Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Don Lemon To SF? Bet On It; Maher Goes Dennis Miller; Chronicle --SFGate Weekend Woes; Santangelo/KNBR Talk-Show Futility; KRON/KPIX Symmetry; Tuesday Pulse


IF Don Lemon were to end up, soon, in San Francisco, at a third-tier cabler, say, CNBC, you heard it here first.

Lemon, who's about to be expelled from CNN for his bizarre, sexist rant has enough of an audience to attract eyes but that all could be evaporating in this "me-too" environment.

Yeah, I know he's coming back on Wednesday but that's on a short leash, at best.

*To some women: if you think Don Lemon is your enemy, than you don't know how to play the game.

*I used to like Bill Maher but now even Maher is changing his tune, trying to reinvent himself as a closet GOPer and that's just plain, dishonest.

Dennis Miller tried the same approach and how'd that work out.

*Should a major breaking news event/incident take place on a Saturday/Sunday, good luck with coverage from the Chronicle, ney SFGate.

SFGate is basically the Chron/Internet and that's like 3-4 GenZers manning the AP wire and Twitter in between smoking a pack of American Spirit and eating a granola bar.

*An entire generation of formidable youth will have grown up on thinking Tick Tok/Facebook/Instagram are reputable news outlets. What a fine world.

*Had JFK been assasinated in the Twitter world, imagine the freak show. And yes, Cronkite is vomiting in his grave now.

*A former lousy, local baseball jock, FP Santangelo, filling in today, (10-2 PM) on KNBR because, I guess, all the Uber drivers were busy.

*Damon Bruce on 957 The Game says he loves being a dad, which is good because he's a shitty sports-talk host.

*Sports-talk radio in the Bay Area is a TOTAL FARCE; a cheesy cachophony of home-grown frauds who offer little or nothing takes and can't conduct simple, sincere, genuine conversation if their life depended on it. Which is why they frequently talk about beer, boobs and utter "shout outs" and other verbal manure. They claim to be experts but don't know shit. They take no calls because they realize they'd be embarrassed by a call base that is wise to their fraud. In NY, Philly, LA, real talk show passion and conviction exists; in the Bay Area most of the alleged sports talkers should be convicted.

*The hyena laugher: Adam "Copes" Copeland. Dad's lawsuit against Cumulus gave us this limp biscuit --settlements do wonders.

*Tom Tolbert, what a complete waste now? Exactly.

*"Murph and Mac", KNBR shit show in the AM: double colonoscopy and a bonus root canal.

*KRON and KPIX face a growing unease in the newsroom that spells trouble and it's mighty/mighty, brick-housey type, que the orchestra.


  1. KNBR needs to get Chris Townsend. He’s one of the best and extremely entertaining.

    1. He does "A's cast." Can't have A's talent on the Giants station.

    2. @2:38- Chris Townsend used to work for KNBR, but he said he likes it better when the Giants lose. That obviously wouldn't go over well on KNBR. Townsend is in deep with the A's now.

  2. Murph and Mac defy everything. So bad, they linger like a bad fart.

    1. Jim, what does throwing Gary Coleman through Tim’s window have to do with tap dancing??


  3. Back in the 2000s, Miller admitted on a late night talk show that he "sold out." He said that he had to "support his family." Reportedly, Miller is now worth approximately 100 million dollars.

    For all of Maher's previous "left leaning" views, I get the impression that (he too) loves his 1 percenter life. Cigars and all. Maher is now worth a reported 140 million, though one site has his net worth at almost 200 million.

    Seems that with many people, that kind of money (or the potential to earn that kind of money) will change their political and sociological perspectives.

    1. Maher is now older and telling it like it is. Most can't handle the truth.

  4. Don Lemon's comments about Nikki Haley were hardly a "sexist rant" Ms Haley, calling for " mandatory mental competency " tests for Americans 75+, claimed she was the bearer of "new ideas' and young approaches. She's the ageist and is also using her genetic profile to pretend that her race shouldn't bar her from the presidency. She is over fifty, an age at which this society and particularly the media considers women finished, done, kaput and past their prime. Pretend that isn't true if you want, but it is. He wasn't saying he thought ageism was a good thing, merely speaking the truth. His demotion from solo prime time to morning chatter was a clear indication that the new bosses at CNN want to dump him, without stirring up racial animus for so doing. This is just a process. BTW, those with "new ideas" are younger than their fifties.

