Tuesday, December 20, 2022

415 Media Alert: Covid Outbreak Hits ABC7/KGO-TV; Update: Outbreak Followed Company Christmas Party

I'M BEING TOLD by a reliable station source ...that ABC7 (KGO-TV) has been hit with a 'nasty" Covid outbreak and that it's affected the entire station.

I'm told several staffers, including newsroom personnel (which includes everyone from reporters/anchors to producers/writers) have been out of action and it started on Monday.

The Bay Area has seen a major uptick in Covid-related illnesses with hospitals reporting record level of virus treatment.

I'll get back with info later if more news comes my way.


A station source tells me the outbreak followed KGO's Christmas party last Thursday night.

The party was held at the One Market Restaurant. Virtually all ABC7 staff, including anchors and reporters were at the party.

I'll check back later if there's any more info to get to you all.


  1. I blame Trixie and Reggie! At Reggie’s old sidekick isn’t around to catch it!

  2. And this is the reason why Ama still keeps her distance on set. lol

    But seriously, Covid ain't over. I guess we just have to accept this as the new normal and the potential risk of hanging out with large groups of people if we choose to do sothese days. People have mask and vaccine fatigue which is understandable. Asses your risk and act accordingly seems the only answer. And hope the Paxlovid works if you get hit real bad.

    Tune in to Getting Answers on ABC 7 and resident bay area media Dr. Peter Chin-Hong for more of the same general advice. And he';; say get your booster. (What is this shot #5?? Jeez!) Covid go away!!! Would it were that easy.

    1. Best source of Bay Area Covid advice is Bob Wachter twitter account.
      He is head of medicine at UCSF and gets into quantified details on all risk elements for gatherings.
      Last post was 24 tweets long. If you like data and don't mind numbers, he has the best info that you can work with, including local numbers generated by UCSF testing of asymptomatic individuals who are actually positive.
      Such as you can encounter at parties and celebrations.
      I mean, who thought you could attend a ABC7 party and NOT be exposed to at least one positive person?

  3. Rich, lucky you either weren't invited or choose not to go. If KGO is infected their KRON neighbors could be next. Need to track the spread of any outbreak among the media. It might expose some hanky-panky.

  4. Same thing happened at my wife's Xmas party. Lots of people got sick next week. And they want everyone to return to work F/T. Ha!

  5. don't wear masks in tight indoor spaces? guess what happens.

  6. Are you shocked that ABC7 did something nice for their staff? They did and should be commended. No one was forced to be there. And a nice meal was provided to those who stayed behind and worked. If your boss did something nice for you, wouldnt you be appreciative? That is, if you had a real job.

    1. I’m not sure if KGO still does this. But when I worked there in the early 1990s, KGO would invite all of its retirees to the station each month for a luncheon. It was such a nice thing to do. I’m sure a lot of retirees feel isolated. This gave them a chance to connect with their former co-workers each month.

    2. They stopped those luncheons years and years ago. People were just filling up their plates and going back to their desks. The whole point of it was to get people from different departments to know each other better. Never worked that way.

  7. I am just getting over Covid. It kicked my keester 6 ways to Sunday. Very painful, absolutely terrifying. I am still coughing 18+ days after infection. I wore a mask to one of 2 events. (Forgot the mask in my car). Long story short WEAR A MASK WHEN AROUND OTHERS. I have no doubt that the next time I catch it, it will kill me. For all those folks who had a “minor case”, you got lucky! Good Luck !

    1. That sounds awful. COVID cases seem more common among my friends. :o( smh

  8. KGO - "Building a better Bay Area"
    KPIX - "Your Community Station"
    KTVU - "We tell happy stories"

    ...Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!?

    1. KNTV-"Moving You Forward"

    2. I worked at KNTV when it was "The San Jose NewsChannel"...and we had those big-ass mic flags that used to dominate the podium at gang-bang pressers.

    3. Ah The San Jose NewsChannel…miss that one. Good operation, catchy news music

  9. Will KRON4 be next, since they are in the same building??

  10. Did Reggie and Drew spread it? Few weeks ago, Spencer got it and went back to work in a week. Dan is on tonight, but Ava always keep herself a distance from Dan or another room anchoring, wonder why?? Did the two become enermies

    1. It's Ama not Ava. "Keeps"not "keep." And is spellcheck your "enermy?" Asking for a firend, I mean friend.

    2. Also, it's Volodymyr Zelensky not "Vladimir" Julian Glover and landfill not "land field" Luz Pena. KGO could truly Build A Better Bay Area by hiring better journalists.

    3. It's Zelenskyy. Two 'y's'. Americans insist on misspelling his name because it's different. He spells ir with two.

  11. Go get your shots sheeple!

    1. omicron loves you 8:41

    2. I suspect you're not of our herd. Just keep your distance and we'll be fine, you maybe not so much.
