Saturday, November 19, 2022

The No Respect Broadcast Frauds: Cumulus and Audacy

THEY DON'T RESPECT YOU; they have little regard for decency and the public trust; they feed off of major upheaval between the ranks; theirs and the public. They thrive as they routinely create friction and mayhem all at the expense of the people who subsidize their disregard.

I'M TALKING about Cumulus and Audacy -Entercom, at least Audacy has some semblence of radio cred while Cumulus has zero, after all, they're owned by a hedge fund and don't have a miniscule amount of broadcasting chops.They exist on a financial platform and have no respect for the craft, never have. And they FAIL, miserably, in that department too, Cumulus, the Darth Vader of broadcast companies and now, Entercom/Audacy, the latest penny-stock club.

It's disgusting, of course it is and it's been taking place for over a decade now and has RUINED Bay Area Radio --MESSED IT UP BIG TIME. The public be damned and the public interest caught in the crossfire.

THEY FUCKED UP KGO and KGO is now dead and they're about to fuck up KCBS although the folks running KCBS are taking part in the slaughter themselves, there's a party going on right here but there is no celebration.

ONE OF THE KEY REASONS why I write this blog is to chronicle the daily ilk that is corporate media --like Cumulus and Entercom mafia--that has run amok and DESTROYED, with FCC complicity, the age-old reliance on manual radio. And god willing and your support, I'll continue. They have to be put on notice and they have to be accountable. They were once public guardians, remeber the AIRWAVES were onle OWNED BY THE PUBLIC and for, "the PUBLIC INTEREST!", dammit! Again, they have NO RESPECT. They don't give a damn about you all.

Rise up, people.


  1. Rich, how do we rise up to demand better? Corp overlords dont seem to care! You said KCBS still makes money so what does the lumpenproletariat do?

    1. Thank you! You are the provider of, "new word I learned today." ;)

  2. This crap started when the FCC deregulated most of the broadcasting stuff in the 90s. Radio and TV a lost cause now.

    1. BS, Negin..there simply is no demand for terrestrial radio anymore, too many other ways to get info. The small mom and pop stations, few as they are, are struggling too.

  3. It takes plenty of good old fashioned and natural fossil fuel to crank out 50,000 watts all day and night. How much fossil fuel is too much? Is the price of the electrons worth it to our planet?
    If we shut down KNBR, KGO and KCBS that's 150,000 watts!

    We can power 300,000 tiny homes for 18 days with all thos news and sports watts.
    When I drive over the Dumbarton bridge, I can hear the screams of oiled covered sea otters around the KGO transmitter towers.

    Oh the humanity.

  4. Audacy shares closed Friday at 32 cents. That’s not a typo. Bankruptcy is not an “if,” it’s a “when.”
    Recall that CBS was set to spin off the radio division when the Field family went way in over their head and offered to overpay. If all they really wanted was a station in their hometown of Philadelphia they could have just bought KYW. Instead, they’re turning once-proud operations like KCBS, WCBS, KNX, WBBM and more into junk. And all the outrage in the world won’t stop it.

  5. Throw in iHeart (former Clear Channel) also. They LITERALLY put an entire genre of music in smooth/contemporary jazz on life support. They also have a divide and conquer strategy with some of their stations.

  6. The bloodbath in Radio & Broadcast TV is far from over! What talk radio looks like if it even exists in 10 years is anyone's guess. One thing I wold be doing if I was in that Industry is be saving my money:)

    1. Can't wait to see who remains after the big crypto crash this week. Who took crypto as payment for all those political ads this year? Bloodbath and crash!

  7. KGO and other stations can wait out a really bad ratings until January, when they could go to total GOP, right wing programming with little local content. I think that was their intent to wait for at least one of the houses to flip.

    1. It’s a stunt to get rid of a relatively expensive union shop.