    1. A cogent take.

    2. Agreed. Lemon was responding to Haley’s dig at older folks.
      Like everyone over 50, one notices that they are quickly overlooked by younger folks. That’s the natural consequence of aging.
      Lemon correctly pointed out that someone over 50 really has no reason to bemoan older folks. Where Lemon went wrong was saying Haley was “past her prime”. Her flip flops on her former boss might be an indication that she is losing her sharpness. She will get my vote when she embraces her ethnic background, which she gives lip service to

    3. I don't like Don Lemon, but I'm still trying to figure out what Nikki Haley is trying to do other than fatten her campaign coffer retirement fund. She has no business near the White House. Her age doesn't matter considering our geriatric Congress. I think Don called it right in this case.

    4. Christine you were done at age 30 on TV, that’s a fact, radio, even if bad radio and a bottom feeder jaw practice was your future. Now Al Frankenstein that was a good man as I suspect you know :-)

    5. 2:45pm., typos galore but I get your drift! Craft is as bad as they come.

    6. Lemon had his own show for so long that he has lost the knack of "Playing well with others". Sure he could handle interactions for gavel-to-gavel coverage of special events but being politically correct day-after-day is just not his thing. He was pretty much free to do what he wanted on his own CNN show, and evening audiences tolerate more than the mostly straight-up news environment of early morning TV.

    7. Dear 2:45.. I was 36 when in Kansas City, went on to anchor in Sacramento at 40 plus with regular fills ins at KQED for Belva Davis at 50. Went to law school then and you find that evil? Currently I live where I can hear the ocean. poor you.I very much know Al Franken. He's a delight, very bright, very funny.

    8. 2:45, What is a "jaw practice"? please elucidate. Helping people secure their rights to appropriate medical treatment after industrial injury is a very satisfying thing that you'll never know.

    9. Dear 2:45.. your math impairment is showingl I started in TV at KSBW when I was 29..I was at PIX when It was 32, then off to CBS Sports in New York at 34, KEYT 34-36, Kansas City at 36, Santa Barbara again, then Sacramento at 40, law school and KQED fill for Belva at 50..... I don't know what a "jaw practice " is , but helping seriously Californians with industrial impairments achieve proper medical care and compensation is extremely rewarding. I now live by the sea at 78. You ?

    10. You can hear the ocean in Sacramento?

    11. You can't hear the ocean in Sacramento. I don't live there, happily.

    12. 8:03 PM, my guess is in a trailer in Fort Bragg, with pics of Al Franken and other disgusting liberals on her walls. MIne you, no "real" men around.

    13. I think you should bet all your money on that.

    14. Most of the Facebook content the last time I looked was in the Sac area. House with a bunch of dogs. I'm getting she moved back to So Cal or up into Oregon if she really is on the coast.

  5. I heard Marty Lurie on KNBR yesterday. signalling the beginning of another nine month Giants' infomercial. See ya in November, KNBR.

    1. When Marty isn’t selling homes in Lathrop, or encouraging folks to stay at the Inn at the Tides (Bodega), he has a wealth of baseball knowledge and he is quite good at spotting baseball talent, or the lack thereof. Of all the guys talking baseball, he is one of the best. He has the right perspective - Baseball led the way in changing America. Like most of us who love the game, he is likely appalled by the new rules.

    2. I rather have Lurie than anyone else on KNBR.

  6. Don Lemon will never be coming to the Bay Area. No bay area station would take him and his ego on. And he's too expensive. CNBC will never take him because he's a bad fit; no business experience and all the buzz he has gotten over the years has been for stuff that has nothing to do with CNBC's brand.

    Chris Licht should have never put Lemon on CNN mornings. He should have cut him loose ala Brian Stelter. But that ship has sailed and Licht can't afford to take the bad publicity generated caused by making an immediate u-turn on Lemon after putting him where he is so Licht will keep him there for an extended period until/unless Lemon screws up even worse. But if/when Licht cuts Lemon loose, Lemon will be unemployable for a long time and like Rich Sanchez, another ex-CNNer with a massive ego and a big mouth who self-detonated his career, will only be looking for some kind of national gig and not local.

    So there is 0% chance of this happening. Zero.

  7. Lemon will probably be thrown overboard to help save the sinking ship, if he lands here he may help bail out the S.S. MEDIA but his dead weight will sink the ship here.
    Maher isn’t reinventing himself he’s finally getting it.

