Tuesday, November 1, 2022

They Made Me an Offer I Couldn't Refuse

*I RAN KGO post 2011 and hired good hosts and programmed it the old-fashioned way: with quality, local/national topics like politics, issues of the day, breaking news, movies and entertainment; the topics that made KGO the legacy station it was for over thirty years. Damn the diaries, PPM and ratings books; good homemade content. The Pelosi attack is red-meat for KGO and it would have dominated the newstalk domain-- the hell with YouTube bits and "Florida sound bites."

*I'd have hired weather anchors who were fairly competent and advanced/capable people, male/female and make sure they not only looked good over the air but knew what the hell they were talking about and weren't hired because they were army fighter pilots.

*I'd have cleaned house on KTVU and KPIX and start over. I'd have been given a mandate to blow up the entire operation and start anew and get rid of virtually all the dreck that existed within the buildings.

*I'd have made a mandatory rule at KRON: NO hires of new talent--men or women--that looked like recent high-school graduates, NO exceptions.

*I'd have declared OFF LIMITS to all Bay Area radio stations: NO Christmas music until December 15th.

*I'd have told Tom Vacar to get the hell lost and that he was a good reporter but after all these years, his time (professional time) was up and that if he wanted to sue, go ahead.

*I'd have instructed Amber Eiklel to pick and choose her fights so that everyone at KTVU didn't think she was an incompetent bitch.

*Tracey Watkowski-Silva at Circle7: see above.

*I'd send Kristen Sze packing and tell her the only reason why she was still at 900 Front was PC run amok. And then I'd tell her again. And again.

*I'd have Tom Cibrowski in my office and say just a few words, "how the hell you got a gig is utterly amazing."

*I'd hire real, actual sports-talk hosts at KNBR as opposed to the current Uber drivers.

*I'd tell Damon Bruce he was full of hot air and that he made Larry Krueger look like Peter Pan.

*I'd get Jennifer Seelig into the office and make her listen to 1010 WINS and KNX, especially overnight and that's how real all-news radio stations sound and perform.

*I'd tell Josh Palefsky at KRON that if he didn't get his act together soon, that maybe Aaron Pero could come back. (On second thought, hell no).

*I'd make sure that if Reggie Aqui was anywhere in sight of any TV station, there'd be immediate hell to pay.

*I'd go directly in front of Dan Dibley, Mark Willard, Ray Ratto and Ryan Yamamoto and say repeatedly, "you must have pictures."

*I'd tell Bill Martin if he got paid by the mumble, he'd be Jeff Bezos.

*I'd scream to KCBS overnight traffic anchor, Carolyn Burns, that if she was paid by the amount of times she said "that" and "uh", she'd be Bezos' ex.

*I'd ask Alisa Clancy into the office and calmy say, while giggling, "get outta here."

*And to Lisa Chan: "hey, I have a new home for you to sell: it's the offramp at 580 before San Quentin."


  1. That’s tellin’ ‘em Rich ! Unfortunately most of the folks you mention love the sound of their own voices but rarely ever listen to what others have to say.
    Might I add, I would tell weather broadcasters to say less, and step outside of the graphics.
    Some get it, some don’t.
    Feliz Dia de los Muertos Amigos

  2. the weathercaster you hate so is not a "fighter pilot". She's a helicopter pilot. I guarantee you that a helicopter pilot, whether military, or medivac, or private has to know a shit load more about weather and cloud cover, and visibility, and prevailing winds, etc .than your average tv weather guesser. The life of a chopper pilot and souls on board is very much entertwined with knowing the weather.

    1. Very true. I flew sorties in 'Nam and can vouch for this guys statement.

  3. I have to agree about Christmas Music. On KOIT, up to around 2016, they would always only start Christmas music the day before Thanksgiving. After 2016, they decided to put Christmas music the Friday BEFORE Thanksgiving even despite asking for votes for people's preferences. I know people are so ready for the holidays, myself included. But I don't see any need to be so desperate for Christmas music this early on; frankly, it should come in December (December 15 is a better idea) and it can stay till New Year's Day (or the day after meaning January 2nd).

    Why KOIT has to stop Christmas music after 12/25? None of the malls have stopped it till the New Year and same with seeing holiday lights. In the Morning Mix last week, or it was the week before (??) on the KPIX morning show when Darren Peck was filling in, Gianna asked everyone for their opinion on when they should really start Christmas Music. And you know what Darren Peck said? He said it should start the day after Thanksgiving and honestly, I have to agree, just like the way he said give pumpkin spice latte its sweet time (I'm a little overdue to buy one).

    Look I respect everyone's opinion, but this is what I believe should happen.

    1. Oh shove it up your Christmass.

  4. “Dibs” is the classic example of the annoying guy at the bar who spouts the same tired unfunny schtick every night. No one reacts, and yet he persists.

  5. I think Bill Martin is the best tv meteorologist in the Bay Area. He's personable, knowledgable, and he doesn't just regurgitate the weather, he "teaches" the weather. I don't hear a mumbler, I hear an articulate weather reporter.

  6. It's been duly observed that Mr Excitment Steve "Killer" Moskovitz has transferred all his advertising from KGO to KNBR so instead of John Rothmann and Pat Thurston pretending to conduct serious discussions on avoiding audits,we know get very non serious silly sports people like John Lund and FP Santangelo going through the motions of sucking up to him.

  7. This is astounding! With all due respect, let me crystal clear: We need John Rothmann now more than ever!

  8. KGO would have some how blamed the Pelosi attack on Trump, January 6th, and election deniers....

  9. You forgot "there" for Carolyn Burns.

  10. and “We do have…”

  11. Loved your ‘rogues list’ of infamous Bay Area media figures. But you forgot to longtime broadcast exec Lee Hammer. Remember: “ Lee Hammer says, NO!”
