Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Mike Mibach Topic of Conversation at One KTVU Closed-Door Meeting; It Ain't Good; Pat Thurston/John Rothmann Schmoozing Draws Ire at KCBS; Jenny Seelig's Prized Pupils; JV MIA Coverage Suddenly Gonno; Raj Mathai Hates Being Stuck In the Middle With You; Wednesday Wash

AMONG THE TOPICS at closed-door KTVU and FOX Meetings --including Tuesday: Yes, Mike Mibach has been REJECTED by Bay Area viewers, especially women. They just can't stand him and that's the good news.

Mibach doesn't come across as warm and fuzzy on the screen --his sarcastic mug-- the arrogant, petulant mode is a total TURNOFF. You'd have thunk KTVU had done its research in its Mibach's placement at 10 PM but they gave him the gig only out of loyalty and not based on talent and character.

To KTVU staff, I don't "hate" Mike-- never met the guy but he's just an overrated look from my standpoint. He just doesn't ooze personality too and the little I see is TURNOFF-central.

*Pat Thurston schelpping out John Rothmann, repeatedly, on KCBS has been met with DEEP RESENTMENT and PUSHBACK --especially by rank and file staffers who view this development as Thurston's way of "KGOing KCBS" --their words.

Thurston has been getting mucho fill-in gigs of late--another MAJOR irritant by other, more tenured staff--she's perceived as one of ND's Jenny Seelig's prized new pupils.

"We're working our ass off and all she, (Seelig) does is kiss 'Pat's ass," a longtime anchor told me.

Seelig, in addition to running KCBS into the ground, is getting a huge THUMBS-DOWN by her workers--unless you're Megan Goldsby, Jeffrey Schaub, Alisa Clancy, and, yes, Thurston herself.

*ADD KCBS: Doubling Down DISASTER in the AM: the continued misplacement of Eric Thomas and Margie Shafer. Seelig's woeful choice is getting DERISION even by her most loyal ass-kissers, like Goldsby.

*Suddenly, we don't hear a peep about the continued MIA stratus of "JV"/Jeffrey Vandergrift--missing now well over two weeks. It's a sad story that needs some coverage but our WOEFUL Bay Area media would rather plug useless rock concerts and repeat atmospheric river events as opposed to real news events. What else is new? Nothing.

*THE EGO HAS LANDED, NBC Bay Area/San Jose style: Raj Mathai doesn't like being stuck in the middle of split-screen live shots, even if it's a promo! Gawd, what a ATTENTION-whore! The only saving gracer is Janelle Wang post-newscasts matinis at the local bar down the street --where Raj gives Janelle the history of his life and then some.


  1. Mike Mibach is what happens when you promote someone based on their tenure vs. their ability. This is a common problem in corporate America. Just because you've been there forever, doesn't mean you're qualified for the more prominent role.

    Tenure doesn't always equal ability.

    Exhibit A: Mike Mibach.

    1. Correct.

      But the bigger problem is who else? I liked Andre Senior but apparently management didn't and even I'll admit he's better in the mornings with his gentle personality. He doesn't strike me as a "hard news" guy. Savidge is okay but I'm not in love with him as much as Rich and somehow he feels a little too young to be the face of the station. They probably should try to import someone from outside, but they're not big on doing that, probably because they'd have to pay that person money and KTVU is cheap.

    2. 9:34 you're absolutely right but remember, Mibach engaged in a several months long campaign of pathetic self-degrading ass-kissing behavior just to get a job he's not even remotely the right person for.
      When you talk about tenure vs. ability you're speaking logically and rationally and sensible. Amber E and all her squad of buffoons don't have a logical, rational, or sensible bone in their body.
      Don't believe me? Watch KTVU for a day and the clusterfuck will begin to make sense.

  2. Mike starts to get a silly grin then stops it about half way. This happened over and over when I was watching the other night. It's plain irritating.

  3. Is it budget reasons that has KCBS staff grumbling about Rothmann shmoozing with Pat? Well, if John learns how to fly helicopter he could do traffic, and they could get his political commentary with Thurston as a free bonus. Problem solved!

    1. Can you imagine Rothmann doing traffic reports? “I haven’t seen the 101 tied up like this since that parade for Eisenhower!”

  4. “…our WOEFUL Bay Area media would rather plug useless rock concerts and repeat atmospheric river events as opposed to real news events.”