  8. Rich,

    Off subject: If you can let us know what AM/FM Music Stations in the Bay Area still worth listening too? I sure miss music radio stations of the past. Thanks

  9. If Don Lemon were a white guy he'd be busing tables at the Tadich Grill right now.

    Just like if Bill Cosby were white he'd still be in prison. And if Phylicia Rashad were white she'd have lost her Howard University position. Of course, if she were white she really wouldn't have gotten it in the first place...

    1. If Don were white he would still have his solo night time show instead of having to anchor with two people who are beneath him in experience. One of them used to be Chief White Correspondent which hardly makes her anchor material. She is not and never will be his equal. Of course they are white so they get to co anchor.

    2. Solid take on Cosby in prison if he were white except there are 5/1 white/black in America yet more black men in prison than white. But yeah what you said you racist douche.

  10. Rich I could not agree with you more, KNBR is pure dreck and drivel. These idiots could not vamp their way through a sound-bite.
    Not sure who owns KNBR - do the SF Giants have any skin in the game? - but the steaming piles of useless DNA from 6am to 10pm should all start back at square one, where they might learn about having something intelligent to say. If the GIANTS have any say, they should lean on Cumulus to empty KNBR of the woefully Shee-Tay 6am-10pm dreck.
    If I ever hear the hosts pontificating “which is better, A or B?” I will hire “Madame Who” to predict the scores, the weather, and the final standings.
    These jocks ought to be ashamed if themselves.

  11. Currently 2:16pm Tolbert & Copes are reviewing cable TV shows. “808-KNBR what’s the quickest you ever binged a TV series?”
    This IS PURE CRAP !! Are these jerks really THAT Clueless??
    They laugh all the way to the bank. I’ll laugh when I see them selling super-hero cards of themselves. Any day now

  12. CNN, the originator of fake news. Look at their sorry asses now! LOL

    1. Look at Fox news and their hosts that know one thing and say completely different stuff on air. Talk about fake media

  13. You're right on. And your show was a huge success, right?

    Oh,you got axed for not "moving the needle".

    You were banned from sports radio for being too needy.

    Have fun with your lawsuits and lonliness!

    1. Is “lonliness” a reference to Lon Simmons?

  14. Rich
    Maher is and always has been a small case libertarian. He is not trying to “reinvent” himself as a closet GOPer. Yes, he’s wealthy, but he’s still one of the only people in the media who consistently calls out BOTH sides. His most recent rants have been directed toward fragile GenZers (Millennials too), cancel culture and the continuing ageism which still figures prominently in nearly every aspect of American society.

    1. Maher is trying to do (and he doesn’t do it as well, in my humble opinion) what George Carlin used to do, and that is call out BS when he hears it.

  15. As much as Greg Papa gets under my skin I do have to say he is a wealth of sports knowledge and history. If he could stop filibustering and asking immature and stupid questions of his side kick he could be really good.

    I like Maher because I think he is one of the only centrist commentators out there. He interviews both sides. He has both sides on his panels. If you listen to his Podcast he can debate intelligently with everyone.

  16. Wouldn't be shocked or surprised if Don Lemon ended up in the Bay Area. He's actually a good journalist/anchor even though he steps in it from time to time. Been with CNN forever. Outlasted T.J. Holmes over there as well. And look where T.J. is now that he's had a bevy of mid-life crisis liaisons with the staff over at GMA. T.J. had the looks but Don definitely had the brains over at CNN.

    It's a shame what's happened to that network now that that Chris Licht guy has taken over as CEO. Granted there were issues there before he came on but this guy seems bent on blowing everything up and starting over (much like Mr. Musk-ey with the Twitter bird.) It's really not watchable at all to me anymore. Especially when the network is trying to be Fox-Lite. Tastes Lousy. More Unfulfilling.

    Pity Don couldn't ride the wave out to retirement like the late great Bernard Shaw. But Lemon stands in his convictions whether we like it or not. He and Reggie Aqui (another former CNN reporter) seem to be BFF's in The Hamptons all the time if you peep their social media. Though he's probably more likely to be reunited with his other BFF Chris Cuomo over at NewsNation which seems to be making some waves of late.

