Thursday, October 20, 2022

Selfishly Urgent


Which is why you come here every day --every day, even the weekends and holidays, when I try to give you the scoops, my commentary, the stories that the corporate guys don't want you to know and make sure you get the BS SPIN.

Which is why YOU COME HERE.

I've resisted putting a pay wall on 415 Media because I want to always make it free for everyone but that's only good if those of you that enjoy my site and have the financial means to help $UPPORT IT.

Just to remind you again: I'm a one-man band. I have no assistants. I do everything here. I WRITE the stories. I seek out the information that you look forward to reading. I call and email --doing all the leg work. It takes a lot of time and money. I love writing the blog but it's YOU that make the donations that makes the blog humn every day.

Or not.

The blog lives and dies on your contrbuitions. Every dollar pays for the expenses and labor that is required to make sure 415 Media is an everyday experience for you to read and enjoy, your 24/7 entertainment avenue. 415 Media has THOUSANDS of readers. It's the #-1 read media blog in the Bay Area--and it's 100% READER-SUPPORTED!

SIMPLE MATH: If just a fraction of you contribute $$, then I'm 100% solvent and will continue to get you the story that the lamestream Bay Area media won't report --you may disagree with my opinion from time to time but you love coming here, even the haters. And that's cool.


MAKE A CONTRIBUTION to 415 MEDIA: go to the right side of the blog and click on the "PayPal Donate" button. It's fast, secure, and easy. I will PERSONALLY CALL YOU and/or e-mail you THANKING YOU for your donation. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine too. ANY AMOUNT of $ helps and keeps the blog going and YES, even yours truly, who likes to live, breathe and make sure the blog is 100% sustainable.

*No comments published nor sought on this posting.

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