    You forgot

    1) Candlelight vigils for victims of all sorts

    2) PR stories where Mayors Breed or (until recently) Schaaf cuts a ribbon in front of a special school for brown-skinned people

    3) Stories about “courage and resilience” (someone went into the hospital for a sex change operation and instead they removed their apoendix).

    4) A parade —Bay Area news loves a parade.

    5) Some black kid can do something ordinary like play the piano or bang on trash cans as drums or spit into a microphone, which makes him a “hip hop artist.” Someone like Gasia or Sara Dee will gosh that he’s “genius.”

    1. That’s a lot of bigotry and hate before noon. White people really do get the short end of the stick. Thanks for highlighting this important issue.

    2. OH MAN! You nailed it!

    3. Anonymous@12:50:
      Made me laugh. It does my heart good to see that there are visitors here who call out these MAGA/Fox News personality-types. All they offer is rage, ignorance and entitlement.

    4. Anonymous 12:50 White is a color not a race, just like brown, black, yellow or purple are colors not a race. Ignorance is bliss

  5. JFC. Will someone please tell KTVU that UCSF is a medical school and NOT a law school? Their complete lack of local knowledge is pathetic.

    This morning during ‘The Nine’ they had a law professor in studio talking about an airline merger.

    Whence ever he spoke the on-screen graphic showed his name with ‘University of California San Francisco Law School’ underneath. This is also how Gasia introduced him.

    Ktvu, the law school is ‘UC College of the Law, San Francisco.’
    University of California San Francisco is an academic medical center with absolutely no law school component.

    The fact they don’t know this is beyond embarrassing.

    1. I prefer the moniker, "UC Tenderloin".

  6. It’s not Mibach’s fault that he has that look of having just stolen your iPhone. Poor guy has issues talking out of the side of his mouth. I do not think he a bad anchor, per se, but as Rich has noted so often Mibach “does not move the needle”.
    Anchors come and go. Their time span is brief. There will be others, some good, some ok, some lousy. When ratings slide, there will be blood.
    For all the ballyhoo about the bay area being a national treasure, there are many detractions: downtown SF having become a haven for the homeless, and the continued lawlessness of thieves. But the Bay Area has fantastic educational institutions: UC Berkeley, Stanford, UC San Francisco. These and the many other colleges and universities here are our lifeline to a prosperous community. Maybe some of the smarter folks will start a TV station that gives us real local news, supports the arts, embraces education, and speaks truth to power.
    And then I woke up…

  7. Just posted. Wanted: a new meteorologist at KMPH in Fresno. Pay range $95,000-$120,000 annually. That goes a long way in "the Valley."

    1. White courtesy phone for Roberta Gonzales from the Valley.

  8. Promoting Mike Mibach to the 10pm slot was a terrible decision by FOX 2 brass. Rejected by this (former) viewer...and I'm a man. He was more palatable on the day shift. But not the energy one wants before going to bed. My last straw with him as a viewer happened just a few days ago.

    Made the mistake of tuning in the 10' O'clock news and the 'exclusive' lead story was about a black mother and her two daughters who just received a judgement of 8.25 million from Alameda County for one of the most egregious cases of racial profiling I've ever seen. Basically arrested for sitting in a Starbucks parking lot minding their own business while having their constitutional rights trampled left and right by Alameda County's finest.

    Toss from reporter and Mibach's first and only question to the following the story: !A federal judge can reduce damages awarded by a jury, do you know if that will actually happen in this case?'. Really, Mike?? More appropriate would be, 'how's the family doing after all of this?' But his question is typical of the spin and trivialization of the trauma that actually happened to this family.

    But of course, I've come to expect this from anything related to Fox News and its affiliates which includes the once independent KTVU. Their independence used to be their selling point. Now under Fox it's their achilles heel. Frank Somerville would to call things out in his own way, at times as the face of the station. Probably part of the reason why he's no longer there. Lost a trusted one with him (which is what a station needs) despite his personal addiction issues. And they've been scrambling ever since.

    Now, whether one agrees with the judgement amount for the family or not, Mibach's question just came off as sort of callous and insensitive. He may be a nice guy. Perhaps someone you'd want to have a beer with at the local frat reunion. But kinda devoid of any signs of being an empathetic prime time anchor much less the face of the station.

