the main Bay Area sports talk radio show on weekday mornings for most of those years, the morning after Giants games.

    Yes, Murph and Mac still get a lot of listeners, but they've had the same show for like 15, 16 yrs now. They do the same segments they did in 2008, 2009. Their show hasn't changed much or evolved that much at all since then.

    Bonta and Shasky are a welcomed change to Bay Area sports talk radio on weekday mornings. Kind of like Rich alluded to, they have a better flow to their show, and you got to like their passion and energy. It's real sports talk... I'm happy Rich is catching on to the Morning Roast!

  12. Smurf smack double aholes such punchalble faces

  13. Both KNBR and 95.7 are unlistenable

  14. Paulie Mac's greatest talent is the multitude of sneaky and underhanded ways he manages to thrust Steve Maskowitz power point presentations upon us 5x a day.

  15. Murph always sounds like a deluded clown. Total sleezeball

  16. The KNBR morning show is lame. Even when Radnich had the show, it was still pretty weak but at least he had good guests and guest callers. That show needs more sports and less attempts at pop-culture. I will tune in occasionally the day after a good game in hopes of some interesting commentary. But as soon as I hear one of those pathetic tribute songs or reminiscing about some KISS concert in the late 70s, I go back to my Sirius sports.

  17. Thank you for acknowledging 95.7. I switched years ago. They have regular callers who are passionate about the Warriors. The Game's YouTube channel gives a better view of the chemistry between Bonta and Shasky that listening to the radio doesn't reveal. Steiny and Guru are a hilarious duo. Guru is always ready to jump off the ledge.

  18. I left knbr for good when Murph & Mac went woke. They’re entitled to their opinions but when I tune into sports talk, I don’t need a lesson on wokeism or whatever their overlords are telling them to say.

    1. Agreed. It's not just Murph and Mac. Why does everything now have to involve a social and/or racial justice component?

    2. If you’re not into “wokeism” then I’d suggest you check out Andre “Mr. T” Senor on ktvu fox2.
      Mr. Senor also appears to have (at least some) anti-woke opinions as expressed during a recent 9am segment.

      Specifically, Mr. Senor said he doesn’t understand the whole pronoun thing, and he’s believes it’s “unnecessary” to include pronouns in email signatures and social media bios because he can tell the difference between a man and woman simply by looking at the person.

  19. That’s right, Slurp n Smack love the Shee-Tay band KISS. Not one person who is musically inclined would ever endorse those goofball halloweenies.

    Can we tie these 2 dolts onto a leaky innertube and drop them off 50 miles west of the Farallone Islands? They can spend their final 15 minutes singing pathetic variations of KISS B-sides. Good riddance to bad rubbish

  20. How on Earth do those assmats still have a radio show? I stopped listening to them at the height of their Buster Posey asskissery, fanboy brown toilet paper act. It was sickening to listen to two grown men acting like 12 year old girls at a Taylor Swift or Harry Styles concert. For months straight, Murph was in full-on “Buster Posey obsession mode” and it got to the point where I seriously worried he was gonna go all Fatal Attraction on Posey.

    1. Ahhhh yes, for months straight Murph looked for any opportunity to brag about writing the foreward for Posey’s overpriced photo book.

      The irony is Posey probably didn’t give two shits about that.
