Saturday, November 26, 2022

Live from Dodger Stadium: Elton John --"Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me"; 415 Media Video Finale

About as good as it gets.

(ELTON JOHN --live from Dodger Stadium)


  1. Man Rich, this was a good post! I actually went onto Disney+ a couple of days after the live show at Dodger Stadium, as I wondered if Disney had put it on their site for replaying. They did! So I sat down and ended up watching the whole thing, although i admit that I did breeze through some of the songs that weren't my favorites. Still though, the guy put on an insanely great show, especially considering he is 75 years old! Sure he couldn't hit any of the high notes he used to, but man, the guy can STILL play the heck out of the piano! And it was really impressive to see and appreciate the behind the scenes production that went on before the show, because I mean, if you watch the part where he performs "Funeral for a Friend", well man, the insane production in that was crazy! They had lighting literally spread out all over the stadium for that song, as well as countless speakers for the thunder sounds, and well, it was just insane! I have seen Elton in several shows, but that was back in the 80s, and the guy put on a great show back then, and still does now. But I admit that it was funny to see him walking around the stage like a little old man, which of course, HE IS, and constantly pulling up his pants that seemed to keep falling down below his obvious belly! But watching this show, brought back a ton of memories for me. Thanks for sharing this short portion!

  2. 4:38Am Good Report. It's not going to be easy for a bigger than life personality like Elton to settle back into the shape of being a 'normal guy' when he retires. He's going to need some full time distractions.
    I see him trying to get a Host position with a Dancing W/ the Stars type show. They have lots of them in England and Australia to chose from.