    Of course, that promotion is on Amber Eikel. Off fitting suits aside, I think Andre Sénor would have been the better choice for the 10pm slot. At least until another solid anchor like a Dennis Richmond or Somerville came along. (Do they make those anymore?? lol)

    Fox 2 has a lot of issues to workout to get this station back on the right track. And that usually starts at the top when things start spiraling in the wrong direction. My guess would be a certain someone is not out shopping as much between newscasts to relax her mind these days!!

    1. Yes, I too thought Mibach's question (and only question) was a weird one. Seemed like he was discounting the whole thing. I also notice that, unlike their softball stories, KTVU isn't replaying this over and over, the next day morning show, at noon and even at 4pm. Meanwhile, the sheriff's dept are already calling their story lies on their FB page. Seems to me that would be an excellent follow-up, rather than the story about the woman crushed by the tree in Cupertino, which they can't seem to leave alone even though nothing has changed in that story. What's the matter, KTVU? Scared of the Alameda County Sheriff? I thought media was supposed to be watch dogs, not lap dogs.

    2. @1:47 Totally agree. 100%. Couldn't have said it better myself.

      And the two main officers in question for this story have since been promoted. That's another story ripe for investigation within itself. I'm all about going after the bad guys. But I'm also about police accountability, as well. And the lack some seem to have about our constitutional rights. Hard to maintain support when members of said agency that are rewarded for violating the law themselves.

      The media used to be regarded as the fourth estate. Holding those in power to account. Now it seems that's flipped and most of these media conglomerates are essentially glorified P.R. folks who are bought and paid for. And indeed, lap dogs to the latest spin sent out by agencies like the Alameda County Sheriff's Dept. Hard questions need to be asked. But I guess if journalists do that these days they run the risk of losing their access to said politician, spin doctor or trusted source.

      And Edward R. Murrow continues to roll over in his grave.

    3. Actually the question about damage awards is far more interesting than the laughable "How do you feel" one.

  9. I watched Mike for many years in the AM. He has an arrogance about him. It REALLY annoyed me that during covid he did the news from his sons room, looking at baseball crap. He couldn't bother to setup a better system. For months and months! Also, the hair. The hair is ridiculous. I think he's a fine person, that needs a hair stylist.

    1. CLEARLY he needed a vinyl room, like Ibañez.

    2. And who knows, if Mibach had created his own Vinyl Room, then perhaps Julie Haener would be spending happily ever after with him, instead of with Mark Ibaño. Mibach missed out!

  10. JV coverage dried up because they 'received information he is not coming back.' Fairly self explanatory.

  11. IMO KCBS's new hires from KGO, P Thurston & B Burkhart, add to KCBS's appeal to listeners. Hosts with lots of broadcasting experience can only help, never hurt. As with any organizational staff change, there's bound to be some initial discontent. It'll settle.

    1. Except journalists don't offer opinions or opinionated reactions when they are doing news. Thurston is no journalist. 11:47 seems to think that John rothman or pat thurston drew big audiences with all their broadcasting experience at KGO. KGO with both of them had zilch ratings. KCBS is the local industry leader.

  12. My advice to mike from one anchor to another. First off stop playing anchor with the furrowed brow. And the lowered voice. Just talk. He is overly serious. And there’s no need for that. Secondly. Trust yourself to be yourself. It’s more difficult than you think. But just let your guard down and be yourself. Don’t force a smile. Don’t say stupid shit during cross talk. Just say what you think. And never force a smile. My rule of thumb was that I only smiled when it was genuine. And finally. Don’t ask typical questions. Ask question that are outside the box. Don’t be afraid to challenge both liberals and conservatives. The whole point is to give people as many perspectives. But let’s be honest. We tend to be biased toward the left. It’s your job to correct that thru questions. And finally don’t be afraid to show real emotions. People can tell the difference between real and fake. 90 percent of anchors are fake. Be REAL. I promise that you will stand out by being real.

    1. And above all, DON'T go drinking and then smash your Porsche into the back of an Audi.

    2. Yes that too. Does that make you feel better making that snide comment like a true keyboard cowboy. I sure hope so.

    3. 5:33: his is an opinion blog. Relax. Like you, everyone is on here pontificating and spewing their opinions into cyberspace.
      Now chillax, crack open a brewsky, and avoid those Audi’s!

