Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Exclusive: KTVU Under The Gun Only Now It's Big Time; Ratings Down 40% Since (Frank) Somerville Demise; Frank Still Dealing With Drama; Staff in Complete Dismay; Mibach-Haener Pain at 10 PM; ND Eikel Could Face Consequences; Pressure at Jack London Square

SINCE he was kicked off KTVU's "10 O'Clock News" newscast earlier this year, KTVU ratings have gone down nearly 40% --something The Firm (Fox) doesn't want to hear but hear they are hearing.

Frank Somerville has been gone from the newsdesk almost a year now, still battling his own demons and not to mention dealing with legal issues and still trying to get his life together after a hellish 2022; his tense situation has staved off his career path forward; a possible reinvention in Sacramento is now officially off the radar, not that it was imminent anyway.

While Frank fights hard to get his life back, KTVU continues to muddle along --seems they really didn't have a contingincy plan (what else is new?) ready once Frank was let go and The Firm starting a new path forward but it's clearly not working out.

*KTVU staffers, a good majority of them, have railed privately to management about how lousy it continues to be at the station. And this was before the Somerville mess. How they have been able to operate and conduct business is a testament to a staff overworked and overburdened with malaise and morale issues across the board. It's a work environment that gets more toxic by th day.

ND, Amber Eilel, is still in her position mainly because Fox suits have given her a pass --they seem to think that the Somerville drama wasn't her fault. It wasn't but it happened on her watch and she was part of the local Fox mafia that gave Somerville numerous passes and chances to get his act together. He didn't. Now KTVU is hemorrhaging viewers; not only at 10 PM but almost every time slot and it's not going to get easier anytime soon.

Eikel could have rallied the troops --she could have called a series of meetings to invigorate staff but instead she just carried on as if nothing happened. Remember, Eikel has been working under a "NO CONFIDENCE" era at KTVU. The rank and file still has no faith in their bosses, Eikel at the center of the storm. They go to work and do their job, (for the most part) but their disgust is evident.

*Mike Mibach, the former boy wonder news anchor, is now just an unofficial dud. He isn't respected by the folks at KTVU and women especially. More ominous for The Firm: the 10 PM numbers get increasingly worse by day. Mibach is being given extra time to shake his shaky image but he himself doesn't have a clue. Instead, he just shows up--smirk and all--and pretends that all is well and it's business as usual, which is anything but the case.

*The Julie Haener status is murky at best. Clearly, Haener thought it was her presence that guided the ship at KTVU; she's been in denial for months now. Haener's MIA deal at the desk has essentially ceased to exist --she's been a relative good soldier and showing up for duty almost every day now --but the numbers continue to plummet. And Haener is downright worried now.

*Bill Martin, the aloof weather veteran anchor is only there at KTVU in spirit (figuratively speaking)--he's still on retirement call but stays nonetheless. Maybe he needs the money. And staff is not crazy about Billy boy's "gift" to the newsroom: "he brought us Roberta Gonzales," said a longtime news staffer.

*Any day now, Fox will do away with sports reports from its O and O's and that includes its Bay Area station --which is why Joe Fonzi is looking to move out and Jason Applebaum cohtemplating another stint at either KRON or KPIX.

*Bad news for Fonzi: he still wants to work but Fox isn't interested.

*Another depressing aspect of the KTVU malaise: the reporters that were recent hires and show it. "We're not looking good in that dept.", offered the staffer.

*Even in the old days, pre-Fox, KTVU could rely on NFL and Fox programming as a solid lead-in to its news fortress but all that is a goner. Fox shows are in the toilet themselves.

*SO WHERE is KTVU at now?

"We come here and do our best to keep things going but we're all fed up and strung out," said another veteran newsroom wonk. "They (management) still take us for granted and just go about biz. The lack of communications here is just terrible and non-existent. It's as bad as ever."

*Sweeps numbers for KTVU suggest a tipping point could be in effect. If the numbers continue to el sucko, then The Firm will have a reason to get rid of Eikel --a move that would be met with massive applause at Jack London Square.

*Pressure? Oh, a tad.

*EXCLUSIVE --"Rich Lieberman 415 MEDIA.


  1. Only one avenue to boost KTVU News...
    Bring back Frank with a repentant reintroduction.
    Hire 3 round the clock "minders" for the next 24 months to watch over him and drive him about.
    Ignore those who criticize the move and watch the ratings slowly ramp up.
    A risky course for sure, but consider the current avenue of slow unrelenting decline in the ratings.
    The public likes "second chances" and most are willing to forgive.
    Remember, Oakland welcomed the Raiders back for 25 years.....

    1. The Raiders were not strongly embraced by Bay Area fans after they returned from LA. If they were, they'd still be here.

    2. Dumb comment, Raider fans supported the team...Davis wanted a new stadium, which he got in Las Vegas, it wasn't going to happen in Oakland...

  2. The Sommerville saga...was created by an impaired, and willfully drunk anchor who defied a legit edict not to rant his personal opinions while (burp) anchoring the news...

  3. If you want to find out the real story behind Amber, then I'd suggest you take a deeper look into her time in Seattle and the reasons she left their CBS station nearly a decade ago.

    You may find some very interesting things....