    The landscape is changing. Don't stay where you're not wanted, Don. And be sure to blow it up on the way out. Figuratively, of course. Because really, the two ladies they planted him with in the AM while good journalists, are really not all that exciting to watch behind the desk. Don is like Rosie O'Donnell trying to fit in as a panelist on The View with them. Not gonna work. (Not sure how much longer Whoopi is gonna last there either. She seems to be stepping it it lately, too!)

    Come to The Bay, Don. We're very forgiving here. We still love Barry Bonds, for chrissakes. Both may have big egos. But both also have solid resumes that are worthy of respect. Now Build A Better Bay Area on that! lol

    1. I've watched Don Lemon many times over the years. I've never seen anything in those hours of watching CNN that would support your statement: "Don definitely had the brains over at CNN." It sounds like maybe you're personal friends with him or something, so perhaps you know better, but I've always found him to be uncommonly vapid among CNN anchors.

    2. That statement was in comparison to his former colleague T.J. Holmes whom I found to be just another pretty face over at CNN. The kind that Don Henley references in his great song 'Dirty Laundry'. A lot of these so-called journalists 'could've been actors but wound up here' and really 'just have to look good and (definitely) don't have to be clear'. And that my friend is the infotainment that passes it self off as modern day broadcast journalism today. And somewhere along the way anchors got into giving their personal opinions as well. Hey...we got 24 hours to fill..So let's just turn our anchors into pundits. (Insert eye roll.)

      As far as Lemon is concerned, I've always found him to be a solid anchor. He didn't get into the position of having a prime-time two hour show for years by accident. And yes...he does step into a heap of mess from time to time. (Jussie Smollett scandal being just one example.) But he's human just like all the rest of them. So I'm willing to forgive the gaffes in favor the person's complete body of work.

      And on that level he's equally on par with his colleague Anderson Cooper to me. I found his recent interview with the mother of the black man killed by members of the Memphis Police to be quite good and emotionally gut wrenching. He brought a side out that other interviewers couldn't touch.

      I also imagine it's even harder being a black man in an industry such as his. Not making excuses but I imagine the scrutiny to be perfect and not eff up is probably many times greater and equally anxiety inducing. They are just waiting for you to fail. And to his credit he's still been riding through the storms at CNN for nearly 30 years.

      So, yeah...Overall I like Don Lemon. He may be polarizing to some. But I find it interesting how Fox News anchors get to spew blatant lies and obfuscate on a daily basis with no repercussions at all. (Which is why I hope Dominion voting takes them to the cleaners with their lawsuit.) Meanwhile someone like Lemon is held to a higher standard on a struggling network like CNN who doesn't know if it's afoot or horseback sometimes.

      Even former Fox anchor and disgraced NBC host Megyn Kelly (yawn) is calling for his firing from her podcast bunker that no-one listens to. Talk about the epitome of 'bubble headed bleach blonde'. Sing it, Don! ( Both Henley and Lemon...lol)

  17. Well that didn’t take long: Emma Goss is already “on leave” at NBC Bay Area. She’s only been there a couple months, if that. When she was at KTVU she took an extended leave only to return for a bit before jumping ship to NBC under strange circumstances. What a drama queen.

    1. Sounds like Ms. Goss has the same condition that has afflicted Andrea Borba, an inability to be an adult and handle a full-time job.

    2. 8:36, yep. If these people don't want to work or can't handle the 'pressures' of being a field reporter, then they need to pursue a different career path.

    3. i heard that too. Does anyone know what her current leave is all about? Is it just more of the same?

    4. The reason hasn't been disclosed but apparently Goss has no expected return to work date.

  18. A lot would have to happen if Lemon were to land here:
    ---He'd have to believe he's finished at CNN. Not sure that's the case. This looks like a publicity stunt to me.
    ---He'd have to accept the low wages paid by stations here.
    ---What station is desperate enough that they'd make him an anchor? He doesn't seem like the kind of stable, audience-attracting guy around whom you build a franchise.
    My guess is that if he goes anywhere, it will be one of those low-budget news channels like the one that hired his buddy Chris Cuomo.

  19. I stopped listening to sports-talk about 5 years ago, haven't missed it...

  20. I watch Maher every Friday night. It's odd how he has become anti vax and a fat shamer all in one.

    1. and with a schnoz like that , he really shouldn't attack the appearance of others.

  21. 7:21, He took the red pill.

  22. Maher still has some good content, but most of time he's old and grumpy.

  23. Maher is becoming Rudy Giuliani. I think he’s aiming to be on FOX.