  13. What...Raj Mathai, the self anointed Indian Walter Cronkite doesn't enjoy split screens!?! But he does enjoy sp...nevermind. (Raises martini glass. Cheers!!! lol)

    Saw a pic of him on stage at some fundraiser recently with the S.F. Giants media personality Amy G. Either she's built like a giraffe or he's actually kinda short. It was giving Bruno Mars next to Taylor Swift at the VMA's vibes. lol Thereby explaining his need to dub himself...The Indian Walter Cronkite ('s your Complex.)

    1. When Raj was an excellent sports anchor and was good when he transitioned to news anchor. Over the years, Raj evidently became comfortable, however, his ego got in his way. I used to watch NBC Bay Area at 5:00 or 6:00 and 11:00 pm. I changed to ABC7 which is far better with Dan Ashley.

  14. I wonder if Rothmann drives over to the Kcbs offices,waits for Thurston to finish her shift, and then takes her out to Cal Mart for turkey sandwiches, and shows her excerpts of his latest Spiro Agnew biography..

  15. Is Mibach’s salary so paltry that he can’t even afford a properly-tailored suit? Or, does he just enjoy wearing ill-fitting trousers that are hemmed 4-6” above his ankles?

    Regardless of the reason he looks dumb as fuck.

    1. I've noticed the same. He's an odd duck.

    2. Enough with the Julius Caesar hairstyle as well. Who ever thought this was a good look?

  16. I’ve always found Mibach to be off-putting, even before he performed his self-degrading ass kissing, brown toilet paper act just order to get the prime time job.

    He’s always reminded me of one of those angry middle-aged white male bicyclist who roam the streets of Walnut Creek, Palo Alto, Marin County, San Francisco, etc.

    The entitled types who look and act like they have a permanent chip on their shoulder, when in reality they are the most privileged among us.

    1. "Angry middle-aged white man on a bicycle" LOL!!!

      I know exactly the type of person you're describing, and yeah, Mibach definitely has the "look."

      Thanks for the laugh!

    2. "He’s always reminded me of one of those angry middle-aged white male bicyclist who roam the streets of Walnut Creek, Palo Alto, Marin County, San Francisco, etc."

      Racist much?

  17. As for Mathai in particular among many, I can only keep on wondering: does the television news-anchoring business make neurotic, raving egomaniacs out of people? or are those who were born with that personality the ones who enter -- and succeed -- in the profession?

    1. I've thought the same thing. Especially true of people who work the mornings

    2. I've thought a lot about this. I'll say it's somewhat both: All the "glamorous" professions—movies, TV, publishing, theater—seem to attract a certain type of personality. And if those people are fawned over, their tendencies only increase, the way watering flowers makes them grow. And people who are not interested in this kind of "status" material usually aren't attracted to the entertainment/performance industries so they don't pursue it.

      Once in a while I'll meet someone who's in the industry for all the right reasons. They're usually run over by the status quo machine, and they're in some other occupation in a few years. Sad.

  18. I read one of the employees who Mibach made suggestive and inappropriate comments to resigned from ktvu in the past few days. Interesting timing for the big wigs to have a meeting about Mibach specifically. They don’t seem to give two shits about ratings or anything news or programming related, so I’m wondering if the now ex-employee shared stuff on the way out that led to the meeting.
    Could just be a big coincidence though the timing seems odd.

  19. As a responsible armchair critic I’m currently watching Mibach at 10:13pm. TERRIBLE! Mibach’s cadence never changes no matter what the story or issue. He’s like a drama student showing NO RANGE. Very unsympathetic and monotone plus the hideous, confused hairdo does not help.

  20. Raj is overrated. If he thinks he is “the Indian Walter Cronkite” then he is clearly is delusional. Terry McSweeney is a superior anchor who doesn’t need his ego fed by false platitudes.

  21. Jennifer Seelig is a clueless idiot. This ditz hires unqualified people, (mostly annoying women such as Daffy-duck sounding Goldsby,) and has absolutely zero leadership skills. But then, you frankly can’t blame people like her, or that idiot across the street Lee Hammer. Both were one time news producers st KCBS who knew very quickly who’s asses they had to kiss to get promoted.
    And the suits such as the sleazy
    Tony Salvadore and that insufferable, lying windbag Doug Harville, were also more than willing to give them bigger responsibilities becasusr they came cheap and would not make any waves.