    1. Or you can just ask her. On most work days she can be found at the Walnut Creek Nordstrom, the Jack London Square cafe where she likes to gossip or parked in her on the backstreets near the station taking a ‘mental health’ break.

  4. Not sure the Raiders analogy is apt - The Traitors pooped on the Oakland fans twice. And judging by Mr Sommerville’s struggles, the chances of him blowing .123 again are too high to warrant a second chance. What if he ran over your Mom? Or Child? These issues should not be taken lightly.
    Good Luck Frank, go travel the world, find a happy life in Greece

    1. .123? Frank the Tank blew a .239. At least he stopped posting on Instagram and is hopefully focusing on his health.

  5. Frank has moved on to the next chapter. Good luck to him.

  6. They need to get Frank into a good rehab program and get him sobered up and get him back in shape for a return. Send Mike back to mornings where he is better. None of the rest can measure up to a sober Frank.

  7. Maybe KTVU can bring back Max Headroom.

  8. Did Roberta Gonzales have her mole removed a la Enrique Iglesias?? I didn't notice it in 4K last time I whizzed by their newscast. That could be a story unto itself. lol

    Yes...The KTVU woes are long and deep. Frank is history. Hope he can stay on the right track and is getting the help he needs. Travel. Live your life, Frank. Because there's more to live than news, weather and sports. (Oh wait...That's KGO's old moniker. lol)

    The reporters there still seem ok. Long time Amber Lee fan. She's as solid as they come. Love the new reporter that matches her eye shadow to her outfits. But the whole station took on a different vibe when FOX took over years ago. And to not have a sportscaster in this market seems like sacrilege. Ibanez was the best. But father-time waits for no-one.

    And yes, Mibach is a dud. And trying to modify his personality is like trying to change an Volvo into a Maybach. People can see through that phoniness and tell the difference. Should've kept him on mornings, Amber. Mornings need a little smirk for waking me up. lol

    Buck stops at the top. Well...usually. Sounds like the staff doesn't really have much respect for Eikel at this point. But as long as the big wigs at FOX don't care about the tanking ratings why should she?? A lot of people get six-figure salaries to shop and phone it in.

  9. Hey I wanted to thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. I’m doing fine. Been thru rehab. Almost completed all my dui requirements. Can’t say enough how sorry I am. I let down so many people. But the two I let down the most are my two daughters. I don’t know how I’ll ever forgive myself for that. I stil want to work. Whether as an anchor or as a teacher. Also want to make clear that I NEVER had an affair wi trying the intern. She was 29. I knew her before she became an intern and I was the one who gave her the courage to apply. Yes we flirted. But it never went beyond that. She’s an incredibly talented person. And it’s sad to me that she’s not working in the business.

    Just wanted to clarify all those things.

    But most of all wanted to let you know that I’m doing great. Working our regularly. About to restart Krav Maga and hockey. Its been a very tough road. But I’m about to come out the other side as a much better person. So thank you to all of you for your support. F.

    1. I'll drink to that!

    2. Frank, I know you have been through tough times, everyone has (even me) and am very proud that you have the courage to work and turn yourself back to the person you once were. My parents & I always enjoyed watching you deliver the news and as always you have done a stellar job.

      You are also a great human being, sometimes I go back to watching your “Let’s be Frank” videos that helps inspire me and others to only do good in society.

      Wish you were back in KTVU or even our local station.We would be happy to see you again. We are here to only offer kind words & support and confident you will come out as a better person. Keep up the great work!

    3. Rooting for you, Frank. (If this is really you.) The spelling errors suggest parody, lack of a copywriter or thick texting fingers. lol

      Anyhoo...If it is you,,,Thanks for standing up for equal coverage for missing/murdered women who don't look like Gabby Petito and the insane news coverage she received. Missing WG Syndrome. Tragic story but it's a type of story newsrooms exploit all the time at the expense of others who also deserve equal coverage.

      You're a good man, Frank. And the above shows you have a good heart at the core. Wishing you the best. (Even if this isn't you. lol)

    4. Frank your apologies are accepted and wish you and your family well.

  10. Wish you the very best.

  11. 6.25PM Was that a parody or was that you know who?

    1. It was not a parody. It was me frank. Ju I’m st wanted to clarify some things. And yes I should have double checked the darn spelling. I hate that damn spell check sometimes haha. But please make no mistake. This is all me. It’s no parody. Frank.

  12. Heather and Frank. Back to NUMBER ONE.

  13. Time to hire new anchors to replace Mike and Julie. Christina will be worse, Heather might be a choice except she will use her power to do solo like ABC Ming Sze.

  14. Is Mibach still wearing a jock strap under his suit like he’s joked about with female staff?

    1. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe he wears a jock strap so he won’t have any awkward moments during his stand up (full body) shots? Not everything is about sex and sexual harassment.

  15. Mike and Gasia will be the best. First time ever, Shoutmatch on LIVE TV and commercial break, then technical difficulties while two still shouting.

  16. Mike and Bill are horrible. Bill should have retired along time ago.

  17. KTVU is a mess. Frank Sommerville is a joke. He needs to forget about KTVU. Pam Cook looks old and tired, Dave Cook is annoying at best . He has poor pronunciation and speaks weird
